136 research outputs found

    Improved Calculations of Quark Distributions in Hadrons: the case of pion

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    The earlier introduced method of calculation of quark distributions in hadrons, based on QCD sum rules, is improved. The imaginary part of the virtual photon forward scattering amplitude on some hadronic current is considered in the case, when initial and final virtualities of the current p12p^2_1, and p22p^2_2 are different, p12p22p^2_1\not= p^2_2. The operator product expansion (OPE) in p12p^2_1, p22p^2_2 is performed. The sum rule for quark distribution is obtained using double dispersion representation of the amplitude on one side in terms of calculated in QCD OPE and on the other side in terms of physical states contributions. Double Borel transformation in p12p^2_1, p22p^2_2 is applied to the sum rule, killing background non-diagonal transition terms, which deteriorated the accuracy in previous calculations. The case of valence quark distribution in pion is considered, which was impossible to treat by the previous method. OPE up to dimension 6 operators is performed and leading order perturbative corrections are accounted. Valence uu-quark distribution in π+\pi^+ was found at intermediate xx, 0.15<x<0.70.15 < x < 0.7 and normalization point Q2=2GeV2Q^2=2 GeV^2. These results may be used as input for evolution equations.Comment: 29 pages, LaTeX 2e, 13 eps figures include

    Small size pentaquark width: calculation in QCD sum rules

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    The pentaquark width is calculated in QCD sum rules. The higher dimension operators contribution is accounted. It is shown, that ΓΘ\Gamma_{\Theta} should be very small, less than 1Mev1Mev.Comment: 10 peges, 7 figure

    Quark distributions in QCD sum rules: unexpected features and paradoxes

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    Some very unusual features of the hadron structure functions, obtained in the generalized QCD sum rules, like the surprisingly strong difference between longitudinally and transversally polarized ρ\rho mesons structure functions and the strong suppression of the gluon sea in longitudinally polarized ρ\rho mesons are discussed. Also the problem of exact zero contribution of gluon condensates to pion and longitudinally polarized ρ\rho meson quark distributions is discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 5 fig