701 research outputs found

    Application of Biological Fertilizer with Different Application Time Intervals on the Development of Seedling Down Disease and Growth of Mustard (Brasica rapa) in Nurseries

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    Seedling fall disease caused by the fungus Rhizoctonia solani is one of the limiting factors in the cultivation of mustard plants. This pathogen can attack plants in the nursery as well as after the plants in the field. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of using biological fertilizers Azoto-Trico and KIBPF with different application time intervals on the development of seedling fall disease and the growth of mustard in the nursery. The study used Azoto-Tricho and KIBPF biological fertilizers with application intervals of 2 days, 4 days and 6 days. The results showed that the application of biological fertilizers Azoto-Tricho and KIBPF with different application time intervals had an effect on controlling seedling fall disease and increasing plant height and plant fresh weight. The application of Azoto-Tricho biofertilizer and KIBPF if applied at intervals of 2 days or 4 days or 6 days had the same ability to control seedling fall disease and increase plant height and fresh weight of mustard plants in nurseries

    Optimasi Media Ela Sagu Dan Dedak Untuk Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Jamur Volvariella sp.

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    Jamur Volvariella sp. berpotensi sebagai salah satu sumber pangan yang belum dibudidayakan oleh masyarakat. Jamur ini memiliki habitat khusus yaitu pada limbah olehan pati sagu yang dikenal dengan sebutan ela sagu. Tujuan  penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan konsentrasi dedak yang dapat ditambahkan pada ela sagu dan pada luasan permukaan media yang baik untuk pertumbuhan dan produksi jamur Volvariella sp. Penelitian merupakan percobaan dua faktor yaitu konsentrasi dedak dalam ela sagu yaitu 0%, 10%, 20%, dan 30%, dan luasan permukaan media tumbuh yakni 875 cm2 , 625 cm2, dan 375 cm2.  Penelitian dirancang menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan tiga ulangan. Hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa penggunaan ela sagu yang ditambahkan dengan dedak dan ditempatkan pada wadah dengan ukuran luas permukaan berbeda berpengaruh terhadap jumlah tubuh buah tumbuh, jumlah tubuh buah panen, dan bobot segar tubuh buah konsumsi, dan tidak berpengaruh terhadap diameter tubuh buah konsumsi, tinggi tubuh buah konsumsi, bobot rata-rata tubuh buah konsumsi. Ela sagu dengaan persentase dedak 10 % dan ditempatkan pada wadah dengan luas permukaan 875 cm2 lebih baik untuk meningkatkan  jumlah tubuh buah tumbuh dan tubuh buah panen jamur Volvariella sp

    Efek Penggunaan Ekstrak Akar Bambu Dan Metabolit Sekunder Trichoderma Harzianum Terhadap Hasil Tanaman dan Intensitas Penyakit Antraknosa Pada Cabai.

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    Obstacles that often occur in chili cultivation are low soil fertility and anthracnose attacks caused by fungiColletotrichum capsici. The solution to overcome these two problems is natural ingredients. This research aims to obtain effective concentrations of bamboo root extract (EAB) and secondary metabolites (MS)Trichoderma harzianum to increase yields and reduce the intensity of anthracnose disease in chili plants. The experiment used EAB treatment with concentrations of 0%, 1.0%, 1.5% and 2.0%, and MST. harzianum with concentrations of 0%, 10%, 20% and 30%. The plant responses observed were the number of fruit, fruit weight, fruit length, fruit diameter, and intensity of anthracnose disease. The research results found that the use of EAB and MST. harzianum can increase the yield of chili plants such as the number of fruit, fruit weight and fruit length, and can control anthracnose disease. EAB treatment with a concentration of 2.0% and MST. harzianum with a concentration of 20% is more effective in increasing plant yields and controlling anthracnose disease in chilies. This research is a promising approach in an environmentally friendly and sustainable agricultural system

    Efek Perendaman Benih dengan Pupuk Hayati terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit dan Serangan Penyakit Rebah Semai pada Tomat (Solanum lycopersicum)

