81 research outputs found

    Garag sheep phenotype and husbandry in Um Hani area in the White Nile State, Sudan

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    Garag sheep phenotype and husbandry were studied in a survey of 295 animals at <1 - >4 years old in Um Hani area in the White Nile State, Sudan. Body weight (BW) and measurements generally increased with age from <1 to 4 years old. The tail was below the hock joint in most animals. The hair was short and rough and the coat colour varied and was mainly white (73.89% in females and 64.44% in males),  black and white (9.49% in females and 17.78% in males) and white and red (5.08% in females and 6.67% in males). The face profile was convex and the animals were polled. There were strong correlations between BW and measurements and different linear regression equations were used to predict BW from heart girth (HG), height at withers (HW) and body length (BL) with no significant differences between measured and predicted BW. Flock size was 80.78 and females formed most of the flocks (88.37%). Lambs were weaned at 4.24 months old. Age at puberty was 6.82 months in males and 7.2 months in females. Age at first service was 8.12 months in males and 7.96 months in females. Gestation period was 154.2 days. Lambing interval was 356.4 days and lambing was from August to September. Lactation period was 124.8 days and average milk yield was 0.37 kg/day. Longevity was higher in females (6.48 years) than males (3.8 years)

    Carcass characteristics of male Desert goats in Elobeid area in North Kordofan State, Sudan

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    Body components and carcass characteristics of the Desert goat, which is an important meat breed in the Sudan, were studied in Elobeid area in North Kordofan State in November 2005. Six males at < 1 and 1 year old (3 in each group) were bought from Elobeid livestock market and slaughtered according to Islamic rituals. There were significant differe-nces (P<0.05) in weights of blood, leg, heart, mesenteric fat and testicles and no significant differences in the percentages of body components on empty body weight basis between the two age groups. Slaughter weight, empty body weight and hot carcass weights were increased significantly (P<0.05) with increasing slaughter age and were heavier at 1 year old. Dressing percentages on live body weight and empty body weight basis were higher at 1 year old with no significant differences between the two age groups and the empty body weights were higher compared to the live body weight. The percentages of total carcass muscles and fat were increased and that of bones were decreased with increasing age. There were no significant differences between the two age groups in ratio of muscle to bone, muscle to fat and whole sale cuts. There were significant (P<0.05) differences between the two age groups in carcass moisture, protein, fat and ash. Longissmus dorsi area was highly significantly (P<0.01) increased with increasing slaughter age. &nbsp


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    Objectives: The objective of this research was to develop simple, sensitive and accurate zero ( °D), first (1D) and second (2D) order derivative spectrophotometric methods for the analysis of florfenicol in bulk and dosage forms.Methods: The original UV spectrum (zero-order) of florfenicol aqueous solution was measured at 267 nm against its blank. This spectrum was then differentiated instrumentally to generate the first and second derivative spectra which were measured at 274 nm and 281 nm, respectively. The developed methods were validated as per ICH guidelines.Results: Regression data of the developed methods obeyed Beer's law over the concentration range 3˗15µg/ml with a good correlation coefficient (not less than 0.998). Limits of detection were found to be 0.68, 1.30, 1.13µg/ml and limits of quantification were 2.05, 3.87, 3.58µg/ml for °D, 1D and 2D order derivative, respectively. The developed methods demonstrated good inter-day and intra-day precision at the three modes. The obtained recovery percentage (98.3±1.8%; n=3) reflected the freedom from interference by the excipients.Conclusion: The statistical validation at 95% confidence level proves the sensitivity, accuracy and precision of the developed methods.Keywords: Florfenicol, Spectrophotometry, Derivative spectra, Dosage for

    Effects of sugar beet root based concentrates level on carcass characteristics and body components in Tagger male kids

