47 research outputs found

    Constructing Hopf braces

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    We investigate Hopf braces, a concept recently introduced by Angiono, Galindo and Vendramin in connection to the quantum Yang-Baxter equation. More precisely, we propose two methods for constructing Hopf braces. The first one uses matched pairs of Hopf algebras while the second one relies on category theoretic tools

    Classifying complements for associative algebras

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    For a given extension AβŠ‚EA \subset E of associative algebras we describe and classify up to an isomorphism all AA-complements of EE, i.e. all subalgebras XX of EE such that E=A+XE = A + X and A∩X={0}A \cap X = \{0\}. Let XX be a given complement and (A, X, ▹,β—ƒ,β†Ό,⇀)(A, \, X, \, \triangleright, \triangleleft, \leftharpoonup, \rightharpoonup \bigl) the canonical matched pair associated with the factorization E=A+XE = A + X. We introduce a new type of deformation of the algebra XX by means of the given matched pair and prove that all AA-complements of EE are isomorphic to such a deformation of XX. Several explicit examples involving the matrix algebra are provided.Comment: 10 pages; to appear in Linear Algebra and its Application

    Categorical Constructions for Hopf Algebras

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    We prove that both, the embedding of the category of Hopf algebras into that of bialgebras and the forgetful functor from the category of Hopf algebras to the category of algebras, have right adjoints; in other words: every bialgebra has a Hopf coreflection and on every algebra there exists a cofree Hopf algebra. In this way we give an affirmative answer to a forty years old problem posed by Sweedler. On the route the coequalizers and the coproducts in the category of Hopf algebras are explicitly described.Comment: to appear in Communications in Algebr

    Coquasitriangular structures for extensions of Hopf algebras. Applications

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    Let AβŠ†EA \subseteq E be an extension of Hopf algebras such that there exists a normal left AA-module coalgebra map Ο€:Eβ†’A\pi : E \to A that splits the inclusion. We shall describe the set of all coquasitriangular structures on the Hopf algebra EE in terms of the datum (A,E,Ο€)(A, E, \pi) as follows: first, any such extension EE is isomorphic to a unified product A⋉HA \ltimes H, for some unitary subcoalgebra HH of EE (\cite{am2}). Then, as a main theorem, we establish a bijective correspondence between the set of all coquasitriangular structures on an arbitrary unified product A⋉HA \ltimes H and a certain set of datum (p,Ο„,u,v)(p, \tau, u, v) related to the components of the unified product. As the main application, we derive necessary and sufficient conditions for Majid's infinite dimensional quantum double DΞ»(A,H)=Aβ‹ˆΟ„HD_{\lambda}(A, H) = A \bowtie_{\tau} H to be a coquasitriangular Hopf algebra. Several examples are worked out in detail.Comment: 16 pages, to appear in Glasgow Math.

    The maximal dimension of unital subalgebras of the matrix algebra

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    Using Wederburn's main theorem and a result of Gerstenhaber we prove that, over a field of characteristic zero, the maximal dimension of a proper unital subalgebra in the nΓ—nn \times n matrix algebra is n2βˆ’n+1n^2 - n + 1 and furthermore this upper bound is attained for the so-called parabolic subalgebras. We also investigate the corresponding notion of parabolic coideals for matrix coalgebras and prove that the minimal dimension of a non-zero coideal of the matrix coalgebra Mn(k){\mathcal M}^n (k) is nβˆ’1n-1.Comment: 7 pages; title changed. Final version to appear in Forum Math. DOI:10.1515/forum-2015-024

    Free Poisson Hopf algebras generated by coalgebras

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    We construct the analogue of Takeuchi's free Hopf algebra in the setting of Poisson Hopf algebras. More precisely, we prove that there exists a free Poisson Hopf algebra on any coalgebra or, equivalently that the forgetful functor from the category of Poisson Hopf algebras to the category of coalgebras has a left adjoint. In particular, we also prove that the category of Poisson Hopf algebras is a reflective subcategory of the category of Poisson bialgebras. Along the way, we describe coproducts and coequalizers in the category of Poisson Hopf algebras, therefore showing that the latter category is cocomplete.Comment: to appear in J. Math. Phy

