62 research outputs found

    A new understanding of fermion masses from the unified theory of spins and charges

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    In this letter we try to answer those of the open questions of the Standard model which concern the appearance of families, mass protection mechanism and the Yukawa couplings - by using the approach (proposed by one of us), which suggests a new way beyond the Standard model. The approach has in the starting action for fermions, which carry in d(=1 +13)-dimensional space only the spin (two kinds of the spin) and interact with only spin connection and vielbein fields, the term manifesting as a mass term in d=1+3. (After making several approximations and assumptions) we connect free parameters of the approach with the experimental data and investigate a possibility that the fourth family appears at low enough energies to be observable in the new generation of accelerators.Comment: 14 pages, revte

    Modeling the field of laser welding melt pool by RBFNN

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    Efficient control of a laser welding process requires the reliable prediction of process behavior. A statistical method of field modeling, based on normalized RBFNN, can be successfully used to predict the spatiotemporal dynamics of surface optical activity in the laser welding process. In this article we demonstrate how to optimize RBFNN to maximize prediction quality. Special attention is paid to the structure of sample vectors, which represent the bridge between the field distributions in the past and future.Comment: 5 pages, 6 eps figures, uses IEEEtran.cl

    Proceedings to the workshops 'What comes beyond the Standard model', 2000, 2001, 2002, Volume 2: Proceedings (Part I)

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    Contents (Part 1): 1.Derivation of Lorentz Invariance and Three Space Dimensions in Generic Field Theory (C D. Froggatt and H. B. Nielsen) 2.Unitary Representations, Noncompact Groups SO(q; d - q)...(N. Mankoc Borstnik, H. B. Nielsen and D. Lukman) 3.Weyl Spinor of SO(1; 13), Families of Spinors ...(A. Borstnik Bracic and N. Mankoc Borstnik) 4.A Tight Packing Problem (A. Kleppe) 5.Why so Few Particle Species? ... (D.L. Bennett and A. Kleppe) 6.About Number of Families (D. Lukman, A. Kleppe and N.S. Mankoc Borstnik) 7.Coupling Constant Unification in Spin-Charge Unifying Model ....(N. Mankoc Borstnik and H. B. Nielsen) (Contents of Part 2 [hep-ph/0301030]: 8.Renormalization of Coupling Constants in the Minimal SUSY Models (R. B. Nevzorov, K. A. Ter-Martirosyan and M. A. Trusov) 9.Multiple Point Model and Phase Transition Couplings ...(L.V. Laperashvili, D.A. Ryzhikh and H.B. Nielsen) 10.Family Replicated Fit of All Quark and Lepton Masses and Mixings (H. B. Nielsen and Y. Takanishi) 11.Family Replicated Calculation of Baryogenesis (H. B. Nielsen and Y. Takanishi) 12. Neutrino Oscillations in Vacuum on the Large Distance (D.A. Ryzhikh and K.A. Ter-Martirosyan) 13. Possibility of an Additional Source of Time Reversal Violation for Neutrinos (R. Erdem) 14.Quark-Lepton Masses and the Neutrino Puzzle in the AGUT Model (C.D. Froggatt) 15.Neutrinos in the Family Replicated Gauge Group Model (C.D. Froggatt))Comment: Part I contains 7 articles by different authors inspired by the discussions at the Bled workshops (remaining 8 articles are included in Part II, hep-ph/0301030). The published Proceedings contains both parts. Editors were N. Mankoc Borstnik, H. Bech Nielsen, C.D. Froggatt, D. Lukma

    Massless solutions for families of spinors for the toy model in d=(1+5)d=(1+5)

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    Massless solutions for four coupled first order differential equations for functions representing families of spinors on the infinite disc curled into an almost S2S^2 are presented and normalizability conditions discussed. Spinors interact with two kinds of spin connection fields of particular coordinate dependence. This is the solution of equations of motion used in "Families of spinors in d=(1+5)d=(1+5) with zweibein and two kinds of spin connection fields on an almost S2S^2".Comment: 3 pages, To appear in the Proceedings to the 15th Bled Workshop "What Comes Beyond Standard Models", DMFA ZALOZNISTVO, December 2012, Vol. 13, No. 2. Name spelling correcte

    Masses and Mixing Matrices of Families of Quarks and Leptons Within the Spin-Charge-Family theory, predictions beyond the tree level

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    The {\it theory unifying spin and charges and predicting families}, proposed by N.S.M.B., predicts at the low energy regime two (in the mixing matrix elements decoupled) groups of four families. There are two kinds of contributions to mass matrices in this theory. One kind distinguishes on the tree level only among the members of one family, that is among the uu-quark, dd-quark, neutrino and electron, the left and right handed, while the other kind distinguishes only among the families. Mass matrices for dd-quarks and electrons are on the tree level correspondingly strongly correlated and so are mass matrices for uu-quarks and neutrinos, up to the term, the Majorana term, which is nonzero only for right handed neutrinos. Beyond the tree level both kinds of contributions start to contribute coherently and it is expected that a detailed study of properties of mass matrices beyond the tree level explains drastic differences in masses and mixing matrices between quarks and leptons. We report in this paper on analysis of one loop corrections to the tree level fermion masses and mixing matrices. Loop diagrams are mediated by the gauge bosons and the two kinds of scalar fields. A detailed numerical analysis of fermion masses and mixing, including neutrinos, within this scenario is in progress and preparation.Comment: 44 pages, 3 figure

    Proceedings to the workshops 'What comes beyond the Standard model', 2000, 2001, 2002, Volume 2: Proceedings (Part II)

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    Contents (Part 2): 8.Renormalization of Coupling Constants in the Minimal SUSY Models (R. B. Nevzorov, K. A. Ter-Martirosyan and M. A. Trusov) 9.Multiple Point Model and Phase Transition Couplings ...(L.V. Laperashvili, D.A. Ryzhikh and H.B. Nielsen) 10.Family Replicated Fit of All Quark and Lepton Masses and Mixings (H. B. Nielsen and Y. Takanishi) 11.Family Replicated Calculation of Baryogenesis (H. B. Nielsen and Y. Takanishi) 12. Neutrino Oscillations in Vacuum on the Large Distance (D.A. Ryzhikh and K.A. Ter-Martirosyan) 13. Possibility of an Additional Source of Time Reversal Violation for Neutrinos (R. Erdem) 14.Quark-Lepton Masses and the Neutrino Puzzle in the AGUT Model (C.D. Froggatt) 15.Neutrinos in the Family Replicated Gauge Group Model (C.D. Froggatt) (Contents of Part 1 [hep-ph/0301029]: 1.Derivation of Lorentz Invariance and Three Space Dimensions in Generic Field Theory (C D. Froggatt and H. B. Nielsen) 2.Unitary Representations, Noncompact Groups SO(q; d - q)...(N. Mankoc Borstnik, H. B. Nielsen and D. Lukman) 3.Weyl Spinor of SO(1; 13), Families of Spinors ...(A. Borstnik Bracic and N. Mankoc Borstnik) 4.A Tight Packing Problem (A. Kleppe) 5.Why so Few Particle Species? ... (D.L. Bennett and A. Kleppe) 6.About Number of Families (D. Lukman, A. Kleppe and N.S. Mankoc Borstnik) 7.Coupling Constant Unification in Spin-Charge Unifying Model ....(N. Mankoc Borstnik and H. B. Nielsen))Comment: Part II contains 8 articles by different authors inspired by the discussions at the Bled workshops (remaining 7 articles are included in Part I, which is available as hep-ph/0301029). The published Proceedings contains both parts. Editors were N. Mankoc Borstnik, H. Bech Nielsen, C.D. Froggatt, D. Lukma

    Proceedings to the 11th Workshop 'What Comes Beyond the Standard Models', Bled, July 15 - 25, 2008, Slovenia

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    Contents: 1. Does the Dark Matter Consist of Baryons of New Heavy Stable Family Predicted by the Approach Unifying Spins and Charges? (G. Bregar and N.S. Mankoc Borstnik) 2. Lorentz Transformations for a Photon (V.V. Dvoeglazov) 3. Is the Space-Time Non-commutativity Simply Non-commutativity of Derivatives? (V.V. Dvoeglazov) 4. Composite Dark Matter: Solving the Puzzles of Underground Experiments? (M.Yu. Khlopov, A.G. Mayorov and E.Yu. Soldatov) 5. Spin Connection Makes Massless Spinor Chirally Coupled to Kaluza-Klein Gauge Field After Compactification of M1+5M^{1+5} to M1+3M^{1+3} x Infinite Disc Curved on S2S^2 (D. Lukman, N.S. Mankoc Borstnik and H.B. Nielsen) 6. Some Obvious Matters of Physics That Are Not Obvious (R. Mirman) 7. Discussions on the Puzzles of the Dark Matter Search (Video Conference Participants) 8. Scattering With Very Heavy Fermions (A. Kleppe) 9. Scientific-Educational Complex -- Virtual Institute of Astroparticle Physics (M.Yu. Khlopov)Comment: Contains articles by different authors presented at the 11th Workshop 'What Comes Beyond the Standard Models', 15. - 25. July 2008, Bled, Slovenia. Editors were N.S. Mankoc Borstnik, H.B. Nielsen, D. Lukman. vii+86p

    Proceedings to the 7th Workshop 'What Comes Beyond the Standard Models', 19. - 31. July 2004, Bled, Slovenia

