9,235 research outputs found

    Pediatric metabolic syndrome definitions impact prevalence and socioeconomic gradients

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    The choice of pediatric metabolic syndrome (MetS) definition influences prevalence estimates, but further implications, especially on the association with socioeconomic status (SES), are not well-known. This hampers a synthesis of the evidence to help guide the relevant stakeholders. For this reason, we aim to assess the impact of alternative definitions on the prevalence of MetS, the children that are identified, and the association between SES and MetS.Data were used from the Lifelines Cohort Study, a prospective multigenerational cohort in the Netherlands. At baseline 9,754 children participated, of which 5,085 (52.1\ were included in the longitudinal analyses. We computed the prevalence of MetS according to five published definitions and measured the observed positive agreement between pairs of definitions, indicating the proportion of agreement across the average number of MetS cases. Logistic regression was used to assess the association between SES and MetS. All models were adjusted for age and sex; the longitudinal models were also adjusted for baseline MetS status.The prevalence rates of MetS varied between definitions (0.7-3.0\, but positive agreement between MetS definitions was generally fair to good ranging from 0.34 (95\CI) 0.28; 0.41) to 0.66 (95\.58; 0.75) at baseline. At both assessments, we found an inverse association between baseline SES and MetS, which ranged from 0.81 (95\.70; 0.93) to 0.92 (95\.86; 0.98) per definition in the longitudinal analyses with a mean follow-up (SD) of 3.0 (0.75) years.Alternative definitions of MetS lead to differing prevalence estimates, and they agreed on 50\ regardless of which definition was used we concluded low SES was a risk factor for developing MetS.Evidence regarding different definitions of metabolic syndrome in children can be combined because the agreement among definitions is generally fair to good.As low socioeconomic status is a consistent risk factor for developing metabolic syndrome, preventive interventions should preferentially target children from low socioeconomic backgrounds

    Predictors of persistent and changing developmental problems of preterm children

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    BACKGROUND: Accurate prediction of persistent and emerging developmental problems in preterm-born children may lead to targeted interventions. AIMS: To determine whether specific perinatal and social factors were associated with persistent, emerging, and resolving developmental problems of early-preterm (EPs) and moderately-and-late-preterm children (MLPs) from before to after school entry. STUDY DESIGN: Observational longitudinal cohort study, part of the LOLLIPOP cohort-study. SUBJECTS: 341 EPs and 565 MLPs. OUTCOME MEASURES: Developmental problems using the Ages and Stages Questionnaire at ages 4 and 5. We collected data on perinatal and social factors from medical records. Using logistic regression analyses we assessed associations between 48 factors and persistent, emerging, and resolving problems. RESULTS: Of EPs, 8.7% had persistent and 5.1% emerging problems; this was 4.3% and 1.9% for MLPs, respectively. Predictors for persistent problems included chronic mental illness of the mother, odds ratio (95% confidence interval) 8.01 (1.85-34.60), male sex 4.96 (2.28-10.82), being born small-for-gestational age (SGA) 2.39 (1.15-4.99), and multiparity 3.56 (1.87-6.76). Predictors for emerging problems included MLP birth with prolonged premature rupture of membranes (PPROM) 5.01 (1.38-18.14). Including all predictors in a single prediction model, the explained variance (Nagelkerke R2) was 21.9%, whereas this was 3.0% with only EP/MLP birth as predictor. CONCLUSIONS: Only few perinatal and social factors had associations with persistent and emerging developmental problems for both EPs and MLPs. For children with specific neonatal conditions such as SGA, and PPROM in MLPs, problems may persist. Insight in risk factors largely improved the prediction of developmental problems among preterm children

    Alternative pediatric metabolic syndrome definitions impact prevalence estimates and socioeconomic gradients

