41 research outputs found

    Hardware/software partitioning for multi-function systems

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    Abstract—We are interested in optimizing the design of multifunction embedded systems such as multistandard audio/video codecs and multisystem phones. Such systems run a prespecified set of applications, and any “one ” of the applications is selected at a run time, depending on system parameters. Our goal is to develop a methodology for the efficient design of such systems. A key observation underlying our method is that it may not be efficient to design for each application separately. This is attributed to two factors. First, considering each application in isolation can lead to application-specific decisions that do not necessarily lead to the best overall system solution. Second, these applications typically tend to have several commonalities among them, and considering applications independently may lead to inconsistent mappings of common tasks in different applications. Our approach is to optimize jointly across the se

    Complexity management in system-level design

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    design space exploration, hardware-software codesign, design methodology management, design flow management, system-level design. To appear: Journal of VLSI Signal Processing. The system-level design problem spans a large design space. Typically, the designer needs to explore possible target architectures, experiment with different tools, and work with a range of constraints and optimization criteria. This design process is quite complex and involves considerable bookkeeping and management, in addition to sophisticated design tools. We believe that managing the design process is an important (albeit often neglected) part of system-level design. The contribution of this paper is in two parts. First, we present a framework for systematically managing the design process. Secondly, we illustrate how this framework can be used to manage a realistic system-level design environment that consists of a suite of sophisticated hardware and software design tools. We begin by identifying some of the desirable features of system-level design methodology management. A candidate framework that manifests these features is presented. Complex design flows with iterative and conditional behavior can be specified within the framework. The framework also supports automated scheduling of tools in a well-defined design flow. It has been implemented as the DMM domain in Ptolemy. In the second part of the paper, we describe a system-level design environment case study that we have developed within this framework. The environment, called the Design Assistant, is a complete hardware-software codesign environment. It encapsulates various codesign tools for specification, partitioning, and synthesis; their interplay can be managed efficiently by the design methodology management framework

    Manifestations of Heterogeneity in Hardware/Software Codesign

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    We identify three distinct types of hardware/software codesign: 1. Joint design of an instruction-set architecture and its program. 2. Synthesis of hardware and/or software from a common specification. 3. Specification, synthesis, and simulation of heterogeneous systems. These can be viewed as manifestations of heterogeneity in the design methodology. The first type concerns the joint synthesis of a data-path and its controller, two conceptually distinct parts of a processor [Pau93]. The heterogeneity in this approach is limited to distinguishing the datapath from its controller. In type 2, a unified representation of an application is mapped into some mixture of implementation technologies. For example, a dataflow graph could be partitioned, and the separate partitions could be fed to hardware and software synthesis tools [Kal93]. The software components execute on commodity processors

    Hardware-Software Codesign for Dynamically Reconfigurable Architectures

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    . The paper addresses the problem of mapping an application specified as a task graph on a heterogeneous architecture which contains a software processor, a dynamically reconfigurable hardware coprocessor and memory elements. The problem comprises of three subproblems: partitioning of tasks between hardware and software, assigning tasks mapped on hardware to different temporal segments and scheduling task execution, reconfiguration of hardware, inter-processor and intraprocessor communication. We present a heuristic based technique for solving the problem. The effectiveness of the technique is demonstrated by a case study of the JPEG image compression algorithm and experimentation with synthetic graphs. 1 Introduction Embedded systems typically have heterogeneous architectures which contain both off the shelf software (SW) processors and custom application specific integrated circuits (ASICs) as hardware (HW) coprocessors. The SW processors provide flexibility and help in r..

    The Extended Partitioning Problem: Hardware/Software Mapping, Scheduling, and Implementation-bin Selection

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    In system-level design, applications are represented as task graphs where tasks (called nodes) have moderate to large granularity and each node has several implementation options differing in area and execution time. We define the extended partitioning problem as the joint determination of the mapping (hardware or software), the implementation option (called implementation bin), as well as the schedule, for each node, so that the overall area allocated to nodes in hardware is minimum and a deadline constraint is met. This problem is considerably harder (and richer) than the traditional binary partitioning problem that determines just the best mapping and schedule. Both binary and extended partitioning problems are constrained optimization problems and are NP-hard. We first present an efficient (O(N²)) heuristic, called GCLP, to solve the binary partitioning problem. The heuristic reduces the greediness associated with traditional list-scheduling algorithms by formulating a global m..