5 research outputs found

    Multimodales Intralogistikkonzept: Zellulare Transportsysteme - Multishuttle Move

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    Zur Erhöhung der Flexibilität von intralogistischen Systemen müssen neue Wege gegangen werden. Steuerungen nach dem Prinzip "Internet der Dinge" zeigten bereits, dass dezentrale Steuerungen und flexible Software zukunftsweisend sind. Stetigfördersysteme sind hinsichtlich Flexibilität und Wandelbarkeit jedoch an ihre Grenzen gestoßen und erfordern innovative Lösungen. Mit dem Paradigma "Zellulare Transportsysteme" gehen das Dortmunder Fraunhofer-Institut für Materialfluss und Logistik (IML) und der Intralogistik-Spezialist Dematic neue Wege

    Energy potential detection for autarkic smart object design in facility logistics

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    In order to design energy autarkic Smart Objects powered by Micro-Energy-Harvesters a systematic detection of possible energy sources in the environment is needed. All possible energy sources can be detected and evaluated by the novel Micro-Energy-Harvesting potential detection system in facility logistics. The detection system consists of containers equipped with a probe and a evaluation system. The probes are connected in a Wireless Sensor Network and transfer the sensor data online to the evaluation system. Finally, the evaluation software analyzes the acquired sensor data and calculates the average power which could be harvested from the environment. With this information the user can identify the most promising energy source considering the level of efficiency of Micro-Energy-Harvesters