15 research outputs found

    Interpretation of STM images: Xe on Cu(110), Eigler atomic switch and Xe writing

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    Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) experiments under conditions of uniform disk illumination. Critical comparison of analytical solutions, and a new mathematical method for calculation of diffusion coefficient D.

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    A simple fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) apparatus using a fluorescence microscope with a conventional mercury arc lamp, working under conditions of "uniform disk illumination" is described. This set-up was designed essentially for the use of anthracene as fluorescent probe, which is bleached (photodimerization reaction) by illumination in the near ultraviolet range (360 nm). It is shown that the lateral diffusion coefficients D can be readily calculated from fluorescence recovery curves using a finite differentiate method in combination with statistical analysis of the data. In contrast to the analytical solutions so far described, this numerical approach is particularly versatile. With a minimization algorithm, D and the probe mobile fraction can be readily calculated for any recovery time under various experimental conditions. These include different probe concentration profiles in the illuminated area after the bleaching step, and situations of infinite or noninfinite reservoir in the diffusion area outside the illuminated area

    Geometrical criteria required for the determination of the epitaxial stress from the transmission electron microscopy curvature method

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    International audienceThe epitaxial stress of a Ga0.8In0.2As thin layer deposited on a GaAs substrate has been measured by the curvature method adapted to transmission electron microscopy. It is shown that even if the geometrical characteristics of the specimens thinned to be observed by transmission electron microscopy are very different from the ones of a thick sample, the conditions of validity of the model can still be verified. Finite element calculations have been performed to determine the geometry of the specimen answering to these conditions. Once these conditions are satisfied, the stress measured on a Ga0.8In0.2As layer is −1.30±0.13GPa

    New approach for the dynamical simulation of CBED patterns in heavily strained specimens

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    International audienceA new method for the dynamical simulation of convergent beam electron diffraction (CBED) patterns is proposed. In this method, the three-dimensional stationary Schrödinger equation is replaced by a two-dimensional time-dependent equation, in which the direction of propagation of the electron beam, variable z, stands as a time. We demonstrate that this approach is particularly well-suited for the calculation of the diffracted intensities in the case of a z-dependent crystal potential. The corresponding software has been developed and implemented for simulating CBED patterns of various specimens, from perfect crystals to heavily strained cross-sectional specimens. Evidence is given for the remarkable agreement between simulated and experimental patterns

    Continuous fluorescence microphotolysis of anthracene-labeled phospholipids in membranes. Theoretical approach of the simultaneous determination of their photodimerization and lateral diffusion rates.

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    Anthracene is a fluorescent and photoactivatable (dimerization) group which can be used for investigating the lateral distribution and dynamics of lipids in membranes. In fluorescence recovery after photobleaching or in microphotolysis experiments, and when using this fluorophore, the bleaching (or microphotolysis) step in the illuminated part of the membrane is in fact the sum of two antagonistic processes: fluorescence decay, which is due to dimerization of anthracene residues, and fluorescence recovery, which is due to a diffusion mediated exchange of bleached and unbleached particles between the illuminated and diffusion area in the membrane. Here, we propose a new mathematical algorithm that enables such a second-order reaction-diffusion process to be analyzed. After coupling a fluorescence recovery step to a microphotolysis step, this algorithm allows us to calculate the lateral diffusion coefficient D and the photodimerization constant K of anthracene-labeled lipids in membranes, two parameters which contribute to the understanding of the fluidity of the lipid phase in membranes. This algorithm also provides us with a complete description of the anthracene-labeled molecules distribution in the illuminated and diffusion area, at any time of the experiment. The fluorescence recovery after microphotolysis procedure we propose was tested with an anthracene-labeled phosphatidylcholine inserted in egg-phosphatidylcholine multilayers, in monolayers adsorbed onto alkylated glass surfaces and in the plasma membrane of Chinese hamster ovary cells. It is shown that this procedure can also be used to evaluate the important parameters of probe mobile fraction and to determine the relative size of the illuminated and diffusion areas. This will enable membranes to be explored in terms of microdomains and/or macrodomains