753 research outputs found

    Kriteria Pemilihan Pompa Untuk Mengalirkan Larutan Asam Fosfat Ke Mixer Settler Pada Proses Recovery Uranium Dari Asam Fosfat

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    PUMP SELECTION CRITERIA for flowing PHOSPHORIC ACID SOLUTION TO MIXER SETTLER in uranium recovery process from phosphoric acid. Mixer-settler plays important roles in uranium recovery process from phosphoric acid. To flow phosphoric acid from feeder tank to mixer settler, constant fluid flow rate is needed. Therefore, this program selects a pump with positive displacement of reciprocating type having specification of plunger single acting 5”x4” triplex, and power 2 HP, to flow phosphoric acid solution with flow rate of 20 kg/s (242 gpm), density of 1300 kg/m3, and viscosity of 4.5 cP, and suction static head of 2 m and discharge static head of 6.4 m. From cavitation evaluation, NPSHavailable of 8.9 m which was greater than NPSHrequired of 4.5 m (specification from pump maker) was obtained. Kriteria Pemilihan Pompa Untuk Mengalirkan Larutan Asam Fosfat ke Mixer Settler pada proses recovery uranium dari asam fosfat. Pesawat pengaduk pengenap atau mixer settler adalah alat yang memegang peranan penting dalam proses pengambilan uranium dari larutan asam fosfat. Untuk mengalirkan asam fosfat dari tangki umpan ke mixer settler membutuhkan laju alir fluida yang konstan. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan perancangan ini adalah dengan membandingkan karakter pompa perpindahan positif dan pompa sentrifugal. Dari hasil perbandingan tersebut dipilih jenis pompa perpindahan positif tipe reciprocating dengan spesifikasi plunger single acting 5”x4” triplex, daya 2 Hp, untuk mengalirkan larutan asam fosfat dengan flow rate 20 kg/s (242 gpm), densitas 1300 kg/m3 dan viskositas 4.5 cP, dengan suction static head 2m dan discharge static head 6.4m. Dari cek kavitasi didapat NPSHa 8.9m lebih besar dari NPSHr 4.5m (spesifikasi dari pump maker)

    Perekayasaan Mixer Settler Untuk Ekstraksi Siklus II Pada Recovery Uranium Dalam Larutan Asam Fosfat

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    Mixer settler atau pesawat pengaduk pengenap secara teknis dirancang untuk proses ekstraksi dan pemisahan uranium dari larutan asam fosfat. Hasil perhitungan perekayasaan menunjukkan bahwa pesawat pengaduk pengenap terdiri dari dua bagian, yaitu bagian untuk proses ekstraksi terjadi dalam tangki berpengaduk dan proses pemisahan terjadi dalam tangki pengenap. Tangki berpengaduk bertipe kotak dengan 4 penghalang dengan ukuran lebar 0,8 m, panjang 0,8 m, tinggi cairan 1 m, tinggi tangki 1,05 m dan jenis pengaduk disk 6 blade, daya pengaduk 4 Hp dan tangki pengenap bertipe persegi panjang dengan ukuran lebar 0,8 m, panjang 5 m, tinggi cairan 1 m dan tinggi tangki 1,05 m. Pengambilan uranium dengan efisiensi sampai 91 % diperlukan 3 tingkat ekstraksi, menggunakan pelarut Organik (O) DEHPA-TOPO dalam Kerosene. Perbandingan fase cair dan fase organik (A/O) yang digunakan adalah 2:1. Proses ekstraksi dilakukan dengan arus berlawanan arah dengan pelarut Organik (O) masuk tahap 1 dan cair (A) yang kaya uranium masuk tahap 3. Proses pengenapan berlangsung dengan laju pengenapan 0,000694 m/s, nilai faktor dispersi Ψ= 0,3638 fraksi ringan sebagai fase terdispersi dan nilai bilangan Reynolds (NRE ) = 3.438. Nilai bilangan Reynolds di bawah 5.000, menunjukkan bahwa kualitas pemisahan berjalan dengan baik. Mixer settler is technically designed for extraction and separation process of uranium from phosphoric acid solution. Design calculation results shows that: the mixer settler consists of two parts: part of extraction process in the mixer tank and part of separation process in settler tank. The mixer tank type of box with 4 baffles, the size of mixer tank, 0.8 m width, 0.8 m length, 1 m high of liquid, 1.05 m high of mixer tank, stirrer type of disk 6 blade, and power of mixing 4 hp and the settler tank type of rectangular with size of settler tank, 0.8 m width 5 m length, 1 m high of liquid, 1.05 m high of settler tank. For uranium recovery efficiency up to 91%, extraction process is done in 3 stage counter current flow using a solvent Organic (O) DEHPA-TOPO in Kerosene at a phase of ratio A/O of 2:1. The aqueous enter through stage 3 and the organic solvent enter through stage 1. The process of settling occurred with the value of settling velocity is 0.000694 m/s, dispersion factor Ψ = 0.3638 and the light fraction as the dispersed phase and value of Reynolds number (NRE) = 3,438. Because of the Reynolds number is lower than 5,000, it indicates that the quality of the separation is very good

