17 research outputs found

    Impact of Aspiration in the Assessing Process of Pediatric Lung Disease

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    This study aimed at analyzing the impact of Aspiration in the assessing process of pediatric lung disease, as the affected children will frequently encounter a situation where swallowing is insecure and aspiration is likely. Besides analyzing the Aspiration of foreign matter into the airways and lungs that can cause a wide spectrum of pulmonary disorders with various presentations. And discussing the type of syndrome resulting from aspiration depends on the quantity and nature of the aspirated material, the chronicity, and the host responses. Considering that Aspiration is most likely to occur in subjects with a decreased level of consciousness, compromised airway defense mechanisms, dysphagia, gastroesophageal reflux, and recurrent vomiting

    A Framework for Advanced Video Traces: Evaluating Visual Quality for Video Transmission Over Lossy Networks

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    Conventional video traces (which characterize the video encoding frame sizes in bits and frame quality in PSNR) are limited to evaluating loss-free video transmission. To evaluate robust video transmission schemes for lossy network transport, generally experiments with actual video are required. To circumvent the need for experiments with actual videos, we propose in this paper an advanced video trace framework. The two main components of this framework are (i) advanced video traces which combine the conventional video traces with a parsimonious set of visual content descriptors, and (ii) quality prediction schemes that based on the visual content descriptors provide an accurate prediction of the quality of the reconstructed video after lossy network transport. We conduct extensive evaluations using a perceptual video quality metric as well as the PSNR in which we compare the visual quality predicted based on the advanced video traces with the visual quality determined from experiments with actual video. We find that the advanced video trace methodology accurately predicts the quality of the reconstructed video after frame losses.</p

    Parsing Mixfix Operators

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    Abstract. A simple grammar scheme for expressions containing mixfix operators is presented. The scheme is parameterised by a precedence relation which is only restricted to be a directed acyclic graph; this makes it possible to build up precedence relations in a modular way. Efficient and simple implementations of parsers for languages with user-defined mixfix operators, based on the grammar scheme, are also discussed. In the future we plan to replace the support for mixfix operators in the language Agda with a grammar scheme and an implementation based on this work.

    Graceful Degradation in 3GPP MBMS Mobile TV Services Using H.264/AVC Temporal Scalability

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    These days, there is an increasing interest in Mobile TV broadcast services shown by customers as well as service providers. One general problem of Mobile TV broadcast services is to maximize the coverage of users receiving an acceptable service quality, which is mainly influenced by the user&#39;s position and mobility within the cell. In this paper, graceful degradation is considered as an approach for improved service availability and coverage. We present a layered transmission approach for 3GPP&#39;s Release 6 Multimedia and Broadcast Service (MBMS) based on temporal scalability using H.264/AVC Baseline Profile. A differentiation in robustness between temporal quality layers is achieved by unequal error protection approach based on either application layer Forward Error Correction (FEC) or unequal transmit power for the layers or even a combination of both. We discuss the corresponding MBMS service as well as network settings and define measures allowing for evaluating the amount of users reached with a certain mobile terminal play-out quality while considering the network cell capacity usage. Using simulated 3GPP Rel. 6 network conditions, we show that if the service and network settings are chosen carefully, a noticeable extension of the coverage of the MBMS service can be achieved