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         Twelve Tagger male kids at 6 month old were used to study the effects of dried sugar beet root (DSBR) based concentrates level on the performance and carcass characteristics in the Gezira State, Sudan. They were weighed, divided into 3 groups according to body weight (BW) and allocated at random to the 3 experimental diets. They were  housed in individual pens and weighed weekly before the morning meal for 8 weeks with a two weeks preliminary period. They were fed groundnut haulm (GNH) ad lib. in two equal meals at 8 am and 4 pm and different levels of DSBR based concentrates (0 (control), 150g and 300g) in two equal parts before GNH meals. The animals were slaughtered and body components and carcass characteristics were studied. Slaughter weight, hot carcass weight (9.62- 12.69 kg), EBW (7.39-10.1kg), dressing percentages (37.26-41.67), muscle (65.75-68.0%), fat (7.75-12.25%), muscle: bone (2.49:1- 3.58:1) and muscle: fat (8.79:1-10.6:1) increased and bone (26.50 -19.75%) decreased with concentrates level. Body components weight and percentages on live BW varied among and within concentrate levels and were mostly the heaviest in animals fed 300g concentrates. Body components weights and percentages were not significantly (P>0.05) affected by concentrates level, except kidneys and renal fat, mesentery and omentum. The highest percentages were higher in the control and least in animals fed 150g concentrates. It is recommended to use DSBR based concentrates in fattening Tagger kids.     استخدم 12 ذكر جديان من  التقر بعمر 6 أشهر لدراسة أثر مستويات عليقة مركزة تحتوي على جذور بنجر السكر الجافة على  صفات الذبيحة و مكونات الجسم الثانوية في ولاية الجزيرة بالسودان.  تم وزن الحيوانات وتقسيمها الى 3 مجموعات على أساس الوزن ووزعت عشوائيا على اعلاف الدراسة الثلاث. وضعت الحيوانات في حظائر فردية ووزنت أسبوعياً قبل وجبة الصباح لمدة 8 أسابيع منها أسبوعين فترة إعدادية.  أعلفت الحيوانات تبن الفول السوداني حسب الرغبة في وجبتين متساويتين عند الثامنة صباحا والرابعة مساء و مستويات مختلفة من عليقة مركزة ترتكز على جذور بنجر السكر الجافة  (صفر (الشاهد) 150و و300جم ( في جزئين قبل وجبات تبن الفول السوداني.  ذبحت الحيوانات وقيست مكونات الجسم الثانوية وصفات الذبيحة. أظهرت الدراسة ازدياد وزن الذبح والذبيحة الحارة(9.62- 12.69  كجم ) ووزن الجسم الفارغ (7.39-10.1  كجم) ونسبة التصافي (37.26 %– (%41. 67  علي أساس الوزن الحي و  42.875-52.15%  علي أساس الوزن الفارغ ونسب العضلات (65.75  %- 68.00%) والدهون (7.75%-12.25%) ونسبة العضلات للعظام ( %2.49- %3.58 ) والعضلات للدهون 8.79%-10.6 (% و تقل نسب العظام (19.75%-26.50% (مع زيادة مستوي العليقة المركزة بدون فروق معنوية .  تباينت أوزان مكونات الجسم الثانوية ونسبها على أساس وزن الجسم بين وداخل مستويات العليقة المركزة وكانت أعلي في الحيوانات المغذاة علي 300 جم عليقة مركزة وأقلها في  مجموعة الشاهد . لم تكن الفروقات في أوزان ونسب مكونات الجسم الثانوية معنوية عدا الكلي ودهنها والمساريقا ودهن الأحشاء. كان عدد النسب المئوية الأعلى أكبر في مجموعة الشاهد واقل في التي أعلفت 150 جم عليقة مركزة. يوصي باستخدام علائق تحتوي على  جذور بنجر السكر الجافة لتسمين جديان ماعز التقر                                                                                           &nbsp

    Frequency of venous thromboembolism during hajj sessions 2017-2019 in Makkah, Saudi Arabia

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    Background: Venous thromboembolism (VTE) includes deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE), both are serious health risks. In western countries, VTE affects about 114 to 184 people per 100,000. Asian populations have a significantly lower incidence than western populations. The true incidence of VTE is still not well documented in Saudi Arabia (KSA). There are different major risk factors especially in hajj season that predispose a person to thrombosis. The mortality rate of autopsy-based pulmonary embolism reaches up to 30%. Methods: This single-centered retrospective descriptive study was done in security forces hospital Makkah, Saudi Arabia during hajj period (30 days) for consecutive three-year. All admitted confirmed DVT and PE patients (N=32) of both genders with age >14 years were included. Patients’ data were extracted from the electronic medical record. Data were analysed by SPSS version 23. Results: Deep venous thrombosis (DVT) was developed in 67.7% while 19.3% of patients suffered from pulmonary embolism (PE) out of a total of 32 subjects. Females were more affected by 18 (56.3%) than males by 14 (43.8%). The mean age of patients was 51.78 years (SD ±16.21). A statistically significant association (p<0.005) between provoked VTE status and age, immobility, and history of surgery was seen. There was no mortality documented in this study. Conclusions: This study provides insights into hajj period hospital admitted patients’ frequency of VTE, changing patient profiles, management strategies, and subsequent outcomes in patients with venous thromboembolism. There is a need for greater awareness of VTE prophylaxis about its prevention, especially in hajj season