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    The use of biofertilizers is part of an environmentally friendly plant cultivation. In order to analyze the effect of soaking seeds with several types of biofertilizers on seedling growth and damping off disease in tomatoes, a greenhouse experiment has been carried out using biofertilizers and the fungicide Propineb as control treatment. The biofertilizers used were mixed biofertilizer (BION-UP), Consortium isolates of tomato rhizosphere bacteria (CITRB), consortium of Azotobacter chrococcum and Trichoderma harzianum (Azoto-Tricho). The results showed that soaking tomato seeds in bioagens solution increased plant height, number of petioles, fresh weight and dry weight of plants, as well as suppressed damping off disease in tomato nursery. The CITRB biofertilizer has a better effect on plant growth and diseases suppression than another biofertilizers and Propineb fungicide. CITRB enable to increase plant height by 49.97%, number of petioles by 60.00%, plant fresh weight by 107.23%, dry weight of plants by 129.41%, and suppress damping off disease by 56.67%. BION-UP, CITRB and Azoto-Tricho were able to suppress damping off disease by 22.22%, 27.78% and 16.67% respectively.  The ability of all biofertilizer to suppress damping off disease incidence were better than Propineb fungicide


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    Pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman jagung sangat membutuhkan lahan dengan kandungan unsur hara yang cukup. Pemanfaatan pupuk hayati dan bahan organik dilaksanakan dengan tujuan meningkatkan hasil tanaman jagung. Perlakuan yang dicobakan adalah pemberian kompos, kotoran ternak, kompos dan kotoran ternak yang masing-masing ditambahkan dengan penyemprotan pupuk hayati konsorsium. Percobaan dirancang menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok dengan lima ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian pupuk  berbasis bahan organik berpengaruh terhadap tinggi tanaman dari umur 17 - 49 hst, bobot buah dengan kelobot, bobot tongkol dan panjang tongkol. Pemberian kompos maupun kotoran ternak dan ditambahkan dengan aplikasi pupuk hayati konsorsium dengan cara semprot memberikan pengaruh lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan pemberian kompos maupun kotoran ternak yang tidak ditambahkan dengan aplikasi pupuk hayati konsorsium. Untuk meningkatkan produktifitas tanaman jagung dianjurkan menggunakan pupuk hayati konsorsium yang diaplikasikan dengan cara semprot dengan interval tujuh hari sampai tanaman berumur 49 hst.Growth and production of corn plants require land with sufficient nutrients. Utilization of biological fertilizers and organic materials carried out with the aim of increasing the yield of corn. The treatments that were tried were the provision of compost, livestock manure, compost and livestock manure, each of which was added by spraying a consortium of biological fertilizer. The experiment was designed using a randomized block design with five replications. The results showed that the application of organic-based fertilizers affected plant height from 17 - 49 days after planting, weight of fruit with kelobot, weight of cob and ear length. Provision of compost or livestock manure and added with a biological fertilizer consortium by spray gives a higher effect compared to the provision of compost or livestock manure which is not added to the consortium of biological fertilizer. To increase the productivity of maize plants it is recommended to use a consortium of biological fertilizers applied by spraying at intervals of seven days until the plants are 49 days after planting

    Biopriming Dengan Agens Hayati Pada Benih Padi Terkontaminasi Fitopatogen Drechslera oryzae

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    Fungi Dreschslera oryzae or Helminthosporium oryzae often found in rice seeds and causes brown spot disease (brown spot disease). Symptoms of attack can be seen in nurseries and on mature plants. The aim of the research is to determine the effect of a consortium of biological control agents and secondary metabolites Trichoderma harzianum which is used as biopriming on rice seeds contaminated with D. oryzae. The treatment tried was without biological control agents as a control, consortium T. harzianum and A. chrococcum, consortia of three isolates Bacillus sp, consortium A. chrococcum, A. vinelandi, Azospirillum sp, Pseudomaonas cepacia, Penicillium sp, Acinetobacter sp, and secondary metabolites T. harzianum, designed using a Completely Randomized Design with five replications. The experiment used two methods, namely germinating rice seeds on gauze media and on soil media. The research results found that biopriming with the biological control agents and secondary metabolites T. harzianum on rice seeds, it has the effect of increasing shoot height, shoot fresh weight, seedling fresh weight, root length, and reducing disease intensity. In general, the use of the biological control agents and secondary metabolites T. harzianum has the same effect. The presence of chitinase enzymes and siderophore compounds in biological control agents and secondary metabolites T. harzianum has an effect on reducing disease intensity, while the hormones auxin and gibberellin have an effect on increasing shoot height, shoot fresh weight, seedling fresh weight and root length.
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