267 research outputs found
Genetic resources and genetic technologies for the development of the Northern Territories: on the results of the Second Conference (March 13–15, 2023)
A series of events in honor of the centenary of the Polar Experiment Station of VIR founded by Nikolay Ivanovich Vavilov, was opened by the Second Scientific Conference “Genetic Resources and Genetic Technologies for the Development of Northern Territories”, which took place on March 13-15, 2023. The objective of the Conference was to provide a regular platform for the exchange of experience, consolidation of efforts and development of interdisciplinary approaches between specialists – geneticists, resource scientists and biotechnologists, as well as specialists from related areas of biology, medicine and other sciences, whose joint efforts are aimed at increasing the demand for bio-resource collections and the role of genetic technologies in the development of the northern regions of the country. The Conference was organized by the Federal Research Centre the N.I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources (VIR), the Vavilov Society of Geneticists and Breeders (VOGiS), the Russian Geographical Society (RGS), Scientific Council on Genetics and Breeding of the RAS, Scientific Council of RAS for the Studies of the Arctic and Antarctic, and the Russian Botanical Society (RBS). The Conference was held online. The program of the Conference included three sections: “Effective Development of Northern Agriculture: Genetic Resources of Agricultural Plants and Microorganisms, Genetic Technologies and Interdisciplinary Research”; “Farm Animals, Marine Mammals and Commercial Fish in the Far North: Conservation and Study of Genetic Resources, Breeding and Interdisciplinary Research”; “Health and Longevity of the Population in Northern Territories: Genetic and Interdisciplinary Studies (Including Model Organisms)”, as well as a Round Table “Expeditionary Research in the Arctic and Northern Regions of Russia: Experience of Young Scientists”. Altogether, five plenary presentations, one evening lecture and 23 section reports were made. Genetic, genomic and omics research using valuable genetic resources of plants, animals and microorganisms, as well as human biomaterials, including bio-resource ex situ collections from regions with extreme nature and climate conditions is the basis for acquiring knowledge, creating a set of tools and developments that contribute to socio-economic development and security in the Arctic, addressing health-saving issues, improving the quality of life of the population and partial food self-sufficiency of the regions of the North and the Arctic. The development of these aspects is important for the implementation of the State scientific and technical policy of the Russian Federation, considering the Presidential Decrees 164 of March 5, 2020, and 645 of October 26, 2020. The article presents the main trends announced at the Conference and publishes the Resolution adopted by the Conference
Fruits of the future: the results of the project ‘Fruits in line with science’
The paper covers the results of the civic science project that involved VIR partners – Russian Geographical Society, Russian Schoolchildren’s Movement and the Association of Communicators in Education and Science – as organizers and schoolchildren, students and their parents from different regions of Russia as participants. The project, started in 2020 with observations of a single crop – an apple tree, elicited a positive response from motivated schoolchildren and was continued in 2021–2022 with the inclusion of various fruit and berry crops. In the course of the three years of the project, a phenological database was replenished with 3340 entries made by 670 project participants
On the results of the 5th Vavilov International Conference (November 21–25, 2022)
Under the auspices of the 5th Vavilov International Conference held in St. Petersburg on 21–25 November 2022, eight events were held on the conservation, development, study and practical use of plant genetic resources (PGR) collections, as well as on the scientific heritage of Nikolay Ivanovich Vavilov and the development of the scientific schools founded by him and the activities of his associates and followers. In view of the modern context of new trends in the development of science, fundamental knowledge, modern methods and technologies, as well as of climatic and economic challenges, the development of the scientific heritage of N.I. Vavilov plays a big role for scientific and technological development. A total of 185 oral presentations was made at the 5th Vavilov International Conference. Meetings of the Conference attracted over 330 participants. This publication reflects the main objectives and content of the performed activities and contains key recommendations emanating from the Conference, including (1) recommendations for the conservation, study and use of PGR, including those on the multidisciplinary basis; (2) recommendations on activities to ensure coordination in the field of conservation, research, breeding and seed production; (3) recommendations on the normative and legislative regulation in the sphere of breeding, seed production, development, maintenance and use of genetic resource collections; (4) recommendations on training, guidance and education. Presentations made at the Conference show that over the past five years there has been a significant increase in the use of modern methodical approaches, i.e. molecular-genetic, genomic and omics in the field of PGR research. All this provides a solid basis for the development of new breeding methods (Next-Generation Breeding). At the same time, it is emphasized that new breeding technologies based on the acquired knowledge, can lead to further progress not in isolation from, but in conjunction with the amassed heritage of classical breeding. Among the discussed and proposed issues, the Conference Resolution identifies those requiring special and urgent attention: (1) the need to legislate for the preservation and expansion of crop diversity in the State Register of Varieties and Hybrids of Agricultural Plants Approved for Use; (2) the inadmissibility of reducing the list of these crops; (3) the inadmissibility of reducing of the number of state variety testing sites; (4) the inadmissibility of reducing of time limits of state variety testing from three to two years or one year; (5) the need to bring the concepts of “genetic passportˮ and “genetic passportizationˮ used in legal and regulatory acts to the canonical understanding of “genetic passportˮ as a document reflecting individual genetic features of an organism (cultivar/hybrid/breed/strain), which make it possible to distinguish its genotype from that of other organisms (cultivars/hybrids/breeds/ strains) of a particular species and the need to carefully elaborate methods of genetic certification of each crop, taking into account all types of genetic markers (molecular-genetic markers (DNA markers), protein and morphological markers). The Conference also noted that under the conditions of the increasing climate change and its sudden unpredictable fluctuations, reliable conservation of valuable plant genetic resources in situ and ex situ is required in order to avoid the irreversible loss of part of plant agrobiodiversity. In addition, extensive expeditionary surveys should be undertaken in the nearest future in crop and CWR diversity centers, under-explored areas, as well as in the regions with extreme environmental conditions and those prone to anthropogenic impacts
