5 research outputs found

    A new fit to solar neutrino data in models with large extra dimensions

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    String inspired models with millimeter scale extra dimensions provide a natural way to understand an ultralight sterile neutrino needed for a simultaneous explanation of the solar, atmospheric and LSND neutrino oscillation results. The sterile neutrino is the bulk neutrino (νB\nu_B) postulated to exist in these models, and it becomes ultralight in theories that prevent the appearance of its direct mass terms. Its Kaluza-Klein (KK) states then add new oscillation channels for the electron neutrino emitted from the solar core. We show that successive MSW transitions of solar νe\nu_e to the lower lying KK modes of νB\nu_B in conjunction with vacuum oscillations between the νe\nu_e and the zero mode of νB\nu_B provide a new way to fit the solar neutrino data. Using just the average rates from the three types of solar experiments, we predict the Super-Kamiokande spectrum with 73\% probability, but dips characteristic of the 0.06 mm extra dimension should be seen in the SNO spectrum. We discuss both intermediate and low string scale models where the desired phenomenology can emerge naturally.Comment: 20 pages, contains updated SuperK results and reference

    High scale mixing unification and large neutrino mixing angles

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    Starting with the hypothesis that quark and lepton mixings are identical at or near the GUT scale, we show that the large solar and atmospheric neutrino mixing angles together with the small reactor angle Ue3U_{e3} can be understood purely as a result of renormalization group evolution. The only requirements are that the three neutrinos must be quasi degenerate in mass and have same CP parity. It predicts that the common Majorana mass for the neutrinos must be larger than 0.1 eV making the idea testable in the currently planned or ongoing experiments searching for neutrinoless-double-beta decay.Comment: 10 pages, eight figure, two tables; new material added; results remain unchange