567 research outputs found

    Two aspects of color superconductivity: gauge independence and neutrality

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    A formal proof is given that the fermionic quasiparticle dispersion laws in a color superconductor are gauge independent. It is shown that the gluon (photon) field acquires a non-vanishing expectation value in a color superconductor, which is related to color (electric) neutrality.Comment: 5 pages, to appear in the proceedings of SEWM 2004, Helsinki, 16-19 June 200

    Anomalous specific heat in ultradegenerate QED and QCD

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    We discuss the origin of the anomalous Tln⁡T−1T\ln T^{-1} behavior of the low-temperature entropy and specific heat in ultradegenerate QED and QCD and report on a recent calculation which is complete to leading order in the coupling and which contains an infinite series of anomalous terms involving also fractional powers in TT. This result involves dynamical hard-dense-loop resummation and interpolates between Debye screening effects at larger temperatures and non-Fermi-liquid behavior from only dynamically screened magnetic fields at low temperature.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, contribution to the Proceedings of Strong and Electroweak Matter 2004 (SEWM04), Helsinki, Finland, 16-19 Jun 200

    Meson current in the CFL phase

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    We study the stability of the color-flavor locked (CFL) phase of dense quark matter with regard to the formation of a non-zero Goldstone boson current. We show that an instability appears in the vicinity of the point ÎŒs=Δ\mu_s=\Delta which marks the appearance of gapless fermion modes in the CFL phase. Here, ÎŒs=ms2/(2ÎŒ)\mu_s=m_s^2/(2\mu) is the shift in chemical potential due to the strange quark mass and Δ\Delta is the gap in the chiral limit. We show that in the Goldstone boson current phase all components of the magnetic screening mass are real. In this work we do not take into account homogeneous kaon condensation. We study the effects of an instanton induced interaction of the magnitude required to suppress kaon condensation.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, v2: minor improvements, results unchange

    Goldstone boson currents in a kaon condensed CFL phase

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    We study the stability of the kaon condensed color-flavor locked (CFL) phase of dense quark matter with regard to the formation of a non-zero Goldstone boson current. In the kaon condensed phase there is an electrically charged fermion which becomes gapless near \mu_s^(1) \simeq 1.35\Delta and a neutral fermion which becomes gapless near \mu_s^(2)\simeq 1.61\Delta. Here, \mu_s=m_s^2/(2p_F) is the shift in the Fermi energy due to the strange quark mass m_s and \Delta is the gap in the chiral limit. The transition to the gapless phase is continuous at \mu_s^(1) and first order at \mu_s^(2). We find that the magnetic screening masses are real in the regime \mu_s< \mu_s^(2), but some screening masses are imaginary for \mu_s> \mu_s^(2). We show that there is a very weak current instability for \mu_s>\mu_s^(1) and a more robust instability in a small window near \mu_s^(2). We also show that in the Goldstone boson current phase all components of the magnetic screening mass are real. There is a range of values of \mu_s below 2\Delta in which the magnetic gluon screening masses are imaginary but the phase is stable with respect to electrically neutral fluctuations of the gauge field.Comment: 16 page

    Extreme self-organization in networks constructed from gene expression data

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    We study networks constructed from gene expression data obtained from many types of cancers. The networks are constructed by connecting vertices that belong to each others' list of K-nearest-neighbors, with K being an a priori selected non-negative integer. We introduce an order parameter for characterizing the homogeneity of the networks. On minimizing the order parameter with respect to K, degree distribution of the networks shows power-law behavior in the tails with an exponent of unity. Analysis of the eigenvalue spectrum of the networks confirms the presence of the power-law and small-world behavior. We discuss the significance of these findings in the context of evolutionary biological processes.Comment: 4 pages including 3 eps figures, revtex. Revisions as in published versio
