1,093 research outputs found

    New physics in \epsilon' from chromomagnetic contributions and limits on Left-Right symmetry

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    New physics in the chromomagnetic flavor changing transition s->dg* can avoid the strong GIM suppression of the Standard Model and lead to large contributions to CP-violating observables, in particular to the epsilon' parameter, that we address here. We discuss the case of the Left-Right symmetric models, where this contribution implies bounds on the phases of the right-handed quark mixing matrix, or in generic models with large phases a strong bound on the Left-Right symmetry scale. To the leading order, a numeric formula for epsilon' as a function of the short-distance coefficients for a wide class of models of new physics is given.Comment: 12 pages, Eq. 12 and related numerics amende

    What heavy quanta bounds could be inferred from a Higgs discovery?

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    The Higgs couplings can receive non-decoupling corrections due to heavy quanta, and deviations from the SM can be used to test its presence. The possible Higgs signal recently reported at LEP, with mh=115 GeV, severely constrains the presence of heavy quanta, such as a heavy fourth family. At Tevatron, the Higgs production by gluon fusion, followed by the decay h -> WW*, can also be used to probe the existence of heavy colored particles, including additional families, chiral sextet and octet quarks. Within the MSSM, we also find that gluon fusion is a sensitive probe for the squark spectrum.Comment: 12 pages, 3 tables, 1 figure. Accepted in Mod. Phys. Lett. A (2001

    Evidence for topological nonequilibrium in magnetic configurations

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    We use direct numerical simulations to study the evolution, or relaxation, of magnetic configurations to an equilibrium state. We use the full single-fluid equations of motion for a magnetized, non-resistive, but viscous fluid; and a Lagrangian approach is used to obtain exact solutions for the magnetic field. As a result, the topology of the magnetic field remains unchanged, which makes it possible to study the case of topological nonequilibrium. We find two cases for which such nonequilibrium appears, indicating that these configurations may develop singular current sheets.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Compressible hydromagnetic nonlinearities in the predecoupling plasma

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    The adiabatic inhomogeneities of the scalar curvature lead to a compressible flow affecting the dynamics of the hydromagnetic nonlinearities. The influence of the plasma on the evolution of a putative magnetic field is explored with the aim of obtaining an effective description valid for sufficiently large scales. The bulk velocity of the plasma, computed in the framework of the LambdaCDM scenario, feeds back into the evolution of the magnetic power spectra leading to a (nonlocal) master equation valid in Fourier space and similar to the ones discussed in the context of wave turbulence. Conversely, in physical space, the magnetic power spectra obey a Schroedinger-like equation whose effective potential depends on the large-scale curvature perturbations. Explicit solutions are presented both in physical space and in Fourier space. It is argued that curvature inhomogeneities, compatible with the WMAP 7yr data, shift to lower wavenumbers the magnetic diffusivity scale.Comment: 29 page

    Central Charge Anomalies in 2D Sigma Models with Twisted Mass

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    We discuss the central charge in supersymmetric N=2{\cal N}=2 sigma models in two dimensions. The target space is a symmetric K\"ahler manifold, CP(N1)(N-1) is an example. The U(1) isometries allow one to introduce twisted masses in the model. At the classical level the central charge contains Noether charges of the U(1) isometries and a topological charge which is an integral of a total derivative of the Killing potentials. At the quantum level the topological part of the central charge acquires anomalous terms. A bifermion term was found previously, using supersymmetry which relates it to the superconformal anomaly. We present a direct calculation of this term using a number of regularizations. We derive, for the first time, the bosonic part in the central charge anomaly. We construct the supermultiplet of all anomalies and present its superfield description. We also discuss a related issue of BPS solitons in the CP(1) model and present an explicit form for the curve of marginal stability.Comment: 30 pages, 1 figure, references adde

    Matching factors for Delta S=1 four-quark operators in RI/SMOM schemes

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    The non-perturbative renormalization of four-quark operators plays a significant role in lattice studies of flavor physics. For this purpose, we define regularization-independent symmetric momentum-subtraction (RI/SMOM) schemes for Delta S=1 flavor-changing four-quark operators and provide one-loop matching factors to the MS-bar scheme in naive dimensional regularization. The mixing of two-quark operators is discussed in terms of two different classes of schemes. We provide a compact expression for the finite one-loop amplitudes which allows for a straightforward definition of further RI/SMOM schemes.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figure

    On the effective action of the vacuum photon splitting in Lorentz-violating QED

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    We consider one-loop radiative corrections from Lorentz- and CPT- violating extended QED to address the specific problem of finding explicitly an effective action describing amplitude of photon triple splitting. We show that it is not possible to find a nonzero photon triple splitting effective action, at least by using the derivative expansion method (at zero external momenta), up to leading order in the Lorentz- and CPT- violating parameter.Comment: 4 pages, version to appear in EP

    A Few Aspects of Heavy Quark Expansion

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    Two topics in heavy quark expansion are discussed. The heavy quark potential in perturbation theory is reviewed in connection to the problem of the heavy quark mass. The nontrivial reason behind the failure of the "potential subtracted" mass in higher orders is elucidated. The heavy quark sum rules are the second subject. The physics behind the new exact sum rules is described and a simple quantum mechanical derivation is given. The question of saturation of sum rules is discussed. A comment on the nonstandard possibility which would affect analysis of BR_sl(B) vs. n_c is made.Comment: 21 pages, LaTeX, 7 eps figures. To appear in the Proceedings of the UK Phenomenology Workshop on Heavy Flavour and CP Violation, Durham, UK, 17-22 September 200

    Radiolysis of NaCl at high and low temperatures: development of size distribution of bubbles and colloids

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    New experimental results are presented on low temperature irradiation (18 °C) of rock-salt samples which had been exposed to initial doses up to 320 GRad at 100 °C. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) shows that the latent heat of melting (LHM) of sodium colloids decreases during subsequent low-temperature irradiation, whereas the stored energy (SE) increases slowly, indicating that the process of radiolysis continues. The decrease of the LHM is due to dissolution of large colloids, because the intensities of the melting peaks decrease during the second stage irradiation at low temperature. The model is formulated to describe the nucleation kinetics and the evolution of the size distribution of chlorine precipitates and sodium colloids in NaCl under high dose irradiation. It is shown that the mechanism of dissolution of large Na colloids during low temperature irradiation can be related to melting of sodium colloids.

    Exact Results in Gauge Theories: Putting Supersymmetry to Work. The 1999 Sakurai Prize Lecture

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    Powerful methods based on supersymmetry allow one to find exact solutions to certain problems in strong coupling gauge theories. The inception of some of these methods (holomorphy in the gauge coupling and other chiral parameters, in conjunction with instanton calculations) dates back to the 1980's. I describe the early exact results -- the calculation of the beta function and the gluino condensate -- and their impact on the subsequent developments. A brief discussion of the recent breakthrough discoveries where these results play a role is given.Comment: Based on the talk at the Centennial Meeting of The American Physical Society, March 20-26, Atlanta, GA. LaTex (uses sprocl.sty), 36 pages, 5 eps figures include