352 research outputs found

    Monitoring and modelling of white dwarfs with extremely weak magnetic fields

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    Magnetic fields are detected in a few percent of white dwarfs. The number of such magnetic white dwarfs known is now some hundreds. Fields range in strength from a few kG to several hundred MG. Almost all the known magnetic white dwarfs have a mean field modulus >= 1 MG. We are trying to fill a major gap in observational knowledge at the low field limit (<= 200 kG) using circular spectro-polarimetry. In this paper we report the discovery and monitoring of strong, periodic magnetic variability in two previously discovered "super-weak field" magnetic white dwarfs, WD2047+372 and WD2359-434. WD2047+372 has a mean longitudinal field that reverses between about -12 and +15 kG, with a period of 0.243 d, while its mean field modulus appears nearly constant at 60 kG. The observations can be intepreted in terms of a dipolar field tilted with respect to the stellar rotation axis. WD2359-434 always shows a weak positive longitudinal field with values between about 0 and +12 kG, varying only weakly with stellar rotation, while the mean field modulus varies between about 50 and 100 kG. The rotation period is found to be 0.112 d using the variable shape of the Halpha line core, consistent with available photometry. The field of this star appears to be much more complex than a dipole, and is probably not axisymmetric. Available photometry shows that WD2359-434 is a light variable with an amplitude of only 0.005 mag, our own photometry shows that if WD2047+372 is photometrically variable, the amplitude is below about 0.01 mag. These are the first models for magnetic white dwarfs with fields below about 100 kG based on magnetic measurements through the full stellar rotation. They reveal two very different magnetic surface configurations, and that, contrary to simple ohmic decay theory, WD2359-434 has a much more complex surface field than the much younger WD2047+372.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    VV124 (UGC4879): A new transitional dwarf galaxy in the periphery of the Local Group

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    We present the first resolved-star photometry of VV124 (UGC4879) and find that this is the most isolated dwarf galaxy in the periphery of the Local Group. Based on imaging and spectroscopic follow up observations with the 6m BTA telescope, we resolve VV124 into 1560 stars down to the limiting magnitude levels of V~25.6 and I~23.9. The young blue stellar populations and emission gas are found near the core, but noticeably displaced from the center of the galaxy as traced by dominant evolved red stars. The mean radial velocity derived from the spectra of two Blue Supergiant stars, an HII region and unresolved continuum sources is -80+/-10 km/s. The evolved ``red tangle'' stellar populations, which contains the red giant branch (RGB), are identified at large galactocentric radii. We use the I-band luminosity function to determine the distance based on the Tip of RGB method, 1.1+/-0.1 Mpc. This is ~10 times closer than the values usually assumed in the literature, and we provide revised distance dependent parameters. From the mean (V-I) color of the RGB, we estimate the mean metallicity as [Fe/H]~-1.37 dex. Despite of its isolated location, the properties of VV124 are clearly not those of a galaxy in formation, but rather similar to a transitional dIrr/dSph type.Comment: 4 pages, submitted to MNRAS Letter

    Optical observations of "hot" novae returning to quiescence

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    We have monitored the return to quiescence of novae previously observed in outburst as supersoft X-ray sources, with optical photometry of the intermediate polar (IP) V4743 Sgr and candidate IP V2491 Cyg, and optical spectroscopy of these two and seven other systems. Our sample includes classical and recurrent novae, short period (few hours), intermediate period (1-2 days) and long period (symbiotic) binaries. The light curves of V4743 Sgr and V2491 Cyg present clear periodic modulations. For V4743 Sgr, the modulation occurs with the beat of the rotational and orbital periods. If the period measured for V2491 Cyg is also the beat of these two periods, the orbital one should be almost 17 hours. The recurrent nova T Pyx already shows fragmentation of the nebular shell less than 3 years after the outburst. While this nova still had strong [OIII] at this post-outburst epoch, these lines had already faded after 3 to 7 years in all the others. We did not find any difference in the ratio of equivalent widths of high ionization/excitation lines to that of the Hbeta line in novae with short and long orbital period, indicating that irradiation does not trigger high mass transfer rate from secondaries with small orbital separation. An important difference between the spectra of RS Oph and V3890 Sgr and those of many symbiotic persistent supersoft sources is the absence of forbidden coronal lines. With the X-rays turn-off, we interpret this as an indication that mass transfer in symbiotics recurrent novae is intermittent.Comment: In press in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    Direct determination of optimal real-space orbitals for correlated electronic structure of molecules