    Perekayasaan Tangki Pengendap Untuk Memisahkan (Nh4)4uo2(co3)3 Dari Cairan Nh4f

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    A DESIGN OF SETTLING TANK FOR SEPARATION OF (NH4)4UO2(CO3)3 FROM NH4F LIQUID. A Settling tank is designed for AUC (Ammonium Uranyl Carbonate) separation process from liquid containing of NH4F. From the design calculation results is concluded that the settling tank type is continuous clarifier of vertical cylindris with size of diameter 0.40 m, height of fluid 3.18 m, height of tank 3.5 m. Because the diameter of tank 0.40 m is lower than critical diameter (0.427 m) for slurry of AUC , the design of tank is safe geometrically. The settling velocity is 0.0008824 m/s, above the rate of linear overflow that is 0.0004665 m/s, theoretically there is no solid particles are carried away by the stream overflow and separation process goes well. PEREKAYASAAN TANGKI PENGENDAP UNTUK MEMISAHKAN (NH4)4UO2(CO3)3 DARI CAIRAN NH4F. Tangki pengendap dirancang untuk proses pemisahan slurry AUK dari cairan yang mengandung NH4F. Dari hasil perhitungan perekayasaan disimpulkan bahwa tangki pengendap dengan tipe continuous clarifier berbentuk tabung selinder vertikal dengan diameter 0.40 m, tinggi fluida total dalam tangki 3.18 m dan tinggi tangki 3.5 m. Karena diameter tangki 0.40 m dan dibawah diameter kritis (0.427 m) untuk slurry AUK, maka desain tangki cukup aman secara geometri. Dengan laju pengendapan 0.0008824 m/s diatas laju linier overflow yaitu 0.0004665 m/s, maka secara teoritis tidak ada partikel padatan yang terbawa oleh aliran overflow dan proses pemisahan berjalan dengan baik

    Through Citizen Science (Poster)

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    The spatial and temporal availability of grizzly bear foods influences bear health and reproduction and is likely to change with the changing climate.   Even short-term shortages of bear foods may increase bear movements into human settlements and the potential for conflicts, which may lead to increased bear mortality.  However, climate drivers of bear food availability are poorly understood and few resources are available for long-term monitoring at a spatial scale to adequately connect food availability to climate.  We are proposing to evaluate citizen science as a potential mechanism for researching and monitoring relationships of multiple bear food sources with climate change.  We have several questions and are seeking input: 1) How much interest is there among various groups (e.g., Glacier National Park visitors, Salish tribal members, Blackfeet tribal members, backcountry horsemen, naturalists, conservation group members) in collecting these kinds of data?  2) What are the best protocols for citizen scientists to measure bear food availability across the ecosystem? 3) What would the ongoing costs be for coordinating a citizen science program?  We will discuss several ideas for which we are seeking pilot project funding that will help to answer these questions, including 1) a geocaching app that would initially target park visitors and school programs to collect huckleberry phenology and berry abundance data, and 2) multiple ways to engage citizens in using National Phenology Network protocols

    Wearable Technology In Obstetrical Emergency Simulation: A Pilot Study

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    Background: Medical student involvement in clinical care of obstetrical emergencies is limited. Wearable technology, namely Google Glass, has been used to enhance the simulation experience for trainees at our institution. We present a pilot study that examines the utility of this technology in medical students’ education through remotely-conducted exercises in obstetric emergencies. Materials & Methods: A total of thirteen medical students accepted the opportunity to participate in an obstetric emergencies training exercise with remote monitoring. Students wore the Google Glass device while participating in two simulated obstetrical emergencies: shoulder dystocia and vaginal breech delivery. A remote instructor monitored the students’ performance and gave verbal instructions during the simulation. Students then filled out a questionnaire grading the effectiveness of the exercise. Results: Of all participating students, 55% reported Glass extremely valuable for their education. None reported it as not being valuable. 15% reported that Glass distracted them in their simulation activity. 100% of participants reported it being more than “successful in its potential to improve emergency obstetric care. 55% reported that Glass or a similar device is “extremely likely” to be incorporated into medicine. None reported that it is unlikely to be used in the future of medicine. Conclusions: Wearable technology has the potential to provide improved learner experience. This technology can be successfully used to provide student exposure to simulated emergencies. Further studies evaluating the participation of students and other learners in simulated obstetrical emergencies are needed to determine how effective wearable technology can become in medical education and ultimately patient care as well