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    BACKGROUND: There is no consensus regarding the definition of pediatric metabolic syndrome (MetS). This study assessed the impact of alternative definitions on the prevalence, children identified, and association with socioeconomic status (SES). METHODS: Data were from the prospective multigenerational Dutch Lifelines Cohort Study. At baseline, 9754 children participated, and 5085 (52.1%) with average follow-up of 3.0 (SD = 0.75) years were included in the longitudinal analyses; median ages were 12 (IQR = 10-14) and 14 years (IQR = 12-15), respectively. We computed MetS prevalence according to five published definitions and measured the observed proportion of positive agreement. We used logistic regression to assess the SES-MetS association, adjusted for age and sex. Longitudinal models were also adjusted for baseline MetS. RESULTS: MetS prevalence and positive agreement varied between definitions, from 0.7 to 3.0% and from 0.34 (95% CI: 0.28; 0.41) to 0.66 (95% CI: 0.58; 0.75) at baseline, respectively. We consistently found a socioeconomic gradient; in the longitudinal analyses, each additional year of parental education reduced the odds of having MetS by 8% (95% CI: 1%; 14%) to 19% (95% CI: 7%; 30%). CONCLUSIONS: Alternative MetS definitions had differing prevalence estimates and agreed on 50% of the average number of cases. Additionally, regardless of the definition, low SES was a risk factor for MetS. IMPACT: Little is known about the impact of using different definitions of pediatric metabolic syndrome on study results. Our study showed that the choice of pediatric metabolic syndrome definition produces very different prevalence estimates. We also showed that the choice of definition influences the socioeconomic gradient. However, low socioeconomic status was consistently a risk factor for having pediatric metabolic syndrome. In conclusion, studies using different definitions of metabolic syndrome could be reasonably compared when investigating the association with socioeconomic status but not always validly when comparing prevalence studies

    Socioeconomic inequalities in paediatric metabolic syndrome:mediation by parental health literacy

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    Background: Parental health literacy may explain the relationship between parental socioeconomic status (SES) and paediatric metabolic syndrome (MetS). For this reason, we assessed to what extent parental health literacy mediates the relationships between parental SES and paediatric MetS.Methods: We used data from the prospective multigenerational Dutch Lifelines Cohort Study. Our sample consisted of 6683 children with an average follow-up of 36.2 months (SD 9.3) and a mean baseline age of 12.8 years (SD 2.6). We used natural effects models to assess the natural direct, natural indirect and total effects of parental SES on MetS.Results: On average, an additional 4 years of parental education, e.g. university instead of secondary school, would lead to continuous MetS (cMetS) scores that were 0.499 (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.364-0.635) units lower, which is a small effect (d: 0.18). If parental income and occupational level were 1 SD higher, on average cMetS scores were 0.136 (95% CI: 0.052-0.219) and 0.196 (95% CI: 0.108-0.284) units lower, respectively; these are both small effects (d: 0.05 and 0.07, respectively). Parental health literacy partially mediated these pathways; it accounted for 6.7% (education), 11.8% (income) and 8.3% (occupation) of the total effect of parental SES on paediatric MetS.Conclusions: Socioeconomic differences in paediatric MetS are relatively small, the largest being by parental education. Improving parental health literacy may reduce these inequalities. Further research is needed into the mediating role of parental health literacy on other socioeconomic health inequalities in children.</p

    The role of functional health literacy in long-term treatment outcomes in psychosocial care for adolescents

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    Although among adolescents with psychosocial problems low health literacy may increase the risk of poor treatment outcomes, the contributing mechanisms within treatment remain unclear. A better understanding of these mechanisms could contribute to improved treatment processes and outcomes. This study aims to examine the relationship between functional health literacy, treatment processes (treatment adherence, learning processes), and treatment outcome (level of psychosocial problems) in adolescents in psychosocial care. We used data from a prospective cohort study among adolescents aged 12-18 (N = 390), collected in four successive measurements: at entry into care, and 3, 12, and 24 months thereafter. We used a mixed effect model to investigate the association between level of functional health literacy (adequate vs. inadequate) and treatment processes (treatment adherence, learning processes) and treatment outcome (level of psychosocial problems). Between adolescents with adequate and inadequate functional health literacy, we found no differences or change over time in adherence or learning processes. The level of psychosocial problems significantly declined over time (β = - 1.70, 95% CI [- 2.72, - 0.69], p = .001) to a similar degree in both groups, though, in all measurements, the level was consistently higher for adolescents with inadequate health literacy. We conclude that health literacy levels did not affect change in treatment processes nor in outcomes of psychosocial treatment. However, the consistently higher level of psychosocial problems among adolescents with inadequate health literacy suggests an unaddressed need in psychosocial care

