674 research outputs found

    The Progression of β-amyloid Deposition in the Frontal Cortex of the Aged Canine

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    Brains from 41 aged canines (≥10 years of age) were examined immunohistochemically to characterize the laminar distribution and age-related progression of β-amyloid (Aβ) in frontal cortex. We classified the Aβ patterns into four distinct types. Type I was characterized by small, faint deposits of Aβ in deep cortical layers. Type II consisted of diffuse deposits of Aβ mainly in layers V and VI. Type III had both dense plaques in superficial layers, and diffuse deposits in deep layers. Finally, Type IV had solely dense plaques throughout all layers of cortex. We compared the Aβ distribution pattern between the Old canines (10–15 years, n=22) and the Very Old canines (\u3e15 years, n=19). The Old group primarily had negative staining, or Type I and Type II patterns of amyloid deposition (73%). Conversely, the Very Old group had predominantly Types II, III and IV deposits (89.5%), a difference that was significant (Pβ deposition in canine frontal cortex is a progressive age-related process beginning with diffuse deposits in the deep cortical layers followed by the development of deposits in outer layers. In support of this hypothesis, the deeper layer diffuse plaques in the Very Old group of dogs also contain the largest proportion of β-amyloid with an isomerized aspartic acid residue at position 7, indicating that these deposits had been present for some time. We also observed fiber-like Aβ immunoreactivity within regions of diffuse Aβ deposits. These fibers appeared to be degenerating neurites, which were negative for hyperphosphorylated tau. Therefore, these fibers may represent a very early form of neuritic change that precede tau hyperphosphorylation or develop by an alternative pathway

    First Dark Matter Limits from a Large-Mass, Low-Background Superheated Droplet Detector

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    We report on the fabrication aspects and calibration of the first large active mass (15\sim15 g) modules of SIMPLE, a search for particle dark matter using Superheated Droplet Detectors (SDDs). While still limited by the statistical uncertainty of the small data sample on hand, the first weeks of operation in the new underground laboratory of Rustrel-Pays d'Apt already provide a sensitivity to axially-coupled Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) competitive with leading experiments, confirming SDDs as a convenient, low-cost alternative for WIMP detection.Comment: Final version, Phys. Rev. Lett. (in press

    The vulnerability of public spaces: challenges for UK hospitals under the 'new' terrorist threat

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    This article considers the challenges for hospitals in the United Kingdom that arise from the threats of mass-casualty terrorism. Whilst much has been written about the role of health care as a rescuer in terrorist attacks and other mass-casualty crises, little has been written about health care as a victim within a mass-emergency setting. Yet, health care is a key component of any nation's contingency planning and an erosion of its capabilities would have a significant impact on the generation of a wider crisis following a mass-casualty event. This article seeks to highlight the nature of the challenges facing elements of UK health care, with a focus on hospitals both as essential contingency responders under the United Kingdom's civil contingencies legislation and as potential victims of terrorism. It seeks to explore the potential gaps that exist between the task demands facing hospitals and the vulnerabilities that exist within them

    Identification, isolation, and characterization of a novel type of Fukushima-derived microparticle

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    In the course of the Fukushima nuclear accident, radionuclides were released in various forms, including so-called radiocesium-bearing microparticles (CsMP). So far, four types of CsMP were described: Type A is smaller in size ( 100 μm). In this work, we present a novel type of CsMP (proclaimed Type E). Three particles of Type E were extracted from a contaminated blade of grass that was sampled 1.5 km from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in late 2011. They were located using autoradiography, isolated using an optical microscope and micromanipulator, and characterized using scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy, and low-level gamma-ray spectrometry. Type E CsMPs are 10–20 μm in size and exhibit an unusually low and barely detectable 137Cs activity of only ≤ 10 mBq per particle. Their brittle and fragile character may indicate a high surface tension

    In vivo clearance of surfactant lipids during acute pulmonary inflammation.

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    BACKGROUND: A decrease in pulmonary surfactant has been suggested to contribute to the lung dysfunction associated with pulmonary inflammation. A number of studies have implicated surfactant clearance as a possible mechanism for altered pool sizes. The objective of the current study was to specifically investigate the mechanisms of surfactant clearance in a rodent model of acute pulmonary inflammation. METHODS: Inflammation was induced by intrapulmonary instillation of lipopolysaccharide (LPS: 100 μg/kg). Lipid clearance was assessed at 18 and 72 hours post-LPS instillation by intratracheal administration of radiolabel surfactant-like liposomes 2 hours prior to isolation and analysis of inflammatory cells and type II cells. RESULTS: At both 18 and 72 hours after LPS instillation there was significantly less radioactivity recovered in the lavage fluid compared to respective control groups (p < 0.05). At both time points, the number of cells recovered by lavage and their associated radioactivity was greater compared to control groups (p < 0.01). There was no difference in recovery of radioactivity by isolated type II cells or other cells obtained from enzymatic digestion of lung tissue. CONCLUSION: These results show that increased clearance of surfactant lipids in our model of acute pulmonary inflammation is primarily due to the inflammatory cells recruited to the airspace and not increased uptake by alveolar type II cells

    Designing a Good Life: A Matrix for the Technological Mediation of Morality

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    Technologies fulfill a social role in the sense that they influence the moral actions of people, often in unintended and unforeseen ways. Scientists and engineers are already accepting much responsibility for the technological, economical and environmental aspects of their work. This article asks them to take an extra step, and now also consider the social role of their products. The aim is to enable engineers to take a prospective responsibility for the future social roles of their technologies by providing them with a matrix that helps to explore in advance how emerging technologies might plausibly affect the reasons behind people’s (moral) actions. On the horizontal axis of the matrix, we distinguished the three basic types of reasons that play a role in practical judgment: what is the case, what can be done and what should be done. On the vertical axis we distinguished the morally relevant classes of issues: stakeholders, consequences and the good life. To illustrate how this matrix may work in practice, the final section applies the matrix to the case of the Google PowerMeter