106 research outputs found

    Beyond the lean manager. Insights on how to develop corporate lean leadership

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    Although leadership is consistently found to be the main success factor for lean transformations, our knowledge about how to develop the necessary leadership competences at the level of the individual and the organisation remains limited. Based on an action-research study of lean leadership development in a Norwegian high-tech manufacturer, this article proposes an integrated model for how to develop corporate lean leadership. The model combines earlier research on ‘hard’ versus ‘soft’ leadership competencies and individual versus collective competency development in a two-dimensional framework, which highlights four areas of intervention. We argue that conventional lean leadership training should be supplemented by insights and practices from human resource management and organisational development. Hence, lean professionals (coaches and trainers) should reach out to HR-professionals often organised in different functional departments. The model might guide future practical interventions. We encourage further research to investigate the model with respect to its wider applicability.publishedVersio

    Socioeconomic disparities in early language development in two Norwegian samples

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    Socioeconomic disparities in early language are widespread and have long-lasting effects. The aim of this study is to investigate when social gaps in language problems arise and how they change across the first years of schooling. We address this question in two large longitudinal Norwegian datasets: the Behavior Outlook Norwegian Developmental Study (BONDS) and the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study (MoBa). Despite some slight differences across the two samples, we found that children from higher social backgrounds are less likely to have language difficulties starting from age 18 months and up to age 8 (grade 2). Moreover, while early language problems are strongly predictive of later language, maternal education makes an additional contribution to explaining language difficulties at the beginning of school life. Social inequality in language development arises early, even in a country like Norway, with low unemployment and one of the most egalitarian societies in Europe.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Results from the intercalibration of optical low light calibration sources 2011

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    Following the 38th Annual European Meeting on Atmospheric Studies by Optical Methods in Siuntio in Finland, an intercalibration workshop for optical low light calibration sources was held in Sodankylä, Finland. The main purpose of this workshop was to provide a comparable scale for absolute measurements of aurora and airglow. All sources brought to the intercalibration workshop were compared to the Fritz Peak reference source using the Lindau Calibration Photometer built by Wilhelm Barke and Hans Lauche in 1984. The results were compared to several earlier intercalibration workshops. It was found that most sources were fairly stable over time, with errors in the range of 5–25%. To further validate the results, two sources were also intercalibrated at UNIS, Longyearbyen, Svalbard. Preliminary analysis indicates agreement with the intercalibration in Sodankylä within about 15–25%

    Sur la taille, l'envergure, le périmètre thoracique et la hauteur du buste chez les populations de l'intérieur et des côtes de la Norvège

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    Daae A., Daae H. Sur la taille, l'envergure, le périmètre thoracique et la hauteur du buste chez les populations de l'intérieur et des côtes de la Norvège. In: Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'anthropologie de Paris, V° Série. Tome 7, 1906. pp. 158-164

    Strømforhold i Førdefjorden utenfor Engebøfjellet. Tredimensjonal modellering av strømforholdene i vannsøylen ved endring av bunntopografi.

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    Målet i dette prosjektet har vært å gi en beskrivelse av hvordan strømforholdene påvirkes av endringer i bunntopografien ved deponi av avgangsmasse fra gruvedrift i fjorden utenfor Engebø. Dette har blitt gjort ved bruk av havmodellen ROMS som ble satt opp for Førdefjorden. Modellen har blitt validert mot både strømmålinger i overflatelaget og bunnlaget. Modellresultatene sannsynliggjør at terskelen i Ålasundet (55 m dyp) skaper aktivitet fra indre bølger ned til omtrent 200 m dyp. Under forhold utenom dypvannsfornyelser, vil en hevning av bunnen utenfor Engebø øke strømstyrken langs bunnen, spesielt på vestsiden av deponiområdet. Dersom bunnen heves opp fra omtrent 300 m (dagens situasjon) til 215 meter på det høyeste er økningen liten. 90-persentilen av strømstyrken økes da fra omtrent 2.5 cm/s til 3.9 cm/s ved nippflo og fra omtrent 3.8 til 4.8 cm/s ved springflo midt i Førdefjorden utenfor Engebøkaia. Dersom bunnen heves opp til 150 meter på det høyeste er virkningen større: 90-persentilen av strømstyrken økes da opp til 8.4 cm/s ved nippflo og opp til 10.3 cm/s ved springflo på samme området. De økte strømstyrkene er ikke så store at erosjon av partikler fra bunnen vil øke, men små partikler som er allerede svever i vannet langs bunn vil i større grad blir transportert vekk. Under stagnerte forhold blir det mer bevegelsesenergi i vannmassene når bunnen heves. Dette fører til at den vertikale blandingen vil øke noe i Engebøbassenget under 55 m når masse deponeres. Et resultat av dette vil være en økning i hyppigheten av dypvannsfornyelser, men modellberegninger alene er ikke tilstrekkelig for å si noe om størrelsen av økningen. Det vil da også være nødvendig å overvåke sjiktningen i dypvannet over ti

    Atmospheric ozone above Troll station, Antarctica observed by a ground based microwave radiometer

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    This paper describes the stratospheric and mesospheric ozone profiles retrieved from spectral measurements of the 249.96 GHz O3 line, using the British Antarctic Survey's ground-based Microwave Radiometer at Troll (BAS-MRT), Antarctica (72°01' S, 02°32' E, 62° Mlat). The instrument operated at Troll from February 2008 through January 2010, and hourly averaged spectra were used to retrieve approximately 22 ozone profiles per day. The ozone profiles cover the pressure range from 3 to 0.02 hPa (approximately 38 to 72 km) which includes the topside of the stratospheric ozone layer and the peak of the tertiary maximum. Comparing the retrieved ozone volume mixing ratio (vmr) values to Aura/MLS and SD-WACCM shows no significant bias to within the instrumental uncertainties. The long-term variations (> 20 days) between MLS and SD-WACCM agree well with BAS-MRT at all altitudes with significant correlation coefficients of at least 0.9 (0.7 with SD-WACCM) in the upper stratosphere and middle mesosphere. A weaker correlation is found for the long-term variations in summer when most of the vmr values are below the random noise level of Aura/MLS. The correlation of short-term variations (< 20 days) between MLS and BAS-MRT agree well at all altitudes with significant correlation coefficients of at least 0.7 in the upper stratosphere and middle mesosphere. The ozone profiles retrieved at Troll, Antarctica extend the sparse data coverage of middle atmospheric ozone above Antarctica, where, due to the dynamic nature of the ozone concentrations, systematic observations with a high temporal resolution are desirable. The O3 profiles presented here are stored at the UK's Polar Data Centre (http://doi.org/nc3) and are available for public scientific use