    Socioeconomic Health Inequalities in Adolescent Metabolic Syndrome and Depression:No Mediation by Parental Depression and Parenting Style

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    We assessed to what extent parental depression and parenting style mediate the relationships between different measures of parental socioeconomic status (SES) and both depression and metabolic syndrome (MetS) in adolescents, and whether sex moderates these mechanisms. Data were from the prospective multigenerational Dutch Lifelines Cohort Study. Our sample consisted of 1217 adolescents with an average follow-up of 33.3 (SD = 7.33) months and a median baseline age of 13 (IQR:13–14) years. We used structural equation models to assess the direct and indirect effects of SES on baseline and changes at follow-up in both depression and MetS, and to assess moderation by sex. For each additional year of education, continuous MetS scores were 0.098 (95%CI: 0.020; 0.184) units lower at baseline and decreased 0.079 (95%CI: 0.004; 0.158) units at follow-up. No other direct or indirect effects of SES were found, and there was no moderation by sex. Additionally, warmer parenting style was generally associated with more favorable outcome scores. Therefore, improving parenting style may improve health for all adolescents. However, in this study parental depression and parenting style did not account for adolescent socioeconomic health inequalities. This may be partly due to good access to social services within the Netherlands

    Growth in Small-for-Gestational-Age Preterm-Born Children from 0 to 4 Years:The Role of both Prematurity and SGA Status

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    <p>Background: Fullterm small-for-gestational-age children (SGAs) are known for their ability to catch up on growth. Nevertheless, increased risk of growth restriction remains. Evidence on preterm SGA children's growth is lacking. Objective: To determine absolute gains in height and weight, relative growth, and growth restriction in preterm SGAs from 0 to 4 years and how prematurity and SGA status affect these measures. Design/ Methods: Community-based cohort study, n = 1,648 preterm-born (gestational age <36 weeks, 57 SGA) and 605 term-born (12 SGA). We defined SGA as a birth weight less than -2 SD (P 2.3) compared to counterparts matched for gestational age. Height, weight, and head circumference were obtained from medical records and translated to z -scores. We defined growth restriction as height or weight less than -2 SD compared to fullterm appropriate-for-gestational-age children (AGAs). Results: Absolute height and weight gains were similar, but the relative growth of preterms and fullterms differed. Preterm AGAs and fullterm SGAs, although not reaching it, caught up towards the fullterm AGA median (z -scores at 4 years: -0.3 to -1.0). By contrast, preterm SGA children's z -scores were still -1.4 to -1.7. Head circumference growth was less affected by prematurity and SGA birth (z -scores at 1 year: 0.1 to -0.7). Catch-up growth mainly took place during infancy. 30-39% of all preterm SGAs showed growth restriction at 4 years. Conclusions: Growth in preterm SGAs is affected considerably by the joint effects of preterm birth and SGA status, resulting in a high proportion of growth restriction. Copyright (C) 2013 S. Karger AG, Basel</p>

    Stability of Executive Functioning of Moderately-Late Preterm and Full-Term Born Children at Ages 11 and 19:The TRAILS Cohort Study