    The down side of choice : having a choice benefits enjoyment but at a cost to efficiency and time in visual search

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    The efficiency of how people search for an item in visual search has, traditionally, been thought to depend on bottom-up or top-down guidance cues. However, recent research has shown that the rate people visually search through a display is also affected by cognitive strategies. This paper investigates the role of choice in visual search, by asking whether giving people a choice alters both preference for a cognitively neutral task and search behaviour. Two visual search conditions were examined: one where participants were given a choice of visual search task (the Choice condition) and one where participants did not have a choice (the No Choice condition). The results found that participants in the Choice condition rated the task as both more enjoyable and likeable than participants in the No Choice condition. However, despite their preferences, actual search performance in the Choice condition was slower and less efficient compared to the No Choice condition (Experiment 1). Experiment 2 showed that the difference in search performance between the Choice and No Choice conditions disappeared when central executive processes became occupied with a task-switching task. The data concur with a choice impaired hypothesis of search where having a choice leads to more motivated, active search involving executive processes

    Barriers to telepsychiatry in the geriatric Asian American population during COVID-19

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    Due to the increase in anti-Asian discrimination during COVID-19, there has been a decline in mental health in the Asian community, particularly in the geriatric population.  Although the current literature tends to focus on the underutilization of telemedicine in the Asian American population due to cultural barriers, our research found that the barrier to access heavily contributed to this inequity. In this study, we discuss the limited language options for the geriatric Asian American population on a few large telepsychiatry platforms, including “Teladoc and BetterHelp”, during COVID-19. .

    Biallelic transcription of Igf2 and H19 in individual cells suggests a post-transcriptional contribution to genomic imprinting

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    AbstractThe H19 and insulin-like growth factor 2 (Igf2) genes in the mouse are models for genomic imprinting during development. The genes are located only 90 kb apart in the same transcriptional orientation [1], but are reciprocally imprinted: Igf2 is paternally expressed while H19 is maternally expressed. It has been suggested that expression of H19 and repression of Igf2 (or the converse) on a given chromosome are mechanistically linked and that the parental imprint operates at the level of transcription [2]. Although expression of Igf2 and H19 is thought to be monoallelic, the data have so far been obtained exclusively by looking at steady-state RNA levels using techniques that reflect the average activity of the genes in a cell population [3,4]. Here, we have adapted a fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH) method to detect nascent RNA molecules of Igf2 and H19 at the initial transcription sites in the nuclei of wild-type mouse embryonic liver cells. Nine different transcription patterns were observed, reflecting a high heterogeneity of transcription at the single-cell level. Our observations suggest that regulation of Igf2 and H19 by parental imprinting is much more complex than previously proposed and acts at both transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels

    Bringing the Pieces Back Together: An Organic Inquiry Into Women’s Spiritual Transformation Through Depression

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    Women experience depression at twice the rate of men. Researchers have focused on biomedical and psychosocial factors in their extensive exploration into the causes and treatments of women’s depression. When viewed from a holistic lens of mind, body, and spirit, the spiritual experience of depression is missing in the literature. The purpose of this research study is to describe how a woman\u27s spiritual self transforms through depression. Organic Inquiry incorporates transpersonal psychology and feminist spirituality and was used in this study to collect and analyze the stories of 12 women through unstructured interviews. Results suggest the women\u27s spiritual transformation involved five themes: letting go, change in belief system, finding power within, bringing the pieces back together, and connection to all. For these women, depression was the catalyst for awakening consciousness. Integrating the whole person (mind, body, and spirit) in recovery from depression has implications for how society views, supports, and celebrates women’s depression as a transformative experience

    Information provenance for open distributed collaborative system

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    In autonomously managed distributed systems for collaboration, provenance can facilitate reuse of information that are interchanged, repetition of successful experiments, or to provide evidence for trust mechanisms that certain information existed at a certain period during collaboration. In this paper, we propose domain independent information provenance architecture for open collaborative distributed systems. The proposed system uses XML for interchanging information and RDF to track information provenance. The use of XML and RDF also ensures that information is universally acceptable even among heterogeneous nodes. Our proposed information provenance model can work on any operating systems or workflows.<br /
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