    Effects of dried sugar beet root based concentrates level on wholesale cuts and eye muscle characteristics in Tagger male kids

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    Twelve Tagger males at 6 month old were used to study the effects of dried sugar beet root (DSBR) based concentrates level on animals performance, carcass and wholesale cuts characteristics. They were weighed and divided into 3 groups, each with 4 animals. They were housed in individual pens with feed and water troughs and allocated at random to the diets. They were weighed weekly for 8 weeks with a two weeks preliminary period. They were fed groundnut haulm (GNH) ad lib. in two equal meals at 8 am and 4  pm and different levels of DSBR based concentrates (0 (control), 150g and 300g) in two equal parts before GNH meals. The concentrates contained 68% DSBR,15% GNH cakes, 15% sunflower cake, 1% salt and 1% oyster shell. The animals were slaughtered, skinned and carcass characteristics were studied. The left side was divided into wholesale cuts and were weighed and dissected into muscle, fat and bone. The rib section (10th – 12th) was removed and the characteristics and meat composition were determined. Percentages of best end of neck, breast and leg and chump, neck and loin generally increased with concentrates level. Concentrates level had no significant (P>0.05) effect on wholesale cuts percentages. Meat DM, CP, EE and ash were 32.82%, 17.3%, 2.15% and 3.0% at 0 concentrates, 37.5%, 17.9%, 2.35% and 2.65, respectively at 150g concentrates and 35.5%, 18.2%, 2.4% and 2.95%, respectively at 300g concentrates. Overall meat composition was 35.28%, 17.8%, 2.3% and 2.87%, respectively. Meat DM and CP varied significantly (P<0.05) with concentrates level. Animals fed no concentrates had the least DM, CP and EE and the highest ash. Animals fed 300g had the highest CP and EE. Supplementing GNH with DSBR based concentrates generally improved Tagger kids wholesale cuts percentages and meat composition. It is recommended to use DSBR based concentrates in fattening Tagger kids.         حفز ارتفاع الطلب وأسعار اللحوم في السودان على تحسين لحوم الماعز لارتفاع أعدادها وارتفاع العضلات والقيمة الغذائية وانخفاض الكولسترول والأحماض الدهنية المشبعة.  تعتبر التقر سلالة واعدة لإنتاج اللحوم لجودة القوام ونوعية اللحم. إنتاج اللحوم عامة تقليدي مع انخفاض الاستثمار والعائدات. التغذية من أهم المعوقات لتدهور المراعي والتباين الموسمي في كمية ونوعية العلف وغلاء العلائق المركزة . أدخل بنجر السكر لولاية الجزيرة وهو علف واعد خاصة الجذر لارتفاع الطاقة. لا تتوفر معلومات عن استخدام جذر البنجر الجاف لجديان التقر.  ولذلك أجريت هذه الدراسة لاختبار اثر مستويات عليقة مركزة ترتكز على جذر البنجر الجاف على الأداء وصفات الذبيحة وتركيب اللحم في جديان التقر. وضعت 12 من ذكور جديان التقر بعمر 6  أشهر في حظائر فردية بها أوعية للعلف والماء وأعطيت عشوائيا الأعلاف  المختبرة. وزنت الحيوانات أسبوعيا لمدة 8 أسابيع منها أسبوعين فترة إعدادية. أعلفت الحيوانات تبن الفول السوداني حسب الرغبة في وجبتين متساويتين عند الثامنة صباحا والرابعة مساء ووزن العلف المتبقي. أعلفت الحيوانات مستويات مختلفة من عليقة مركزة ترتكز على جذور البنجر الجاف (صفر ( الشاهد)  150 و300جم ( في جزئين قبل وجبات تبن الفول السوداني . احتوت العليقة المركزة على 68% جذور البنجر الجاف و15%  امباز فول سوداني و15%  أمباز زهرة الشمس و1% ملح و 1% صدف.  حفظت عينات من تبن الفول السوداني و جذور البنجر الجاف والتبن المتبقي والعليقة المركزة للتحليل المعملي . ذبحت الحيوانات وسلخت  وفصلت مكونات الجسم الثانوية ووزنت لوحدها. وزنت الذبيحة وحسبت صفات الذبيحة.  قسم الجزء الأيسر من الذبيحة إلى قطع إجمالية ووزنت ثم شرحت كل منها.  فصلت العضلة العينية (الضلع 10-12 ) وعينت الصفات والتركيب .. قُسمت الذبائح لخمسة قطع تجارية ولم تُلاحظ فروق معنوية بين مستويات العلائق المركزة. عند التحليل الكيميائي للحوم كانت النسب المئوية للمادة الجافة و البروتين الخام والدهون الخام والرماد %32.82  و %17.3 و %2.15 و3.0  % للمجموعة القياسية و %37.5 و %17.9 و %2.35 و2.65 %عند 150 جم عليقة مركزة و  %35.5 و %18.2 و 2.4  2.95 % عند 300 جم عليقة مركزة ، علي التوالي. وكان المتوسط العام لتركيب اللحم %35.28 و %17.8 و2.3  %و %2.87 ، علي التوالي وكانت الفروق بين مستويات العليقة المركزة معنوية للمادة الجافة والبروتين الخام (P<0.05) . كان للمجموعة القياسية أقل مادة جافة وبروتين خام ودهون وأعلي نسبة رماد.  بينما نالت المجموعة المغذاة علي 300 جم عليقة مركزة أعلي بروتين خام ودهون.  عامة ساهمت إضافة تبن الفول السوداني والعلائق المركزة المعتمدة علي جذور بنجر السكر في تحسين نسب القطع التجارية وتركيب اللحم.  نوصي استخدام علائق بنجر السكر لتسمين جديان التق

