531 research outputs found

    Anisotropic Cosmological Models with Energy Density Dependent Bulk Viscosity

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    An analysis is presented of the Bianchi type I cosmological models with a bulk viscosity when the universe is filled with the stiff fluid p=ϵp = \epsilon while the viscosity is a power function of the energy density, such as η=αϵn\eta = \alpha |\epsilon|^n. Although the exact solutions are obtainable only when the 2n2n is an integer, the characteristics of evolution can be clarified for the models with arbitrary value of nn. It is shown that, except for the n=0n = 0 model that has solutions with infinite energy density at initial state, the anisotropic solutions that evolve to positive Hubble functions in the later stage will begin with Kasner-type curvature singularity and zero energy density at finite past for the n>1n> 1 models, and with finite Hubble functions and finite negative energy density at infinite past for the n<1n < 1 models. In the course of evolution, matters are created and the anisotropies of the universe are smoothed out. At the final stage, cosmologies are driven to infinite expansion state, de Sitter space-time, or Friedman universe asymptotically. However, the de Sitter space-time is the only attractor state for the n<1/2n <1/2 models. The solutions that are free of cosmological singularity for any finite proper time are singled out. The extension to the higher-dimensional models is also discussed

    Effects of the Shear Viscosity on the Character of Cosmological Evolution

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    Bianchi type I cosmological models are studied that contain a stiff fluid with a shear viscosity that is a power function of the energy density, such as ζ=αϵn\zeta = \alpha \epsilon^n. These models are analyzed by describing the cosmological evolutions as the trajectories in the phase plane of Hubble functions. The simple and exact equations that determine these flows are obtained when nn is an integer. In particular, it is proved that there is no Einstein initial singularity in the models of 0n<10\leq n < 1. Cosmologies are found to begin with zero energy density and in the course of evolution the gravitational field will create matter. At the final stage, cosmologies are driven to the isotropic Fnedmann universe. It is also pointed out that although the anisotropy will always be smoothed out asymptotically, there are solutions that simultaneously possess non-positive and non-negative Hubble functions for all time. This means that the cosmological dimensional reduction can work even if the matter fluid having shear viscosity. These characteristics can also be found in any-dimensional models

    Rotating Black Holes on Kaluza-Klein Bubbles

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    Using the solitonic solution generating techniques, we generate a new exact solution which describes a pair of rotating black holes on a Kaluza-Klein bubble as a vacuum solution in the five-dimensional Kaluza-Klein theory. We also investigate the properties of this solution. Two black holes with topology S^3 are rotating along the same direction and the bubble plays a role in holding two black holes. In static case, it coincides with the solution found by Elvang and Horowitz.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figure, minor correctio

    New Axisymmetric Stationary Solutions of Five-dimensional Vacuum Einstein Equations with Asymptotic Flatness

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    New axisymmetric stationary solutions of the vacuum Einstein equations in five-dimensional asymptotically flat spacetimes are obtained by using solitonic solution-generating techniques. The new solutions are shown to be equivalent to the four-dimensional multi-solitonic solutions derived from particular class of four-dimensional Weyl solutions and to include different black rings from those obtained by Emparan and Reall.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures;typos corrected, presentations improved, references added;accepted versio

    The Jeans Instability in Presence of Viscous Effects

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    An analysis of the gravitational instability in presence of dissipative effects is addressed. In particular, the standard Jeans Mechanism and the generalization in treating the Universe expansion are both analyzed when bulk viscosity affects the first-order Newtonian dynamics. As results, the perturbation evolution is founded to be damped by dissipative processes and the top-down mechanism of structure fragmentation is suppressed. In such a scheme, the value of the Jeans Mass remains unchanged also in presence of viscosity.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure

    Homogeneous and isotropic big rips?

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    We investigate the way big rips are approached in a fully inhomogeneous description of the space-time geometry. If the pressure and energy densities are connected by a (supernegative) barotropic index, the spatial gradients and the anisotropic expansion decay as the big rip is approached. This behaviour is contrasted with the usual big-bang singularities. A similar analysis is performed in the case of sudden (quiescent) singularities and it is argued that the spatial gradients may well be non-negligible in the vicinity of pressure singularities.Comment: 8 page

    Relationship Between Solitonic Solutions of Five-Dimensional Einstein Equations

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    We give the relation between the solutions generated by the inverse scattering method and the B\"acklund transformation applied to the vacuum five-dimensional Einstein equations. In particular, we show that the two-solitonic solutions generated from an arbitrary diagonal seed by the B\"acklund transformation are contained within those generated from the same seed by the inverse scattering method.Comment: 17 pages, Some references are added, to be published in Phys.Rev.

    On the Gravitational Collapse of a Gas Cloud in Presence of Bulk Viscosity

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    We analyze the effects induced by the bulk viscosity on the dynamics associated to the extreme gravitational collapse. Aim of the work is to investigate whether the presence of viscous corrections to the evolution of a collapsing gas cloud influence the fragmentation process. To this end we study the dynamics of a uniform and spherically symmetric cloud with corrections due to the negative pressure contribution associated to the bulk viscosity phenomenology. Within the framework of a Newtonian approach (whose range of validity is outlined), we extend to the viscous case either the Lagrangian, either the Eulerian motion of the system and we treat the asymptotic evolution in correspondence to a viscosity coefficient of the form ζ=ζ0ρnu\zeta=\zeta_0 \rho^{nu} (ρ\rho being the cloud density and ζ0=const.\zeta_0=const.). We show how, in the adiabatic-like behavior of the gas (i.e. when the politropic index takes values 4/3<γ5/34/3<\gamma\leq5/3), density contrasts acquire, asymptotically, a vanishing behavior which prevents the formation of sub-structures. We can conclude that in the adiabatic-like collapse the top down mechanism of structures formation is suppressed as soon as enough strong viscous effects are taken into account. Such a feature is not present in the isothermal-like (i.e. 1γ<4/31\leq\gamma<4/3) collapse because the sub-structures formation is yet present and outlines the same behavior as in the non-viscous case. We emphasize that in the adiabatic-like collapse the bulk viscosity is also responsible for the appearance of a threshold scale beyond which perturbations begin to increase.Comment: 13 pages, no figur

    Bulk Viscosity Effects on the Early Universe Stability

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    We present a discussion of the effects induced by the bulk viscosity on the very early Universe stability. The matter filling the cosmological (isotropic and homogeneous) background is described by a viscous fluid having an ultrarelativistic equation of state and whose viscosity coefficient is related to the energy density via a power-law of the form ζ=ζ0ρν\zeta=\zeta_0 \rho^\nu. The analytic expression of the density contrast (obtained for ν=1/2\nu=1/2) shows that, for small values of the constant ζ0\zeta_0, its behavior is not significantly different from the non-viscous one derived by E.M. Lifshitz. But as soon as ζ0\zeta_0 overcomes a critical value, the growth of the density contrast is suppressed forward in time by the viscosity and the stability of the Universe is favored in the expanding picture. On the other hand, in such a regime, the asymptotic approach to the initial singularity (taken at t=0t=0) is deeply modified by the apparency of significant viscosity in the primordial thermal bath i.e. the isotropic and homogeneous Universe admits an unstable collapsing picture. In our model this feature regards also scalar perturbations while in the non-viscous case it appears only for tensor modes.Comment: 8 pages, no figur

    Chaos of Yang-Mills Field in Class A Bianchi Spacetimes

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    Studying Yang-Mills field and gravitational field in class A Bianchi spacetimes, we find that chaotic behavior appears in the late phase (the asymptotic future). In this phase, the Yang-Mills field behaves as that in Minkowski spacetime, in which we can understand it by a potential picture, except for the types VIII and IX. At the same time, in the initial phase (near the initial singularity), we numerically find that the behavior seems to approach the Kasner solution. However, we show that the Kasner circle is unstable and the Kasner solution is not an attractor. From an analysis of stability and numerical simulation, we find a Mixmaster-like behavior in Bianchi I spacetime. Although this result may provide a counterexample to the BKL (Belinskii, Khalatnikov and Lifshitz) conjecture, we show that the BKL conjecture is still valid in Bianchi IX spacetime. We also analyze a multiplicative effect of two types of chaos, that is, chaos with the Yang-Mills field and that in vacuum Bianchi IX spacetime. Two types of chaos seem to coexist in the initial phase. However, the effect due to the Yang-Mills field is much smaller than that of the curvature term.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure