311 research outputs found

    Loss-tolerant quantum enhanced metrology and state engineering via the reverse Hong-Ou-Mandel effect

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    Preparing highly entangled quantum states between remote parties is a major challenge for quantum communications [1-8]. Particularly promising in this context are the N00N states, which are entangled N-photon wavepackets delocalized between two different locations, providing measurement sensitivity limited only by the uncertainty principle [1, 10-15]. However, these states are notoriously vulnerable to losses, making it difficult both to share them between remote locations, and to recombine them to exploit interference effects. Here we address this challenge by utilizing the reverse version of the Hong-Ou-Mandel effect [16] to prepare a high-fidelity two-photon N00N state shared between two parties connected by a lossy optical channel. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the enhanced phase sensitivity can be directly exploited in the two distant locations, and we remotely prepare superpositions of coherent states, known as Schr\"odinger's cat states" [17, 18]

    Estimating the impact of ungulates on holocene steppe ecosystems  by analyzing repaired injuries in land snail shells

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    In this study we propose a method for estimating the impact of ungulates on Holocene steppe ecosystems by analyzing repaired injuries in fossil shells of the land snail Helicopsis striata Mülle

    Assessment of the genetic distances between some species of the family Bradybaenidae (Mollusca, Pulmonata)

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    On the basis of inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) loci and the nucleotide sequences of nuclear (18S and ITS-1) and mitochondrial genes (COI and 16S), a phylogenetic analysis of the three species of terrestrial mollusks of the family Bradybaenidae (Mollusca, Pulmonata), Bradybaena fruticum Mull., Bradybaena schrencki Midd., and Bradybaena transbaicalia Shileyko, was conducted to clarify their taxonomic statu

    Pharmacological evaluation polysaccharide complex flowers tansy

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    From flowers tansy extracted polysaccharide complex. Installed its qualitative and quantitative composition, have developed a technique standardizing the content of reducing sugars. By thin layer chromatography and high pressure liquid chromatography after acid hydrolysis installed monosaccharide composition: glucose, xylose, arabinose, galactose and mannose. It is proved that the polysaccharide has a high content of uronic acid, which allows it to include the class of pectin. The investigation of gastroprotective activity of polysaccharide in the prophylactic administration at model destruction of the gastric mucosa to indomethacin. Introduction polysaccharide prevents various types of erosive and ulcerative destruction. According to anti-ulcer activity of the drug is superior to ranitidine and comparable to omeprazol

    On the issue of the genetic structure of species found in the relic communities of central russian upland southern territories

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    This paper performs a comparative analysis of population genetic structure concerning specially protected species of terrestrial mollusk Helicopsis striata Müller and the herbaceous plant Androsace kozo-poljanskii Ovs

    Microspatial structure of population gene pool in the land snail Helicopsis striata (Pulmonata, Hygromiidae) in the conditions of the Southern Mid-Russian Upland

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    Microspatial differentiation of the population gene pools of the terrestrial mollusk Helicopsis striata (Muller, 1774) is revealed for various conditions of the Southern Mid-Russian Upland, which is caused by the fragmentation of habitats and differences in the intensity of the gene flow between demes. The spatial differentiation of H. striata, due to the special features of its biology, is the highest among other terrestrial mollusks of the studied regio

    Risks and Dangers of New Information and Communication Technologies

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    The article describes the possible dangerous consequences of the introduction of new information and communication technologies, namely the destruction of conventional roles, of shared mental models due to the distortion of information and its context, the destruction of rutin interactions. The rapid development of science and technology in the late twentieth century led to the emergence of new information and communication technologies (ICT). In this regard, change the forms of communication and the relations between economic agents. This is particularly expressed in the change of conventional roles and common mental models. The possible negative consequences of the application of new ICT are discussed in the article, namely the increase in the probability of inaccuracies and errors in communications, the appearance of a gap in the senses or mutual understanding between the sending and receiving parties due to incorrect context transfer.The rapid change in the conditions of communications, its methods, increasing the share of verbal information leads to the destruction of the pre-rational basis of mutual understanding of people, and consequently to the restriction of economic growth according to G.V. Grebennikov.The solution of emerging problems is seen in the preservation of the traditional notion of communications (their goals, tasks, place in the relationship); determine their some necessary number and type. The preservation of common mental models depends on the preservation of their essential part – common values. We see that the Orthodox faith offers a person a higher ideal and values corresponding to him, as well as a way to achieve it, which can be tested by experience

    Species composition of green frogs (Pelophylax Esculentus Complex) of the Belgorod agglomeration based on DNA markers

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    On the basis of molecular genetic analysis of the intron-1 of the nuclear serum albumin gene (SAI-1) were identified 177 individuals of Pelophylax esculentus complex of 9 localities Belgorod. Two types of population systems R and RE were identified. Pure populations of L-type, E-type and LE-type as well as P. lessonae individuals were not identifie

    Negative Barnett effect, negative moment of inertia of (quark-)gluon plasma and thermal evaporation of chromomagnetic condensate

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    We discuss the negativity of the moment of inertia of (quark-)gluon plasma in a window of ``supervortical'' range of temperatures above the deconfining phase transition, T(11.5)TcT \simeq (1\dots 1.5) T_c found recently in numerical Monte Carlo simulations by two independent methods. In our work, we confirm numerically that the origin of this effect is rooted in the thermal evaporation of the non-perturbative chromomagnetic condensate. We argue that the negative moment of inertia of gluon plasma indicates the presence of a novel effect, the negative spin-vortical coupling for gluons resulting in a negative gluonic Barnett effect: the spin polarization of gluons exceeds the total angular momentum of rotating plasma thus forcing the orbital angular momentum to take negative values in the supervortical range of temperatures.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure