27 research outputs found

    Anion polarizability functions in alkali halide crystals

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    Anion polarizabilities in alkali halide crystals are analysed as a function of interionic separation R. The anion polarizability is treated as a function of the anion and cation radii, with its partial derivatives approximated by those with respect to R for fixed cation and anion respectively. With pressure derivatives of the ionic radii deduced from the crystal compressibility, assuming transferability among crystals, the polarizability derivatives with respect to ionic radius yield pressure derivatives of the polarizability that agree with experiment to within a factor of two. These results offer a useful means of predicting the pressure dependence of dielectric data.</p

    Models of environmental effects on anion polarizability

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    This paper deals with three different approaches to the representation of environmental effects on anion polarizability in cubic crystals of the stoichiometry MX, where M is an alkali metal and X is a halogen. Ab initio embedded cluster calculations of the variation in anion polarizability with pressure in a fixed crystal type are presented and compared with experiment. The results are then used in a scaled ab initio model used to predict further values for the pressure dependence of the in-crystal anion polarizability. This scaled model is compared with a fully empirical 'universal' model due to Batana et al. based on polarizability change with ionic radius [1997, Molec. Phys., 92, 1029]. The assumptions of the two models differ substantially and the central purpose of this paper is to contrast these differences and highlight their consequences for prediction. Although the empirical model typically overestimates the experimental pressure derivatives, and the ab initio calculations somewhat underestimate them, it is shown that the assumption of incompressible cations in the scaled ab initio-derived model has a firmer physical basis than the empirical picture in which all ions are compressible. © 1999 Taylor and Francis Ltd

    Multidimensional poverty in Indonesia:Trend over the last decade (2003-2013)

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    The notion of poverty as an experience of multiple deprivation has been widely acknowledged. In Indonesia, however, poverty assessment has almost exclusively been conducted within the monetary space; even when multidimensionality is admitted, it has always been computed using variants of marginal method that are indifferent to joint deprivation. Applying a novel measurement method that is sensitive to both the incidence and the intensity of multiple deprivation to data from the National Socio-economic Survey (Susenas), this paper investigates the extent and the patterns of multidimensional poverty in Indonesia from 2003 to 2013 ([Formula: see text] ). An Indonesian version of the multidimensional poverty index is constructed by augmenting the existing consumption poverty measure with information on health and education. Results suggest that there was an unambiguous poverty reduction over the last decade at both national and sub-national levels. The data also reveal that progress has been inclusive across population subgroups, although spatial variation remains notable. The new poverty measurement method proves to be easily adaptable to the Indonesian context and could complement the methods currently employed by the Indonesian Statistical Bureau