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    Moderately-late preterm-born children (MLPs, 32-36 weeks gestational age, GA) have poorer executive functioning (EF) at primary school age than full-term children (FTs). Evidence is lacking on their EF in adolescence, but for early preterm-born children, this has been shown to be much poorer. We, therefore, compared EF of MLPs and FTs at ages 11 and 19 and assessed development between these ages. We obtained data from TRAILS, a community-based prospective cohort study in the northern Netherlands, on 98 MLPs and 1832 FTs. We assessed EF by the Amsterdam Neuropsychological Tasks (ANT) at ages 11 and 19 years and computed gender-specific z-scores on reaction time and accuracy. We compared baseline speed, pattern search, working memory, sustained attention, inhibition, and attentional flexibility of MLPs and FTs crude, and adjusted for small-for-GA status, socioeconomic status, and estimated intelligence. MLPs and FTs performed similarly on all EF components at ages 11 and 19, except for the speed, but not the accuracy measure of attentional flexibility. This was slightly poorer for MLPs than FTs at age 19 (adjusted B 0.25; 95% confidence interval: 0.00 to 0.50; p = 0.047), but not at age 11 (adjusted B -0.02; -0.19 to 0.22; p = 0.87). Differences in EF between MLPs and FTs did not change significantly from age 11 to 19. MLPs had comparable EF on most components as FTs, with only attentional flexibility at age 19 developing slightly poorer for MLPs than for FTs. These findings suggest the effects of MLP birth on long-term EF to be small

    Opportunities to strengthen resilience of health care workers regarding patient safety

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    BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic endangered the quality of health care and the safety of patients and health care workers (HCWs). This provided challenges for HCWs' resilience and for hospital management and probably increased risks for patient safety incidents (PSI). HCWs may also have experienced psychological consequences as second victims of PSI, but evidence on this is lacking. Therefore, we mapped HCWs' experiences with PSI during the second wave of COVID-19, the associations of these experiences with the hospital management of patient safety culture and HCWs' interests in receiving further training.METHODS: We obtained data from 193 HCWs working at the COVID-related departments of one large hospital in eastern Slovakia via a questionnaire developed in direct collaboration with them. We measured PSI experiences as various HCWs' experiences with near miss and adverse events and the hospital management of patient safety culture using indicators such as risk of recurrence, open disclosure and second victim experiences. For analysis, we used logistic regression models adjusted for age and gender of the HCWs.RESULTS: One-third of the hospital HCWs had experienced PSI; these were more likely to expect adverse events to recur (odds ratio, OR = 2.7-3.5). Regarding the hospital management of patient safety culture, the HCWs' experiencing openly disclosed PSI was associated with one negative outcome, i.e. conflicts among colleagues (OR = 2.8), and one positive outcome, i.e. patients' acceptance of their explanation and apologies (OR = 2.3). We found no associations for any other essential domains after disclosure. PSI experiences were strongly associated with psychological indicators of second victimhood, such as sadness, irritability, anxiety and depression (OR = 2.2-4.3), while providing support was not. The majority of the HCWs would like to participate in the suggested trainings (83.4%).CONCLUSION: HCWs with PSI experiences reported poor hospital management of the patient safety culture, which might reflect they missed the opportunities to strengthen their resilience, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.</p

    Outcomes and Critical Factors for Successful Implementation of Organizational Health Literacy Interventions:A Scoping Review

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    Organizational health literacy (OHL)-interventions can reduce inequality and demands in health care encountered by patients. However, an overview of their impact and critical factors for organization-wide implementation is lacking. The aim of this scoping review is to summarize the evidence on: (1) the outcomes of OHL-interventions at patient, professional and organizational levels; and (2) the factors and strategies that affect implementation and outcomes of OHL-interventions. We reviewed empirical studies following the five-stage framework of Arksey and O'Malley. The databases Scopus, PubMed, PsychInfo and CINAHL were searched from 1 January 2010 to 31 December 2019, focusing on OHL-interventions using terms related to "health literacy", "health care organization" and "intervention characteristics". After a full-text review, we selected 24 descriptive stu-dies. Of these, 23 studies reported health literacy problems in relation to OHL-assessment tools. Nine out of thirteen studies reported that the use of interventions resulted in positive changes on OHL-domains regarding comprehensible communication, professionals' competencies and practices, and strategic organizational changes. Organization-wide OHL-interventions resulted in some improvement of patient outcomes but evidence was scarce. Critical factors for organization-wide implementation of OHL-interventions were leadership support, top-down and bottom-up approaches, a change champion, and staff commitment. Organization-wide interventions lead to more positive change on OHL-domains, but evidence regarding OHL-outcomes needs strengthening
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