44 research outputs found

    Dispositional optimism as a correlate of decision-making styles in adolescence

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    Despite the numerous psychological areas in which optimism has been studied, including career planning, only a small amount of research has been done to investigate the relationship between optimism and decision-making styles. Consequently, we have investigated the role of dispositional optimism as a correlate of different decision-making styles, in particular, positive for effective styles and negative for ineffective ones (doubtfulness, procrastination, and delegation). Data were gathered through questionnaires administered to 803 Italian adolescents in their last 2 years of high schools with different fields of study, each at the beginning stages of planning for their professional future. A paper questionnaire was completed containing measures of dispositional optimism and career-related decision styles, during a vocational guidance intervention conducted at school. Data were analyzed using stepwise multiple regression. Results supported the proposed model by showing optimism to be a strong correlate of decision-making styles, thereby offering important intervention guidelines aimed at modifying unrealistically negative expectations regarding their future and helping students learn adaptive decision-making skills

    L'efficienza nell'industria dei servizi mobiliari. Il caso delle Sim di negoziazione

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    Il lavoro accoglie i risultati di una ricerca effettuata sul tema delle economie di scala e di produzionecongiunta delle SIM di negoziazione dal Centro Studi Finanziari (CESFI) dell'Università Cattolica nell'ambito della collaborazione con ASSOSIM (Associazione Intermediari Mobiliari)

    Libro bianco sulla funzione di compliance

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    Il supporto alla conformit\ue0 bancaria, intesa come tensione al pieno e sostanziale rispetto delle regole sia etero che auto imposte. Essere compliant \ue8 condizione necessaria, ma non per questo meno sfidante, per poter operare nel mercato. ad una visione pi\uf9 sistemica e pro-attiva in cui si riesca a sposare la necessaria conformit\ue0 sostanziale alle norme con attivit\ue0 di razionalizzazione e controlli. Il raggiungimento di un buon livello di diffusione della cultura della compliance nelle nostre aziende potr\ue0 dirsi obiettivo raggiunto nel momento in cui la Funzione Compliance sar\ue0 vissuta come funzione a supporto dell'attivit\ue0 bancari

    11 Ambiguous Self-Identification and Sincere Communication in CMC

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    Abstract. While sincerity is a necessary taken-for-granted element of face-toface communication, its status in CMC is more likely to be a ponderable (or arguable). In fact, the anonymity of CMC, facilitating and facilitated by concealment in self-presentation, allows distortions to be made through omission of information as well as through selective presentation. To understand the characteristics of this process, we analyzed the message contents of men and women participating in asynchronous online discussion. Recent research indicated men and women differed in their fidelity of message concealment. Level of concealment did not significantly predict expected relationships between identity and attributes of online message style. Findings regarding concealment and message style led to a consideration of communicator status and gender identity needs. A new message style variable, openness, was also examined. Research findings indicated that gender identity and communicator status were strongly related to message openness