    Effects of different levels of sugar beet roots based concentrates on the performance of Tagger male kids

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        High meat demand in the Sudan enhanced improvement of goat meat production. Tagger is a promising meat breed due to good conformation and high meat quality. Nutrition is a main constraint for goat meat production. Sugar beet is introduced into the Gezira State with no information on effects of dried sugar beet roots (DSBR) based concentrates level on Tagger kids performance, carcass characteristics and meat composition. Twelve Tagger males of 6 months old were housed in individual pens, divided into 3 groups, each with 4 animals and allocated at random to the experimental diets. They were weighed weekly for 8 weeks with a two weeks preliminary period. They were fed groundnut haulm (GNH) ad lib. in two equal meals at 8.0 am and 4.0 pm and refusals were collected and weighed daily. The animals were fed different levels of DSBR based concentrates: 0 (control), 150g and 300g, in two equal parts before GNH meals. The concentrates contained 68% DSBR,15% groundnut cakes, 15% sunflower cakes, 1% salt and 1% oyster shell. Samples of feeds and refusals were stored for laboratory analysis.  Resultd showed that groundnut haulm (30% CP, 8.8% CF, 4.8% ash and 48.2% NFE) had better proximate analysis than refusals which generally improved with concentrates levels. Dried sugar beet had 12.9% CP, 11.0% CF and 59.25% NFE and the concentrates had 42.25% CP, 2.0% CF and 49.5% NFE. Overall mean BW generally increased with concentrates level (10.78, 10.9 and 12.19kg at 0, 150 and 300g, respectively), but  not significantly different. Overall mean daily feed intakes varied with concentrates level and were 1550.89, 1187.46 and 1545.67g at 0, 150 and 300g concentrates, respectively, and were significantly least in animals fed 150g concentrates. Weekly weight gain generally increased with concentrates level in all weeks and was highest in animals fed 150g concentrates with no significant effects for concentrates level. It was 0.55, 0.68 and 0.60 kg at 0, 150 and 300g concentrates, respectively. It is recommended to use DSBR based concentrates in fattening Tagger kids.     حفز ارتفاع الطلب  على اللحوم وأسعارها في السودان تحسين لحوم الماعز. تعتبر التقر سلالة واعدة لإنتاج اللحوم لجودة القوام ونوعية اللحم.  إلا أن التغذية من المعوقات الرئيسة لإنتاج لحوم الماعز.  أدخل بنجر السكر لولاية الجزيرة ولا تتوفر معلومات عن أثر مستوى جذر البنجر الجاف) ج ب ج (على أداء جديان التقر وصفات الذبيحة  وتركيب اللحم.  وضعت 12 من ذكور جديان التقر بعمر 6 أشهر في حظائر فردية  وقسمت الى 3 مجموعات بكل منها 4 حيوانات  ووزعت عشوائيا على أعلاف الدراسة. وزنت الحيوانات أسبوعيا لمدة 8 أسابيع منها أسبوعين فترة إعدادية. أعلفت الحيوانات تبن الفول السوداني )ت ف س) حسب الرغبة في وجبتين متساويتين عند الثامنة صباحا والرابعة مساء وجمع ووزن العلف المتبقي.  