25 research outputs found

    New and old N=8 superconformal field theories in three dimensions

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    We show that an infinite family of N=6 d=3 superconformal Chern-Simons-matter theories has hidden N=8 superconformal symmetry and hidden parity on the quantum level. This family of theories is different from the one found by Aharony, Bergman, Jafferis and Maldacena, as well as from the theories constructed by Bagger and Lambert, and Gustavsson. We also test several conjectural dualities between BLG theories and ABJ theories by comparing superconformal indices of these theories.Comment: 16 pages, late

    Four-Dimensional Superconformal Theories with Interacting Boundaries or Defects

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    We study four-dimensional superconformal field theories coupled to three-dimensional superconformal boundary or defect degrees of freedom. Starting with bulk N=2, d=4 theories, we construct abelian models preserving N=2, d=3 supersymmetry and the conformal symmetries under which the boundary/defect is invariant. We write the action, including the bulk terms, in N=2, d=3 superspace. Moreover we derive Callan-Symanzik equations for these models using their superconformal transformation properties and show that the beta functions vanish to all orders in perturbation theory, such that the models remain superconformal upon quantization. Furthermore we study a model with N=4 SU(N) Yang-Mills theory in the bulk coupled to a N=4, d=3 hypermultiplet on a defect. This model was constructed by DeWolfe, Freedman and Ooguri, and conjectured to be conformal based on its relation to an AdS configuration studied by Karch and Randall. We write this model in N=2, d=3 superspace, which has the distinct advantage that non-renormalization theorems become transparent. Using N=4, d=3 supersymmetry, we argue that the model is conformal.Comment: 30 pages, 4 figures, AMSLaTeX, revised comments on Chern-Simons term, references adde

    AdS Branes Corresponding to Superconformal Defects

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    We investigate an AdS_4 x L_2 D5-brane in AdS_5 x X_5 space-time, in the context of AdS/dCFT correspondence. Here, X_5 is a Sasaki-Einstein manifold and L_2 is a submanifold of X_5. This brane has the same supersymmetry as the 3-dimensional N=1 superconformal symmetry if L_2 is a special Legendrian submanifold in X_5. In this case, this brane is supposed to correspond to a superconformal wall defect in 4-dimensional N=4 super Yang-Mills theory. We construct these new string backgrounds and show they have the correct supersymmetry, also in the case with non-trivial gauge flux on L_2. The simplest new example is AdS_4 x T^2 brane in AdS_5 x S^5. We construct the brane solution expressing the RG flow between two different defects. We also perform similar analysis for an AdS_3 x L_3 M5-brane in AdS_4 x X_7, for a weak G_2 manifold X_7 and its submanifold L_3. This system has the same supersymmetry as 2-dimensional N=(1,0) global superconformal symmetry, if L_3 is an associative submanifold.Comment: 22 pages, LaTeX, 3 figures. v2: typos corrected, references added. v3: typos correcte

    (De)constructing Intersecting M5-branes

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    We describe intersecting M5-branes, as well as M5-branes wrapping the holomorphic curve xy=c, in terms of a limit of a defect conformal field theory with two-dimensional (4,0) supersymmetry. This dCFT describes the low-energy theory of intersecting D3-branes at a C^2/Z_k orbifold. In an appropriate k -> infinity limit, two compact spatial directions are generated. By identifying moduli of the M5-M5 intersection in terms of those of the dCFT, we argue that the SU(2)_L R-symmetry of the (4,0) defect CFT matches the SU(2) R-symmetry of the N =2, d=4 theory of the M5-M5 intersection. We find a 't Hooft anomaly in the SU(2)_L R-symmetry, suggesting that tensionless strings give rise to an anomaly in the SU(2) R-symmetry of intersecting M5-branes.Comment: latex, 25 pages, 4 figure