    Limits of Coalgebras, Bialgebras and Hopf Algebras

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    We give the explicit construction of the product of an arbitrary family of coalgebras, bialgebras and Hopf algebras: it turns out that the product of an arbitrary family of coalgebras (resp. bialgebras, Hopf algebras) is the sum of a family of coalgebras (resp. bialgebras, Hopf algebras). The equalizers of two morphisms of coalgebras (resp. bialgebras, Hopf algebras) are also described explicitly. As a consequence the categories of coalgebras, bialgebras and Hopf algebras are shown to be complete and a explicit description for limits in the above categories is given.Comment: Minor changes from previous version. To appear in Proceedings of the American Mathematical Societ

    Classifying bicrossed products of two Taft algebras

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    We classify all Hopf algebras which factorize through two Taft algebras Tn2(qΛ‰)\mathbb{T}_{n^{2}}(\bar{q}) and respectively Tm2(q)T_{m^{2}}(q). To start with, all possible matched pairs between the two Taft algebras are described: if qΛ‰β‰ qnβˆ’1\bar{q} \neq q^{n-1} then the matched pairs are in bijection with the group of dd-th roots of unity in kk, where d=(m, n)d = (m,\,n) while if qΛ‰=qnβˆ’1\bar{q} = q^{n-1} then besides the matched pairs above we obtain an additional family of matched pairs indexed by kβˆ—k^{*}. The corresponding bicrossed products (double cross product in Majid's terminology) are explicitly described by generators and relations and classified. As a consequence of our approach, we are able to compute the number of isomorphism types of these bicrossed products as well as to describe their automorphism groups.Comment: Continues arXiv:1205.6110, arXiv:1205.6564; restates preliminaries and definitions for sake of clarity. Final version, to appear in J. Pure Appl. Algebr

    Crossed product of Hopf algebras

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    The main properties of the crossed product in the category of Hopf algebras are investigated. Let AA and HH be two Hopf algebras connected by two morphism of coalgebras \triangleright : H\ot A \to A, f:H\ot H\to A. The crossed product A #_{f}^{\triangleright} H is a new Hopf algebra containing AA as a normal Hopf subalgebra. Furthermore, a Hopf algebra EE is isomorphic as a Hopf algebra to a crossed product of Hopf algebras A #_{f}^{\triangleright} H if and only if EE factorizes through a normal Hopf subalgebra AA and a subcoalgebra HH such that 1E∈H1_{E} \in H. The universality of the construction, the existence of integrals, commutativity or involutivity of the crossed product are studied. Looking at the quantum side of the construction we shall give necessary and sufficient conditions for a crossed product to be a coquasitriangular Hopf algebra. In particular, all braided structures on the monoidal category of A #_{f}^{\triangleright} H-comodules are explicitly described in terms of their components. As an example, the braidings on a crossed product between H4H_{4} and k[C3]k[C_{3}] are described in detail.Comment: 23 pages, to appear in Comm. Algebr

    It\^o's theorem and metabelian Leibniz algebras

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    We prove that the celebrated It\^{o}'s theorem for groups remains valid at the level of Leibniz algebras: if g\mathfrak{g} is a Leibniz algebra such that g=A+B\mathfrak{g} = A + B, for two abelian subalgebras AA and BB, then g\mathfrak{g} is metabelian, i.e. [ [g, g], [g, g] ]=0[ \, [\mathfrak{g}, \, \mathfrak{g}], \, [ \mathfrak{g}, \, \mathfrak{g} ] \, ] = 0. A structure type theorem for metabelian Leibniz/Lie algebras is proved. All metabelian Leibniz algebras having the derived algebra of dimension 11 are described, classified and their automorphisms groups are explicitly determined as subgroups of a semidirect product of groups Pβˆ—β‹‰(kβˆ—Γ—Autk(P))P^* \ltimes \bigl(k^* \times {\rm Aut}_{k} (P) \bigl) associated to any vector space PP.Comment: Final version; to appear in Linear Multilinear Algebr