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    1. Predictions for Four Generations of Quarks Suggested by the Approach Unifying Spins and Charges (M. Breskvar, J. Mravlje, N.Mankoc Borstnik), 2. No-scale Supergravity and the Multiple Point Principle (C.Froggatt, L.Laperashvili, R.Nevzorov, H.B.Nielsen), 3. The Two-Higgs Doublet Model and the Multiple Point Principle (C.Froggatt, L.Laperashvili, R.Nevzorov, H.B.Nielsen, M.Sher), 4. New Physics From a Dynamical Volume Element (E. Guendelman, A. Kaganovich, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva), 5. Randomness in Random Dynamics (A. Kleppe), 6. An Example of Kaluza-Klein-like Theories Leading After Compactification to Massless Spinors Coupled to a Gauge Field-Derivations and Proofs (N. Mankoc Borstnik, H. B. Nielsen and D. Lukman), 7. Geometry Decides Gravity, Demanding General Relativity-it is Thus the Quantum Theory of Gravity (R. Mirman), 8. Physics Would Be Impossible in Any Dimension But 3+1 - There Could Be Only Empty Universes (R. Mirman),9. Conservation of Energy Prohibits Proton Decay (R. Mirman), 10. Approximate Solutions for the Higgs Masses and Couplings in the NMSSM (R. Nevzorov and D.J. Miller)Comment: Contains articles by different authors presented at the 7th Workshop 'What Comes Beyond the Standard Models', 19. - 31. July 2004, Bled, Slovenia. Editors were N. Mankoc Borstnik, H. Bech Nielsen, C.D. Froggatt, D. Lukman. vi+118p

    Proceedings to the 10th Workshop 'What Comes Beyond the Standard Models', Bled, July 17. - 27., 2007, Slovenia

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    Contents: 1. Finestructure Constants at the Planck Scale from Multiple Point Principle (D.L.Bennett, L.V. Laperashvili and H.B. Nielsen) 2. Random Dynamics in Starting Levels (D. Bennett, A. Kleppe in H.B. Nielsen), 3. Families of Quarks and Leptons and Their Mass Matrices from the Approach Unifying Spins and Charges: Prediction for the Fourth Family (G. Bregar, M. Breskvar, D. Lukman and N.S. Mankoc Borstnik) 4. Fermion-Fermion and Boson-Boson Amplitudes: Surprising Similarities (V.V. Dvoeglazov) 5. Antisymmetric Tensor Fields, 4-Vector Fields, Indefinite Metrics and Normalization (V.V. Dvoeglazov) 6. Quantum Gates and Quantum Algorithms with Clifford Algebra Technique (M. Gregoric and N.S. Mankoc Borstnik) 7. From the Starting Lagrange Density to the Effective Fields for Spinors in the Approach Unifying Spins and Charges (N.S. Mankoc Borstnik) 8. New Generations of Particles in the Universe (M.Yu. Khlopov) 9. A Subversive View of Modern 'Physics' (R. Mirman) 10. Mass Spectra are Inherent in Geometry: an Analysis Using the Only Conformal Group Allowing a Universe (R. Mirman) 11. Complex Action, Prearrangement for Future and Higgs Broadening (H.B. Nielsen and M. Ninomiya) 12. Discussion on Dark Matter Candidates from the Approach Unifying Spins and Charges (G. Bregar and N.S. Mankoc Borstnik) 13. Discussion Section Summary on Dark Matter Particle Properties (M.Yu. Khlopov and N.S. Mankoc Borstnik)Comment: Contains articles by different authors presented at the 10th Workshop 'What Comes Beyond the Standard Models', 17. - 27. September 2007, Bled, Slovenia. Editors were N. Mankoc Borstnik, H. Bech Nielsen, C.D. Froggatt, D. Lukman. vii+201p

    Proceedings to the Workshops ''What comes beyond the Standard model'' 2000,2001, VOLUME 1: Festschrift dedicated to the 60th birthday of Holger Bech Nielsen

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    The present volume is the collection of contributions by friends of Holger Bech Nielsen for his 60th birthday. Contents: 1.Unified internal space of spins and charges (N. Mankoc Borstnik) 2.Semitopological Q-Rings (M. Axenides) 3.Non-local axial anomalies in the Standard model (D. Melikhov, B. Stech) 4.Could there be a fourth generation? (C.D. Froggatt) 5.Another complex Bateman equation (D.B. Fairlie) 6.Non-associative loops for Holger Bech Nielsen (P.H. Frampton) 7.Particles, fluids and vortices (J.W. van Holten) 8.Results on 2D current algebras (J.L. Petersen) 9.Phase transition in gauge theories and the Planck scale physics (L.V. Laperashvili and D.A. Ryzhikh) 10.Some remarks on the 'classical' large N limit (P. Olesen) 11.String theory and the size of hadrons (L. Susskind) 12.Relativity and c/sqrt3c/sqrt3 (S.I. Blinnikov, L.B. Okun and M.I. Vysotsky) 13.Vortices (Jeff Greensite)Comment: The proceedings includes 13 papers of different authors. Editors were N. S. Mankoc Borstnik, C. D. Froggatt, D. Lukma
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