43,573 research outputs found

    Magneto-elastic quantum fluctuations and phase transitions in the iron superconductors

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    We examine the relevance of magneto-elastic coupling to describe the complex magnetic and structural behaviour of the different classes of the iron superconductors. We model the system as a two-dimensional metal whose magnetic excitations interact with the distortions of the underlying square lattice. Going beyond mean field we find that quantum fluctuation effects can explain two unusual features of these materials that have attracted considerable attention. First, why iron telluride orders magnetically at a non-nesting wave-vector (π/2,π/2)(\pi/2, \pi/2) and not at the nesting wave-vector (π,0)(\pi, 0) as in the iron arsenides, even though the nominal band structures of both these systems are similar. And second, why the (π,0)(\pi, 0) magnetic transition in the iron arsenides is often preceded by an orthorhombic structural transition. These are robust properties of the model, independent of microscopic details, and they emphasize the importance of the magneto-elastic interaction.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; minor change

    Magnetoelastic Effects in Iron Telluride

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    Iron telluride doped lightly with selenium is known to undergo a first order magneto-structural transition before turning superconducting at higher doping. We study the effects of magneto-elastic couplings on this transition using symmetry considerations. We find that the magnetic order parameters are coupled to the uniform monoclinic strain of the unit cell with one iron per cell, as well as to the phonons at high symmetry points of the Brillouin zone. In the magnetic phase the former gives rise to monoclinic distortion while the latter induces dimerization of the ferromagnetic iron chains due to alternate lengthening and shortening of the nearest-neighbour iron-iron bonds. We compare this system with the iron arsenides and propose a microscopic magneto-elastic Hamiltonian which is relevant for all the iron based superconductors. We argue that this describes electron-lattice coupling in a system where electron-electron interaction is crucial.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Interplay of magnetic and structural transitions in Fe-based pnictide superconductors

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    The interplay between the structural and magnetic phase transitions occurring in the Fe-based pnictide superconductors is studied within a Ginzburg-Landau approach. We show that the magnetoelastic coupling between the corresponding order parameters is behind the salient features observed in the phase diagram of these systems. This naturally explains the coincidence of transition temperatures observed in some cases as well as the character (first or second-order) of the transitions. We also show that magnetoelastic coupling is the key ingredient determining the collinearity of the magnetic ordering, and we propose an experimental criterion to distinguish between a pure elastic from a spin-nematic-driven structural transition.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. v2: Fig. 1 improved, references added

    Quasiparticle mirages in the tunneling spectra of d-wave superconductors

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    We illustrate the importance of many-body effects in the Fourier transformed local density of states (FT-LDOS) of d-wave superconductors from a model of electrons coupled to an Einstein mode with energy Omega_0. For bias energies significantly larger than Omega_0 the quasiparticles have short lifetimes due to this coupling, and the FT-LDOS is featureless if the electron-impurity scattering is treated within the Born approximation. In this regime it is important to include boson exchange for the electron-impurity scattering which provides a `step down' in energy for the electrons and allows for long lifetimes. This many-body effect produces qualitatively different results, namely the presence of peaks in the FT-LDOS which are mirrors of the quasiparticle interference peaks which occur at bias energies smaller than ~ Omega_0. The experimental observation of these quasiparticle mirages would be an important step forward in elucidating the role of many-body effects in FT-LDOS measurements.Comment: revised text with new figures, to be published, Phys Rev

    Aharonov-Bohm oscillations in the local density of states

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    The scattering of electrons with inhomogeneities produces modulations in the local density of states of a metal. We show that electron interference contributions to these modulations are affected by the magnetic field via the Aharonov-Bohm effect. This can be exploited in a simple STM setup that serves as an Aharonov-Bohm interferometer at the nanometer scale.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. v2 added reference

    Kondo Breakdown and Hybridization Fluctuations in the Kondo-Heisenberg Lattice

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    We study the deconfined quantum critical point of the Kondo-Heisenberg lattice in three dimensions using a fermionic representation for the localized spins. The mean-field phase diagram exhibits a zero temperature quantum critical point separating a spin liquid phase where the hybridization vanishes and a Kondo phase where it does not. Two solutions can be stabilized in the Kondo phase, namely a uniform hybridization when the band masses of the conduction electrons and the spinons have the same sign, and a modulated one when they have opposite sign. For the uniform case, we show that above a very small temperature scale, the critical fluctuations associated with the vanishing hybridization have dynamical exponent z=3, giving rise to a resistivity that has a T log T behavior. We also find that the specific heat coefficient diverges logarithmically in temperature, as observed in a number of heavy fermion metals.Comment: new Figure 2, new results on spin susceptibility, some minor changes to tex

    Interaction Correction of Conductivity Near a Ferromagnetic Quantum Critical Point

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    We calculate the temperature dependence of conductivity due to interaction correction for a disordered itinerant electron system close to a ferromagnetic quantum critical point which occurs due to a spin density wave instability. In the quantum critical regime, the crossover between diffusive and ballistic transport occurs at a temperature T=1/[τγ(EFτ)2]T^{\ast}=1/[\tau \gamma (E_{F}\tau)^{2}], where γ\gamma is the parameter associated with the Landau damping of the spin fluctuations, τ\tau is the impurity scattering time, and EFE_{F} is the Fermi energy. For a generic choice of parameters, TT^{\ast} is few orders of magnitude smaller than the usual crossover scale 1/τ1/\tau. In the ballistic quantum critical regime, the conductivity has a T(d1)/3T^{(d-1)/3} temperature dependence, where dd is the dimensionality of the system. In the diffusive quantum critical regime we get T1/4T^{1/4} dependence in three dimensions, and ln2T\ln^2 T dependence in two dimensions. Away from the quantum critical regime we recover the standard results for a good metal.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    Hamilton-Jacobi method for Domain Walls and Cosmologies

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    We use Hamiltonian methods to study curved domain walls and cosmologies. This leads naturally to first order equations for all domain walls and cosmologies foliated by slices of maximal symmetry. For Minkowski and AdS-sliced domain walls (flat and closed FLRW cosmologies) we recover a recent result concerning their (pseudo)supersymmetry. We show how domain-wall stability is consistent with the instability of adS vacua that violate the Breitenlohner-Freedman bound. We also explore the relationship to Hamilton-Jacobi theory and compute the wave-function of a 3-dimensional closed universe evolving towards de Sitter spacetime.Comment: 18 pages; v2: typos corrected, one ref added, version to appear in PR

    Multi-scale fluctuations near a Kondo Breakdown Quantum Critical Point

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    We study the Kondo-Heisenberg model using a fermionic representation for the localized spins. The mean-field phase diagram exhibits a zero temperature quantum critical point separating a spin liquid phase where the f-conduction hybridization vanishes, and a Kondo phase where it does not. Two solutions can be stabilized in the Kondo phase, namely a uniform hybridization when the band masses of the conduction electrons and the f spinons have the same sign, and a modulated one when they have opposite sign. For the uniform case, we show that above a very small Fermi liquid temperature scale (~1 mK), the critical fluctuations associated with the vanishing hybridization have dynamical exponent z=3, giving rise to a specific heat coefficient that diverges logarithmically in temperature, as well as a conduction electron inverse lifetime that has a T log T behavior. Because the f spinons do not carry current, but act as an effective bath for the relaxation of the current carried by the conduction electrons, the latter result also gives rise to a T log T behavior in the resistivity. This behavior is consistent with observations in a number of heavy fermion metals.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figure