51,241 research outputs found

    Child health in rural Colombia: determinants and policy interventions

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    In this paper we study the determinants of child anthropometrics on a sample of poor Colombian children living in small municipalities. We focus on the influence of household consumption, and public infrastructure. We take into account the endogeneity of household consumption using two different sets of instruments: household assets and municipality average wage. We find that household consumption is an important determinant of child health. The importance of the effect is confirmed by the two different sets of instruments. We find that using ordinary least squares would lead to conclude that the importance of household consumption is much smaller than the instrumental variable estimates suggest. The presence of a public hospital in the municipality positively influences child health. The extent of the piped water network positively influences the health of children if their parents have at least some education. The number of hours of growth and development check-ups is also an important determinant of child health. We find that some of these results only show up once squared and interaction terms have been included in the regression. Overall, our estimates suggest that both public and private investments are important to improve child health in poor environments

    Sizes of Confirmed Globular Clusters in NGC 5128: A Wide-Field High-Resolution Study

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    Using Magellan/IMACS images covering a 1.2 x 1.2 sq. degree FOV with seeing of 0.4"-0.6", we have applied convolution techniques to analyse the light distribution of 364 confirmed globular cluster in the field of NGC 5128 and to obtain their structural parameters. Combining these parameters with existing Washington photometry from Harris et al. (2004), we are able to examine the size difference between metal-poor (blue) and metal-rich (red) globular clusters. For the first time, this can be addressed on a sample of confirmed clusters that extends to galactocentric distances about 8 times the effective radius, Reff_{eff}, of the galaxy. Within 1 Reff_{eff}, red clusters are about 30% smaller on average than blue clusters, in agreement with the vast majority of extragalactic globular cluster systems studied. As the galactocentric distance increases, however, this difference becomes negligible. Thus, our results indicate that the difference in the clusters' effective radii, re_e, could be explained purely by projection effects, with red clusters being more centrally concentrated than blue ones and an intrinsic re_e--Rgc_{gc} dependence, like the one observed for the Galaxy.Comment: 4 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

    Soft masses in superstring models with anomalous U(1) symmetries

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    We analyze the general structure of soft scalar masses emerging in superstring models involving anomalous U(1) symmetries, with the aim of characterizing more systematically the circumstances under which they can happen to be flavor universal. We consider both heterotic orbifold and intersecting brane models, possibly with several anomalous and non-anomalous spontaneously broken U(1) symmetries. The hidden sector is assumed to consist of the universal dilaton, Kahler class and complex structure moduli, which are supposed to break supersymmetry, and a minimal set of Higgs fields which compensate the Fayet-Iliopoulos terms. We leave the superpotential that is supposed to stabilize the hidden sector fields unspecified, but we carefully take into account the relations implied by gauge invariance and the constraints required for the existence of a metastable vacuum with vanishing cosmological constant. The results are parametrized in terms of a constrained Goldstino direction, suitably defined effective modular weights, and the U(1) charges and shifts. We show that the effect induced by vector multiplets strongly depends on the functional form of the Kahler potential for the Higgs fields. We find in particular that whenever these are charged matter fields, like in heterotic models, the effect is non-trivial, whereas when they are shifting moduli fields, like in certain intersecting brane models, the effect may vanish.Comment: 35 pages, LaTe

    Biodiversity study of Southern Biscayne Bay and Card Sound 1968-1973

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    A multi-disciplinary investigation was conducted in southern Biscayne Bay and Card Sound from 1968 to 1973. The purpose of the investigation was to conduct an integrated study of the ecology of southern Biscayne Bay with special emphasis on the effects of the heated effluent from the Turkey Point fossil fuel power plant, and to predict the impact of additional effluent from the planned conversion of the plant to nuclear fuel. The results of this investigation have been discussed in numerous publications. This report contains the unpublished biology data that resulted from the investigation. (PDF contains 44 pages

    Ambipolar Filamentation of Turbulent Magnetic Fields : A numerical simulation

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    We present the results of a 2-D, two fluid (ions and neutrals) simulation of the ambipolar filamentation process, in which a magnetized, weakly ionized plasma is stirred by turbulence in the ambipolar frequency range. The higher turbulent velocity of the neutrals in the most ionized regions gives rise to a non-linear force driving them out of these regions, so that the initial ionization inhomogeneities are strongly amplified. This effect, the ambipolar filamentation, causes the ions and the magnetic flux to condense and separate from the neutrals, resulting in a filamentary structure.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in A&
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