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    We demonstrate how to determine nearly numerically exact orthonormal orbitals that are optimal for evaluation of the energy of arbitrary (correlated) states of atoms and molecules by minimization of the energy Lagrangian. Orbitals are expressed in real space using multiresolution spectral element basis that is refined adaptively to achieve the user-specified target precision while avoiding the ill-conditioning issues that plague AO basis set expansions traditionally used for correlated models of molecular electronic structure. For light atoms the orbital solver in conjunction with a variational electronic structure model [selected Configuration Interaction (CI)] provides energies of comparable precision to a state-of-the-art atomic CI solver. The computed electronic energies of atoms and molecules are significantly more accurate than the counterparts obtained with the Gaussian AO bases of the same rank, and can be determined even when linear dependence issues preclude the use of the AO bases.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figure


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    Purposes: Increased international activity in Russia leads to a steady claim of foreign language knowledge. The list of professional characteristics of a university graduate includes the ability to adapt to new information realities in the professional community, where foreign language speech activities become highly demanded, when not only language skills, but also social and cultural arrangements of the country. Thus, innovative approaches to foreign language teaching are required. The article explored the following aspects of foreign-language speech activity of university students. Methodology: methodology of teaching foreign-language speech activity; principles of development of foreign language speech activity of students; realization of educational resources for this activity development; model of pedagogical technology of formation of foreign language speech activity, etc. Result:&nbsp; The results of the pilot work showed the validity of using the principles of the development of foreign language speech activities in the organization of the educational process. Implications/Applications: This article will help the student to promote the ability to give a speech. Novelty/Originality: At the same time, being a type of speech activity, foreign language communication in the process of training solves, in turn, educational and development tasks by means of a foreign language sign system, where the whole set of speech actions of the individual is actually present

    Two New LBV Candidates in the M33 Galaxy

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    We present two new luminous blue variable (LBV) candidate stars discovered in the M33 galaxy. We identified these stars (Valeev et al. 2010) as massive star candidates at the final stages of evolution, presumably with a notable interstellar extinction. The candidates were selected from the Massey et al. (2006) catalog based on the following criteria: emission in Halpha, V<18.5 and 0.35<(B-V)<1.2. The spectra of both stars reveal a broad and strong Halpha emission with extended wings (770 and 1000 km/s). Based on the spectra we estimated the main parameters of the stars. Object N45901 has a bolometric luminosity log(L/Lsun)=6.0-6.2 with the value of interstellar extinction Av=2.3+-0.1. The temperature of the star's photosphere is estimated as Tstar~13000-15000K its probable mass on the Zero Age Main Sequence is M~60-80Msun. The infrared excess in N45901 corresponds to the emission of warm dust with the temperature Twarm~1000K, and amounts to 0.1% of the bolometric luminosity. A comparison of stellar magnitude estimates from different catalogs points to the probable variability of the object N45901. Bolometric luminosity of the second object, N125093, is log(L/Lsun)=6.3-6.6, the value of interstellar extinction is Av=2.75+-0.15. We estimate its photosphere's temperature as Tstar~13000-16000K, the initial mass as M~90-120Msun. The infrared excess in N125093 amounts to 5-6% of the bolometric luminosity. Its spectral energy distribution reveals two thermal components with the temperatures Twarm~1000K and Tcold~480K. The [CaII] lines (7291A and 7323A), observed in LBV-like stars VarA and N93351 in M33, are also present in the spectrum of N125093. These lines indicate relatively recent gas eruptions and dust activity linked with them. High bolometric luminosity of these stars and broad Halpha emissions allow classifying the studied objects as LBV candidates.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure
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