11 research outputs found

    Intérêt et usage des psychostimulants dans le traitement de la dépression du sujet âgé [Psychostimulants for late life depression]

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    The use of psychostimulants in the treatment of depressive disorders is receiving renewed interest. Recent publications suggest a particular interest of psychostimulants in the treatment of depression in the elderly. The aim of this article is to review the literature on the role of psychostimulants in the treatment of depression in older adults. The literature review focused on efficacy and tolerability studies of psychostimulants in the treatment of depression for the elderly that were published between 1980 and 2016. The only inclusion criterion applied was an average age of the sample studied greater than or equal to 60 years. Overall, 12 trials were selected: 3 controlled trials and 9 uncontrolled trials. Of the 3 controlled trials, one compared parallel groups and the other two were cross-tests. Among the psychostimulants, methylphenidate was the most studied molecule. The trials demonstrate an efficacy of this molecule in particular as an add-on therapy in old-age depression but for the most part with a level of proof that remains insufficient. The small size of the samples and the methodological limitations of the studies obviate the possibility of extracting definitive conclusions concerning the place of psychostimulants in the treatment of depression in the elderly. Further studies are required in particular in the treatment of resistant depressive episodes

    Tisserands et fabricants devant les prud'hommes. Essai sur les relations professionnelles et les conflits du travail dans la région de Roubaix- Tourcoing (1810-1848)

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    Delsalle Paul, Lentacker Firmin, Broder Albert, Woronoff A., Gayot Gérard, Deyon Pierre. Tisserands et fabricants devant les prud'hommes. Essai sur les relations professionnelles et les conflits du travail dans la région de Roubaix- Tourcoing (1810-1848). In: Revue du Nord, tome 67, n°265, Avril-juin 1985. Industrialisation de la France. Aspects et problèmes XVIIIe-XXe siècles. pp. 555-562

    Tisserands et fabricants devant les prud'hommes. Essai sur les relations professionnelles et les conflits du travail dans la région de Roubaix- Tourcoing (1810-1848)

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    Delsalle Paul, Lentacker Firmin, Broder Albert, Woronoff A., Gayot Gérard, Deyon Pierre. Tisserands et fabricants devant les prud'hommes. Essai sur les relations professionnelles et les conflits du travail dans la région de Roubaix- Tourcoing (1810-1848). In: Revue du Nord, tome 67, n°265, Avril-juin 1985. Industrialisation de la France. Aspects et problèmes XVIIIe-XXe siècles. pp. 555-562

    Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services; Soil ecosystems

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    This report is developed in the context of the Soils4EU service contract and the MAES Soil Pilot. Working documents from the MAES Soil Pilot working group are (partly) integrated in this report.Soil ecosystem services, as all ecosystem services (ESS), are fundamental for meeting societal needs such as food and energy provision and for overcoming societal challenges like climate change mitigation and adaptation. The MAES (Mapping and Assessment on Ecosystems and their Services) Soil Pilot aims to increase awareness on the importance of soil functions and related ecosystem services and to show their value. The pilot shows the need for protection, management and restoration of soil ecosystems and the need to make a more sustainable and efficient use of it. In the context of the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 20201, the MAES Soil Pilot provides practical guidance and capacity building to the EU institutions and Member States on methods and tools for assessing soil ecosystem services