112 research outputs found

    Substance deposition assessment in obstructed pulmonary system through numerical characterization of airflow and inhaled particles attributes

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    Background Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma are considered as the two most widespread obstructive lung diseases, whereas they affect more than 500 million people worldwide. Unfortunately, the requirement for detailed geometric models of the lungs in combination with the increased computational resources needed for the simulation of the breathing did not allow great progress to be made in the past for the better understanding of inflammatory diseases of the airways through detailed modelling approaches. In this context, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations accompanied by fluid particle tracing (FPT) analysis of the inhaled ambient particles are deemed critical for lung function assessment. Also they enable the understanding of particle depositions on the airways of patients, since these accumulations may affect or lead to inflammations. In this direction, the current study conducts an initial investigation for the better comprehension of particle deposition within the lungs. More specifically, accurate models of the airways obstructions that relate to pulmonary disease are developed and a thorough assessment of the airflow behavior together with identification of the effects of inhaled particle properties, such as size and density, is conducted. Our approach presents a first step towards an effective personalization of pulmonary treatment in regards to the geometric characteristics of the lungs and the in depth understanding of airflows within the airways. Methods A geometry processing technique involving contraction algorithms is established and used to employ the different respiratory arrangements associated with lung related diseases that exhibit airways obstructions. Apart from the normal lung case, two categories of obstructed cases are examined, i.e. models with obstructions in both lungs and models with narrowings in the right lung only. Precise assumptions regarding airflow and deposition fraction (DF) over various sections of the lungs are drawn by simulating these distinct incidents through the finite volume method (FVM) and particularly the CFD and FPT algorithms. Moreover, a detailed parametric analysis clarifies the effects of the particles size and density in terms of regional deposition upon several parts of the pulmonary system. In this manner, the deposition pattern of various substances can be assessed. Results For the specific case of the unobstructed lung model most particles are detected on the right lung (48.56% of total, when the air flowrate is 12.6 L/min), a fact that is also true when obstructions arise symmetrically in both lungs (51.45% of total, when the air flowrate is 6.06 L/min and obstructions occur after the second generation). In contrast, when narrowings are developed on the right lung only, most particles are pushed on the left section (68.22% of total, when the air flowrate is 11.2 L/min) indicating that inhaled medication is generally deposited away from the areas of inflammation. This observation is useful when designing medical treatment of lung diseases. Furthermore, particles with diameters from 1 μm to 10 μm are shown to be mainly deposited on the lower airways, whereas particles with diameters of 20 μm and 30 μm are mostly accumulated in the upper airways. As a result, the current analysis indicates increased DF levels in the upper airways when the particle diameter is enlarged. Additionally, when the particles density increases from 1000 Kg/m3 to 2000 Kg/m3, the DF is enhanced on every generation and for all cases investigated herein. The results obtained by our simulations provide an accurate and quantitative estimation of all important parameters involved in lung modeling. Conclusions The treatment of respiratory diseases with inhaled medical substances can be advanced by the clinical use of accurate CFD and FPT simulations and specifically by evaluating the deposition of inhaled particles in a regional oriented perspective in regards to different particle sizes and particle densities. Since a drug with specific characteristics (i.e. particle size and density) exhibits maximum deposition on particular lung areas, the current study provides initial indications to a qualified physician for proper selection of medication

    Anonimato e segredo na reprodução humana com participação de doador: mudanças em perspectivas

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    Resumo As tecnologias reprodutivas, ao separar a sexuali dade da reprodução, interferiram não somente nas relações entre os sexos, mas também nas relações de filiação, possibilitando o surgimento de configu rações familiares decorrentes do acesso a material genético de terceiros (doadores de óvulos, sêmen ou embrião). O segredo e o anonimato que sempre envolveram os doadores de gametas têm sido desa fiados. Nos últimos vinte anos, diversos países alte raram sua legislação adotando a identidade aberta do doador de material genético. A possibilidade de conhecer e ter acesso a esta identidade (chegando à maioridade) ou mesmo a busca por meios irmãos pode ser uma realidade em muitos países para crianças nascidas por meio do acesso à tecnologia reprodutiva. O artigo enfatiza a questão do segredo e do anonimato envolvendo o uso de material ge nético de terceiros em tecnologias reprodutivas. A discussão é explorada por meio do debate ocorrido no Reino Unido relativo à abolição do anonimato e suas implicações sob a perspectiva dos doadores, dos casais demandantes e da criança concebida. O estudo reflete ainda sobre as concepções de família envolvidas nessa discussão


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    Wellbeing and mental growth--long-term effects of legal abortion

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    The present study aims to increase knowledge about coping with legal abortion by studying women's reasoning, reactions and emotions over a period of 1 year. The study comprises interviews focusing on the experiences and effects of abortion in 58 women, 4 and 12 months after the abortion. The women also answered a questionnaire before the abortion concerning their living conditions, decision-making process and feelings about the pregnancy and the abortion. Majority of the women did not experience any emotional distress post-abortion and almost all the woman reported that they had coped well at the 1-year follow-up, although 12 had had severe emotional distress directly post-abortion. Furthermore, almost all described the abortion as a relief or a form of taking responsibility and more than half reported only positive experiences such as mental growth and maturity of the abortion process. Those without any emotional distress post-abortion stated clearly before the abortion that they did not want to give birth since they prioritised work, studies and/or existing children. The study shows that women generally are able to make the complex decision to have an abortion without suffering any subsequent regret or negative effects, as ascertained at the 1-year follow-up.Legal abortion Emotional distress Sweden

    A Cross Media Platform for Personalized Leisure & Entertainment: The POLYMNIA Approach

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    The POLYMNIA project aims to develop an intelligent cross-media platform for personalised leisure and entertainment in thematic parks or venues. The system allows the visitors to be the real protagonist in the venue. Towards this goal, POLYMNIA platform is equipped with innovative imaging technologies for real time detection, localisation and tracking of “human content”, i.e., the human visitor within the recoding being made in real-time by the system. No constraints are imposed on the variation of the environment. New, content-based media representation and organisation schemes will be developed to provide scalable, efficient and user-oriented description of the “human content”, enabling efficient retrieval, access, and delivery across heterogeneous media platforms. In addition, adaptive mechanisms are employed to update the system response to the current users’ information needs and preferences

    Service Delivery

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