كما أعلفت الحيوانات مستويات مختلفة من عليقة مركزة ترتكز على )ج ب ج  (عند صفر( الشاهد), 150 و300جم في جزئين متساويين  قبل وجبتي ت ف س. احتوت العليقة المركزة على 68% ج ب ج و15%  امباز فول سوداني و15%  تبن زهرة الشمس و1% ملح و 1% صدف  حفظت عينات من  الأعلاف والعلف المتبقي للتحليل المعملي.  حُللت المعلومات إحصائيا باستخدام تحليل التباين واستخدم اختبار دنكن لفصل اختلافات المتوسطات. كان  ت ف س (  30% بروتين خام ، 8.85 ألياف خام، 4.8% رماد و 48.2% جزء خالي من النتروجين) أحسن في التحليل التقريبي من المتبق.والذي تحسنت نوعيته بارتفاع مستوى العليقة المركزة. كان تركيب  ج ب ج 12.95 % بروتين خام ، 11% الياف خام و 59.25% جزء خالي من النتروجين .وتركيب العليقة المركزة  42.25 % بروتين خام ، 2% ألياف خام و 49.5% جزء خالي من النتروجين .  زاد متوسط الوزن الكلى مع زيادة العليقة المركزة (10.78 ،  10.9 و 12.19عند صفر و 150 و 300 جم عليقة مركزة على التوالي بدون فروقات معنوية . (P>.05)  تباين متوسط المتناول من العلف تبعاً لمستوي المركزات وكان 1550.89 و 1187.46 و 1545.67 جم عند صفر و 150 و300 جم عليقة مركزة ، علي التوالي وكان أقل معنوياً للحيوانات التي غُذيت علي  150عليقة مركزة.  تباينت زيادة الوزن الأسبوعي بزيادة مستوي العليقة المركزة في كل الأسابيع وكانت الأعلى للحيوانات عند 150 جم بدون زيادة معنوية. وكانت 0.55 و0.68 و 0.60 كجم عند صفر و 150 و300 جم عليقة مركزة، علي التوالي. يوصي باستخدام علائق جذور بنجر السكر المجففة لتسمين جديان التقر

    Development of novel isatin thiazolyl-pyrazoline hybrids as promising antimicrobials in MDR pathogens

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    Microbial Multidrug Resistance (MDR) is an emerging global crisis. Derivatization of natural or synthetic scaffolds is among the most reliable strategies to search for and obtain novel antimicrobial agents for the treatment of MDR infections. Here, we successfully manipulated the synthetically flexible isatin moieties to synthesize 22 thiazolyl-pyrazolines hybrids, and assessed their potential antimicrobial activities in vitro against various MDR pathogens, using the broth microdilution calorimetric XTT reduction method. We chose 5 strains to represent the major MDR microorganisms, viz: Methicillin resistant S. aureus (MRSA), and Vancomycin-resistant E. faecalis (VRE) as Gram-positive bacteria; Carbapenem-resistant K. pneumonia (CRKP), and Extended-spectrum beta-lactamase E. coli (ESBL-E), as Gram-negative bacteria; and Fluconazole-resistant C. albicans (FRCA), as a yeast-like unicellular fungus.The cytotoxicity of compounds 9f and 10h towards mammalian lung fibroblast (MRC-5) cells demonstrated their potential satisfactory safety margin as represented by their relatively high IC50 values. The target compounds showed promising anti-MDR activities, suggesting they are potential leads for further development and in vivo studies