7 research outputs found

    Motion of mitochondria in cultured cells quantified by analysis of digitized images.

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    Translational movements of mitochondria in cultured rat liver cells were characterized quantitatively by using a video camera to detect and a video digitizer-computer system to analyze fluorescent images of mitochondria stained with rhodamine 123. The centroids of the images of individual mitochondria were determined at selected time intervals and the paths followed by the mitochondria were defined by the paths of the centroids. The predominant translation motion of the mitochondria satisfied the formal conditions of a Brownian random walk for a free particle, although in several cases there was a slow drift superimposed on the random motion. The apparent diffusion coefficients were approximately 5 X 10(-12) cm2 s-1, and the drift speeds approximately 2 X 10(-3) micron s-1