5 research outputs found

    Measurement of Neutron Field Characteristics at Nuclear-Physics Instalations for Personal Radiation Monitoring

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    n this work the observed data of neutron spectra on Rostov NEP, Kursk NEP and Smolensk NEP and on the reactor IRT MIPHI are submitted. For measurement of neutron spectra two types of spectrometer were used: SHANS (IHEP design ) and SDN-MS01 (FEI design). The comparison of the data measurements per-formed by those spectrometers above one-type cells on the reactor RBMK is submitted. On the basis of the 1-st horizontal experimental channel HEC-1 of the IRT reactor 4 reference fields of neutrons are investigated. It is shown, that spectra of neutrons of reference fields can be used for imitation of neutron spectra for conditions of NEP with VVER and RBMK type reactors