5,077 research outputs found

    Disordered Topological Insulators via C∗C^*-Algebras

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    The theory of almost commuting matrices can be used to quantify topological obstructions to the existence of localized Wannier functions with time-reversal symmetry in systems with time-reversal symmetry and strong spin-orbit coupling. We present a numerical procedure that calculates a Z_2 invariant using these techniques, and apply it to a model of HgTe. This numerical procedure allows us to access sizes significantly larger than procedures based on studying twisted boundary conditions. Our numerical results indicate the existence of a metallic phase in the presence of scattering between up and down spin components, while there is a sharp transition when the system decouples into two copies of the quantum Hall effect. In addition to the Z_2 invariant calculation in the case when up and down components are coupled, we also present a simple method of evaluating the integer invariant in the quantum Hall case where they are decoupled.Comment: Added detail regarding the mapping of almost commuting unitary matrices to almost commuting Hermitian matrices that form an approximate representation of the sphere. 6 pages, 6 figure

    Inference from Matrix Products: A Heuristic Spin Glass Algorithm

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    We present an algorithm for finding ground states of two dimensional spin glass systems based on ideas from matrix product states in quantum information theory. The algorithm works directly at zero temperature and defines an approximate "boundary Hamiltonian" whose accuracy depends on a parameter kk. We test the algorithm against exact methods on random field and random bond Ising models, and we find that accurate results require a kk which scales roughly polynomially with the system size. The algorithm also performs well when tested on small systems with arbitrary interactions, where no fast, exact algorithms exist. The time required is significantly less than Monte Carlo schemes.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, minor typos fixe

    Tip Splittings and Phase Transitions in the Dielectric Breakdown Model: Mapping to the DLA Model

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    We show that the fractal growth described by the dielectric breakdown model exhibits a phase transition in the multifractal spectrum of the growth measure. The transition takes place because the tip-splitting of branches forms a fixed angle. This angle is eta dependent but it can be rescaled onto an ``effectively'' universal angle of the DLA branching process. We derive an analytic rescaling relation which is in agreement with numerical simulations. The dimension of the clusters decreases linearly with the angle and the growth becomes non-fractal at an angle close to 74 degrees (which corresponds to eta= 4.0 +- 0.3).Comment: 4 pages, REVTex, 3 figure

    Fractal to Nonfractal Phase Transition in the Dielectric Breakdown Model

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    A fast method is presented for simulating the dielectric-breakdown model using iterated conformal mappings. Numerical results for the dimension and for corrections to scaling are in good agreement with the recent RG prediction of an upper critical ηc=4\eta_c=4, at which a transition occurs between branching fractal clusters and one-dimensional nonfractal clusters.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures; corrections to scaling include

    Solving Gapped Hamiltonians Locally

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    We show that any short-range Hamiltonian with a gap between the ground and excited states can be written as a sum of local operators, such that the ground state is an approximate eigenvector of each operator separately. We then show that the ground state of any such Hamiltonian is close to a generalized matrix product state. The range of the given operators needed to obtain a good approximation to the ground state is proportional to the square of the logarithm of the system size times a characteristic "factorization length". Applications to many-body quantum simulation are discussed. We also consider density matrices of systems at non-zero temperature.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures; minor changes to references, additional discussion of numerics; additional explanation of nonzero temperature matrix product for

    A short proof of stability of topological order under local perturbations

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    Recently, the stability of certain topological phases of matter under weak perturbations was proven. Here, we present a short, alternate proof of the same result. We consider models of topological quantum order for which the unperturbed Hamiltonian H0H_0 can be written as a sum of local pairwise commuting projectors on a DD-dimensional lattice. We consider a perturbed Hamiltonian H=H0+VH=H_0+V involving a generic perturbation VV that can be written as a sum of short-range bounded-norm interactions. We prove that if the strength of VV is below a constant threshold value then HH has well-defined spectral bands originating from the low-lying eigenvalues of H0H_0. These bands are separated from the rest of the spectrum and from each other by a constant gap. The width of the band originating from the smallest eigenvalue of H0H_0 decays faster than any power of the lattice size.Comment: 15 page

    Quasi-Adiabatic Continuation in Gapped Spin and Fermion Systems: Goldstone's Theorem and Flux Periodicity

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    We apply the technique of quasi-adiabatic continuation to study systems with continuous symmetries. We first derive a general form of Goldstone's theorem applicable to gapped nonrelativistic systems with continuous symmetries. We then show that for a fermionic system with a spin gap, it is possible to insert π\pi-flux into a cylinder with only exponentially small change in the energy of the system, a scenario which covers several physically interesting cases such as an s-wave superconductor or a resonating valence bond state.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figures, final version in press at JSTA
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