197 research outputs found

    Response functions of gapped spin systems in high magnetic field

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    We study the dynamical structure factor of gapped one-dimensional spin systems in the critical phase in high magnetic field. It is shown that the presence of a ``condensate'' in the ground state in the high-field phase leads to interesting signatures in the response functions.Comment: uses ptptex.sty (included), 10 pages, 3 figs, to appear in Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl. (Proc. of the 16th Nishinomiya Yukawa Memorial Symposium

    Nonlinear sigma model study of a frustrated spin ladder

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    A model of two-leg spin-S ladder with two additional frustrating diagonal exchange couplings J_{D}, J_{D}' is studied within the framework of the nonlinear sigma model approach. The phase diagram has a rich structure and contains 2S gapless phase boundaries which split off the boundary to the fully saturated ferromagnetic phase when J_{D} and J_{D}' become different. For the S=1/2 case, the phase boundaries are identified as separating two topologically distinct Haldane-type phases discussed recently by Kim et al. (cond-mat/9910023).Comment: revtex 4 pages, figures embedded (psfig

    Current fidelity susceptibility and conductivity in one-dimensional lattice models with open and periodic boundary conditions

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    We study, both numerically and analytically, the finite size scaling of the fidelity susceptibility \chi_{J} with respect to the charge or spin current in one-dimensional lattice models, and relate it to the low-frequency behavior of the corresponding conductivity. It is shown that in gapless systems with open boundary conditions the leading dependence on the system size L stems from the singular part of the conductivity and is quadratic, with a universal form \chi_{J}= 7KL^2 \zeta(3)/2\pi^4 where K is the Luttinger liquid parameter. In contrast to that, for periodic boundary conditions the leading system size dependence is directly connected with the regular part of the conductivity (giving alternative possibility to study low frequency behavior of the regular part of conductivity) and is subquadratic, \chi_{J} \propto L^\gamma(K), (with a K dependent constant \gamma) in most situations linear, \gamma=1. For open boundary conditions, we also study another current-related quantity, the fidelity susceptibility to the lattice tilt \chi_{P} and show that it scales as the quartic power of the system size, \chi_{P}=31KL^4 \zeta(5)/8 u^2 \pi^6, where u is the sound velocity. We comment on the behavior of the current fidelity susceptibility in gapped phases, particularly in the topologically ordered Haldane state.Comment: 11 pages, 7 eps figure

    Models of impurities in valence bond spin chains and ladders

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    We present the class of models of a nonmagnetic impurity in S=1/2 generalized ladder with an AKLT-type valence bond ground state, and of a S=1/2 impurity in the S=1 AKLT chain. The ground state in presence of impurity can be found exactly. Recently studied phenomenon of local enhancement of antiferromagnetic correlations around the impurity is absent for this family of models.Comment: 4 pages revtex, 3 figures embedde

    Electronic Ladders with SO(5) Symmetry: Phase Diagrams and Correlations at half-filling

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    We construct a family of electronic ladder models with SO(5) symmetry which have exact ground states in the form of finitely correlated wave functions. Extensions for these models preserving this symmetry are studied using these states in a variational approach. Within this approach, the zero temperature phase diagram of these electronic ladders at half filling is obtained, reproducing the known results in the weak coupling (band insulator) and strong coupling regime, first studied by Scalapino, Zhang and Hanke. Finally, the compact form of the variational wave functions allows to compute various correlation functions for these systems.Comment: RevTeX+epsf macros, 23 pp. including figure

    Edge singularities in high-energy spectra of gapped one-dimensional magnets in strong magnetic fields

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    We use the dynamical density matrix renormalization group technique to show that the high-energy part of the spectrum of a S=1 Haldane chain, placed in a strong external magnetic field HH exceeding the Haldane gap Δ\Delta, contains edge singularities, similar to those known to exist in the low-energy spectral response. It is demonstrated that in the frequency range ωΔ\omega\gtrsim \Delta the longitudinal (with respect to the applied field) dynamical structure factor is dominated by the power-law singularity S(q=π,ω)(ωω0)αS^{\parallel}(q=\pi,\omega)\propto(\omega-\omega_{0})^{-\alpha'}. We study the behavior of the high-energy edge exponent α\alpha' and the edge ω0\omega_{0} as functions of the magnetic field. The existence of edge singularities at high energies is directly related to the Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid character of the ground state at H>ΔH>\Delta and is expected to be a general feature of one-dimensional gapped spin systems in high magnetic fields.Comment: (v2) error in Eq.(11) correcte