6 research outputs found

    Status of IGEX dark matter search at Canfranc Underground Laboratory

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    One IGEX 76Ge double-beta decay detector is currently operating in the Canfranc Underground Laboratory in a search for dark matter WIMPs, through the Ge nuclear recoil produced by the WIMP elastic scattering. In this talk we report on the on-going efforts to understand and eventually reject the background at low energy. These efforts have led to the improvement of the neutron shielding and to partial reduction of the background, but still the remaining events are not totally identified. A tritium contamination or muon-induced neutrons are considered as possible sources, simulations and experimental test being still under progress. According to the success of this study we comment the prospects of the experiment as well as those of its future extension, the GEDEON dark matter experiment.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, talk given at 4th International Workshop on the Identification of Dark Matter, York, September 200

    The IGEX experiment revisited: a response to the critique of Klapdor-Kleingrothaus,Dietz, and Krivosheina

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    This paper is a response to the article "Critical View to" the IGEX neutrinoless double-beta decay experiment..."published in Phys. Rev.D, Volume 65 (2002) 092007," by H.V.Klapdor-Kleingrothaus, A. Dietz, and I.V.Krivosheina, published as preprint hep-ph/0403056. The criticisms are confronted, and the questions raised are answered. We demonstrate that the lower limit quoted by IGEX, for the half life of Ge-76 neutrinoless double beta decay, 1.57x10**25 y, is correct and that there was no "arithmetical error"-as claimed in the " Critical Review" article


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