    Holography and Defect Conformal Field Theories

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    We develop both the gravity and field theory sides of the Karch-Randall conjecture that the near-horizon description of a certain D5-D3 brane configuration in string theory, realized as AdS_5 x S^5 bisected by an AdS_4 x S^2 "brane", is dual to N=4 Super Yang-Mills theory in R^4 coupled to an R^3 defect. We propose a complete Lagrangian for the field theory dual, a novel "defect superconformal field theory" wherein a subset of the fields of N=4 SYM interacts with a d=3 SU(N) fundamental hypermultiplet on the defect preserving conformal invariance and 8 supercharges. The Kaluza-Klein reduction of wrapped D5 modes on AdS_4 x S^2 leads to towers of short representations of OSp(4|4), and we construct the map to a set of dual gauge-invariant defect operators O_3 possessing integer conformal dimensions. Gravity calculations of and are given. Spacetime and N-dependence matches expectations from dCFT, while the behavior as functions of lambda = g^2 N at strong and weak coupling is generically different. We comment on a class of correlators for which a non-renormalization theorem may still exist. Partial evidence for the conformality of the quantum theory is given, including a complete argument for the special case of a U(1) gauge group. Some weak coupling arguments which illuminate the duality are presented.Comment: 47 pages, LaTeX, 2 figures, feynmf. v2: fixed minor errors, added references. v3: fixed more typo

    On Flux Quantization in F-Theory

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    We study the problem of four-form flux quantization in F-theory compactifications. We prove that for smooth, elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau fourfolds with a Weierstrass representation, the flux is always integrally quantized. This implies that any possible half-integral quantization effects must come from 7-branes, i.e. from singularities of the fourfold. We subsequently analyze the quantization rule on explicit fourfolds with Sp(N) singularities, and connect our findings via Sen's limit to IIB string theory. Via direct computations we find that the four-form is half-integrally quantized whenever the corresponding 7-brane stacks wrap non-spin complex surfaces, in accordance with the perturbative Freed-Witten anomaly. Our calculations on the fourfolds are done via toric techniques, whereas in IIB we rely on Sen's tachyon condensation picture to treat bound states of branes. Finally, we give general formulae for the curvature- and flux-induced D3 tadpoles for general fourfolds with Sp(N) singularities.Comment: 46 page

    Intersecting D3-branes and Holography

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    We study a defect conformal field theory describing D3-branes intersecting over two space-time dimensions. This theory admits an exact Lagrangian description which includes both two- and four-dimensional degrees of freedom, has (4,4) supersymmetry and is invariant under global conformal transformations. Both two- and four-dimensional contributions to the action are conveniently obtained in a two-dimensional (2,2) superspace. In a suitable limit, the theory has a dual description in terms of a probe D3-brane wrapping an AdS_3 x S^1 slice of AdS_5 x S^5. We consider the AdS/CFT dictionary for this set-up. In particular we find classical probe fluctuations corresponding to the holomorphic curve wy=c\alpha^{\prime}. These fluctuations are dual to defect fields containing massless two-dimensional scalars which parameterize the classical Higgs branch, but do not correspond to states in the Hilbert space of the CFT. We also identify probe fluctuations which are dual to BPS superconformal primary operators and to their descendants. A non-renormalization theorem is conjectured for the correlators of these operators, and verified to order g^2.Comment: 46 pages, 5 figures, Latex, minor corrections to section 4.2, version published in Phys. Rev.

    Holographic Interface-Particle Potential

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    We consider two N=4 supersymmetric gauge theories connected by an interface and the gravity dual of this system. This interface is expressed by a fuzzy funnel solution of Nahm's equation in the gauge theory side. The gravity dual is a probe D5-brane in AdS_5 x S^5. The potential energy between this interface and a test particle is calculated in both the gauge theory side and the gravity side by the expectation value of a Wilson loop. In the gauge theory it is evaluated by just substituting the classical solution to the Wilson loop. On the other hand it is done by the on-shell action of the fundamental string stretched between the AdS boundary and the D5-brane in the gravity. We show the gauge theory result and the gravity one agree with each other.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures. v2: added discussion on perturbative corrections in the gauge theory sid