4,127 research outputs found

    A Parsec-Scale Study of the 5/15 GHz Spectral Indices of the Compact Radio Sources in M82

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    Observations of the starburst galaxy, M82, have been made with the VLA in its A-configuration at 15 GHz and MERLIN at 5 GHz enabling a spectral analysis of the compact radio structure on a scale of < 0.1'' (1.6 pc). Crucial to these observations was the inclusion of the Pie Town VLBA antenna, which increased the resolution of the VLA observations by a factor of ~2. A number of the weaker sources are shown to have thermal spectra and are identified as HII regions with emission measures ~10^7 cm^-6 pc. Some of the sources appear to be optically thick at 5 GHz implying even higher emission measures of ~10^8 cm^-6 pc. The number of compact radio sources in M82 whose origin has been determined is now 46, of which 30 are supernova related and the remaining 16 are HII regions. An additional 15 sources are noted, but have yet to be identified, meaning that the total number of compact sources in M82 is at least 61. Also, it is shown that the distribution of HII regions is correlated with the large-scale ionised gas distribution, but is different from the distribution of supernova remnants. In addition, the brightest HII region at (B1950) 09h 51m 42.21s +69 54' 59.2'' shows a spectral index gradient across its resolved structure which we attribute to the source becoming optically thick towards its centre.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 15 pages, 9 figure

    PKS 1004+13: A High-Inclination, Highly-Absorbed Radio-Loud QSO -- The First Radio-Loud BAL QSO at Low Redshift?

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    The existence of BAL outflows in only radio-quiet QSOs was thought to be an important clue to mass ejection and the radio-loud - radio-quiet dichotomy. Recently a few radio-loud BAL QSOs have been discovered at high redshift. We present evidence that PKS 1004+13 is a radio-loud BAL QSO. It would be the first known at low-redshift (z = 0.24), and one of the most radio luminous. For PKS 1004+13, there appear to be broad absorption troughs of O VI, N V, Si IV, and C IV, indicating high-ionization outflows up to about 10,000 km/s. There are also two strong, broad (~500 km/s), high-ionization, associated absorption systems that show partial covering of the continuum source. The strong UV absorption we have detected suggests that the extreme soft-X-ray weakness of PKS 1004+13 is primarily the result of absorption. The large radio-lobe dominance indicates BAL and associated gas at high inclinations to the central engine axis, perhaps in a line-of-sight that passes through an accretion disk wind.Comment: To appear in Ap.J. Letters, 1999 (June or July); 4 pages, 5 figure

    Emission lines and optical continuum in low-luminosity radio galaxies

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    We present spectroscopic observations of a complete sub-sample of 13 low-luminosity radio galaxies selected from the 2Jy sample. The underlying continuum in these sources is carefully modelled in order to make a much-needed comparison between the emission line and continuum properties of FRIs with those of other classes of radio sources. We find that 5 galaxies in the sample show a measurable UV excess: 2 of the these sources are BL Lacs and in the remaining 3 galaxies we argue that the most likely contributor to the UV excess is a young stellar component. Excluding the BL Lacs, we therefore find that \~30% of the sample show evidence for young stars, which is similar to the results obtained for higher luminosity samples. We compare our results with far-infrared measurements in order to investigate the far-infrared-starburst link. The nature of the optical-radio correlations is investigated in light of this new available data and, in contrast to previous studies, we find that the FRI sources follow the correlations with a similar slope to that found for the FRIIs. Finally, we compare the luminosity of the emission lines in the FRI and BL Lac sources and find a significant difference in the [OIII] line luminosities of the two groups. Our results are discussed in the context of the unified schemes.Comment: 18 pages, 31 figures, MNRAS in press, (all enquiries to Clive Tadhunter ([email protected])

    Second Epoch Global VLBI Observations of Compact Radio Sources in the M82 Starburst Galaxy

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    We have presented the results of a second epoch of global Very Long Baseline Interferometry observations, taken on 23 February 2001 at a wavelength of 18 cm, of the central kiloparsec of the nearby starburst galaxy Messier 82. These observations were aimed at studying the structural and flux evolution of some of the compact radio sources in the central region that have been identified as supernova remnants. The objects 41.95+575 and 43.31+592 have been studied, expansion velocities of 2500 +/- 1200 km/s and 7350 +/- 2100 km/s respectively have been derived. Flux densities of 31.1 +/- 0.3 mJy and 17.4 +/- 0.3 mJy have been measured for the two objects. These results are consistent with measurements and predictions from previous epochs.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. To be published on the accompanying CD of the Proceedings of IAU Colloquium 192: Supernova

    Eddington Accretion and QSO Emission Lines at z ~ 2

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    Broad Absorption Line (BAL) QSOs have been suggested to be youthful super-accretors based on their powerful radiatively driven absorbing outflows and often reddened continua. To test this hypothesis, we observed near IR spectra of the Hβ\beta region for 11 bright BAL QSOs at redshift z ~ 2. We measured these and literature spectra for 6 BAL QSOs, 13 radio-loud and 7 radio-quiet non-BAL QSOs. Using the luminosity and Hβ\beta broad line width to derive black hole mass and accretion rate, we find that both BAL and non-BAL QSOs at z ~ 2 tend to have higher L/LEddL/L_{Edd} than those at low z -- probably a result of selecting the brightest QSOs. However, we find that the high z QSOs, in particular the BAL QSOs, have extremely strong Fe II and very weak [O III], extending the inverse relationship found for low z QSOs. This suggests that, even while radiating near LEddL_{Edd}, the BAL QSOs have a more plentiful fuel supply than non-BAL QSOs. Comparison with low z QSOs shows for the first time that the inverse Fe II -- [O III] relationship is indeed related to L/LEddL/L_{Edd}, rather than black hole mass.Comment: 18 pages including 5 figures and 1 table. Accepted by the Astrophysical Journal Letter
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