1,374 research outputs found

    Mixed perturbative expansion: the validity of a model for the cascading

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    A new type of perturbative expansion is built in order to give a rigorous derivation and to clarify the range of validity of some commonly used model equations. This model describes the evolution of the modulation of two short and localized pulses, fundamental and second harmonic, propagating together in a bulk uniaxial crystal with non-vanishing second order susceptibility χ(2)\chi^(2) and interacting through the nonlinear effect known as ``cascading'' in nonlinear optics. The perturbative method mixes a multi-scale expansion with a power series expansion of the susceptibility, and must be carefully adapted to the physical situation. It allows the determination of the physical conditions under which the model is valid: the order of magnitude of the walk-off, phase-mismatch,and anisotropy must have determined values.Comment: arxiv version is already officia

    Finite-distance singularities in the tearing of thin sheets

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    We investigate the interaction between two cracks propagating in a thin sheet. Two different experimental geometries allow us to tear sheets by imposing an out-of-plane shear loading. We find that two tears converge along self-similar paths and annihilate each other. These finite-distance singularities display geometry-dependent similarity exponents, which we retrieve using scaling arguments based on a balance between the stretching and the bending of the sheet close to the tips of the cracks.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Series solutions for a static scalar potential in a Salam-Sezgin Supergravitational hybrid braneworld

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    The static potential for a massless scalar field shares the essential features of the scalar gravitational mode in a tensorial perturbation analysis about the background solution. Using the fluxbrane construction of [8] we calculate the lowest order of the static potential of a massless scalar field on a thin brane using series solutions to the scalar field's Klein Gordon equation and we find that it has the same form as Newton's Law of Gravity. We claim our method will in general provide a quick and useful check that one may use to see if their model will recover Newton's Law to lowest order on the brane.Comment: 5 pages, no figure

    Shape-invariant quantum Hamiltonian with position-dependent effective mass through second order supersymmetry

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    Second order supersymmetric approach is taken to the system describing motion of a quantum particle in a potential endowed with position-dependent effective mass. It is shown that the intertwining relations between second order partner Hamiltonians may be exploited to obtain a simple shape-invariant condition. Indeed a novel relation between potential and mass functions is derived, which leads to a class of exactly solvable model. As an illustration of our procedure, two examples are given for which one obtains whole spectra algebraically. Both shape-invariant potentials exhibit harmonic-oscillator-like or singular-oscillator-like spectra depending on the values of the shape-invariant parameter.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figs; Present e-mail of AG: [email protected]

    More on Tachyon Cosmology in De Sitter Gravity

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    We aim to study rolling tachyon cosmological solutions in de Sitter gravity. The solutions are taken to be flat FRW type and these are not time-reversal symmetric. We find that cosmological constant of our universe has to be fine-tuned at the level of the action itself, as in KKLT string compactification. The rolling tachyon can give rise to required inflation with suitable choice of the initial conditions which include nonvanishing Hubble constant. We also determine an upper bound on the volume of the compactification manifold.Comment: 15pp, 3 figures; references adde

    Cosmology of the Tachyon in Brane Inflation

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    In certain implementations of the brane inflationary paradigm, the exit from inflation occurs when the branes annihilate through tachyon condensation. We investigate various cosmological effects produced by this tachyonic era. We find that only a very small region of the parameter space (corresponding to slow-roll with tiny inflaton mass) allows for the tachyon to contribute some e-folds to inflation. In addition, non-adiabatic density perturbations are generated at the end of inflation. When the brane is moving relativistically this contribution can be of the same order as fluctuations produced 55 e-folds before the end of inflation. The additional contribution is very nearly scale-invariant and enhances the tensor/scalar ratio. Additional non-gaussianities will also be generated, sharpening current constraints on DBI-type models which already predict a significantly non-gaussian signal.Comment: 30 pages, 2 figures; v3, minor revision, JCAP versio

    Standard and Generalized Newtonian Gravities as ``Gauge'' Theories of the Extended Galilei Group - I: The Standard Theory

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    Newton's standard theory of gravitation is reformulated as a {\it gauge} theory of the {\it extended} Galilei Group. The Action principle is obtained by matching the {\it gauge} technique and a suitable limiting procedure from the ADM-De Witt action of general relativity coupled to a relativistic mass-point.Comment: 51 pages , compress, uuencode LaTex fil

    On the Relationship of Quantum Mechanics to Classical Electromagnetism and Classical Relativistic Mechanics

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    Some connections between quantum mechanics and classical physics are explored. The Planck-Einstein and De Broglie relations, the wavefunction and its probabilistic interpretation, the Canonical Commutation Relations and the Maxwell--Lorentz Equation may be understood in a simple way by comparing classical electromagnetism and the photonic description of light provided by classical relativistic kinematics. The method used may be described as `inverse correspondence' since quantum phenomena become apparent on considering the low photon number density limit of classical electromagnetism. Generalisation to massive particles leads to the Klein--Gordon and Schr\"{o}dinger Equations. The difference between the quantum wavefunction of the photon and a classical electromagnetic wave is discussed in some detail.Comment: 14 pages, no figures, no table

    Scale-Invariance and the Strong Coupling Problem

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    The effective theory of adiabatic fluctuations around arbitrary Friedmann-Robertson-Walker backgrounds - both expanding and contracting - allows for more than one way to obtain scale-invariant two-point correlations. However, as we show in this paper, it is challenging to produce scale-invariant fluctuations that are weakly coupled over the range of wavelengths accessible to cosmological observations. In particular, requiring the background to be a dynamical attractor, the curvature fluctuations are scale-invariant and weakly coupled for at least 10 e-folds only if the background is close to de Sitter space. In this case, the time-translation invariance of the background guarantees time-independent n-point functions. For non-attractor solutions, any predictions depend on assumptions about the evolution of the background even when the perturbations are outside of the horizon. For the simplest such scenario we identify the regions of the parameter space that avoid both classical and quantum mechanical strong coupling problems. Finally, we present extensions of our results to backgrounds in which higher-derivative terms play a significant role.Comment: 17 pages + appendices, 3 figures; v2: typos fixe

    Quantum states of elementary three-geometry

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    We introduce a quantum volume operator KK in three--dimensional Quantum Gravity by taking into account a symmetrical coupling scheme of three SU(2) angular momenta. The spectrum of KK is discrete and defines a complete set of eigenvectors which is alternative with respect to the complete sets employed when the usual binary coupling schemes of angular momenta are considered. Each of these states, that we call quantum bubbles, represents an interference of extended configurations which provides a rigorous meaning to the heuristic notion of quantum tetrahedron. We study the generalized recoupling coefficients connecting the symmetrical and the binary basis vectors, and provide an explicit recursive solution for such coefficients by analyzing also its asymptotic limit.Comment: 15 pages, LaTe
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