Моделирование процесса плоского фрезерования с учетом зависимости динамических характеристик станка
The milling process inherently is on/off, and therefore inevitably there is vibration excitation in the Machine/Fixture/Tool/Part (MFTP) system, which results in a different quality of the treated surface, depending on the machining conditions. The objective is to identify effective operation conditions to cut a part on the 3-way easy class machines when there is no unwanted regenerative self-oscillation, leading to a significant deterioration in the quality of the surface machined. The paper describes vibrations arising during a milling process and their effect on the surface shape and the working tool. To solve this problem we apply a numerical simulation method of cutting dynamics, which consist of 4 modules. The main module is an algorithm of the geometric simulation. The second module is a phenomenological model of the cutting forces. Two remaining modules are responsible for dynamics simulation of the part machined and the cutting tool under time-varying cutting forces. The calculated values are transferred back to the geometric modelling algorithm at each step in time. Thus, the model is closed and allows us to take into account an effect of delay in a dynamic system. A finite element machine model to perform calculation in 3DCUT software has been a selected and compiled. The paper presents geometrical mapping of the machining process and natural frequencies and shapes found for the finite element model. Conducting multivariate calculations allowed us to analyse the dependences of a dynamic behaviour of the system on changing spindle speed. The multivariate modelling results are presented as the Poincare maps for a moving free end of the tool. These Poincare maps allow us to select the operation conditions domains coming both with forced vibration and with self-excited oscillations. On the Poincaré map for two operation conditions of different domains there are graphics of the cutting forces, a thickness of the cutting layer, tool movements, and a shape of the machined surface to demonstrate differences in the dynamic behaviour of the system. A milling process modelling technique considered in the paper, taking into account a dynamics of the cutting 3-way machine of easy class allows us to estimate the nature and the level of vibration in the processing system, depending on the operation conditions selected for machining through building the Poincaré maps based on the results of multivariate modelling. These results can be used to select the effective milling operation conditions that enhance the quality and processing performance.Процесс обработки фрезерованием по своей природе является прерывистым и поэтому неизбежно сопровождается возбуждением вибраций в системе СПИД, что приводит к различному качеству обработанной поверхности, в зависимости от режима обработки. Целью работы является определение эффективных режимов обработки детали фрезой на 3х координатном станке легкого класса, при которых не возникает нежелательных регенеративных автоколебаний, приводящих к существенному ухудшению качества обработанной поверхности. Описаны возникающие в процессе фрезерования вибрации и их влияние на форму обрабатываемой поверхности и рабочий инструмент. Для решения поставленной задачи применена методика численного моделирования динамики процессов обработки резанием, состоящая из 4-ех модулей. Главный модуль представляет собой алгоритм геометрического моделирования. Второй модуль является феноменологической моделью сил резания. Два оставшихся модуля отвечают за моделирование динамики обрабатываемой детали и режущего инструмента под действием переменных во времени сил резания. Рассчитанные значения передаются обратно в алгоритм геометрического моделирования на каждом шаге по времени. Таким образом, модель оказывается замкнутой и за счет этого позволяет учитывать эффект запаздывания в динамической системе. Выбрана и составлена конечно-элементная модель станка для реализации расчета в программном обеспечении 3DCUT. Представлено геометрическое отображение процесса обработки. Найдены собственные частоты и формы для используемой конечно-элементной модели. Выполнен анализ зависимости характера динамического поведения системы от изменения скорости вращения шпинделя за счет проведения многовариантных расчетов. Результаты многовариантного моделирования представлены в виде отображений Пуанкаре для перемещений свободного конца инструмента. Приведенные отображения Пуанкаре позволяют выделить области режимов, сопровождающиеся как вынужденными вибрациями, так и автоколебаниями. Для двух режимов из различных областей на отображении Пуанкаре приведены графики сил резания, толщины срезаемого слоя, перемещений инструмента, а также формы обработанной поверхности, демонстрирующие различия в динамическом поведении системы. Рассмотренная в статье методика моделирования процесса фрезерования с учетом динамики 3-х координатного станка легкого класса позволяет оценить характер и уровень вибраций в технологической системе в зависимости от выбранных режимов обработки за счет построения отображений Пуанкаре по результатам многовариантного моделирования. Приведенные результаты могут быть использованы для выбора эффективных режимов обработки фрезерованием, способствующих повышению качества и производительности обработки
Automatic morphology phenotyping of tetra- and hexaploid wheat spike using computer vision methods
Intraspecific classification of cultivated plants is necessary for the conservation of biological diversity, study of their origin and their phylogeny. The modern cultivated wheat species originated from three wild diploid ancestors as a result of several rounds of genome doubling and are represented by di-, tetra- and hexaploid species. The identification of wheat ploidy level is one of the main stages of their taxonomy. Such classification is possible based on visual analysis of the wheat spike traits. The aim of this study is to investigate the morphological characteristics of spikes for hexa- and tetraploid wheat species based on the method of high-performance phenotyping. Phenotyping of the quantitative characteristics of the spike of 17 wheat species (595 plants, 3348 images), including eight tetraploids (Triticum aethiopicum, T. dicoccoides, T. dicoccum, T. durum, T. militinae, T. polonicum, T. timopheevii, and T. turgidum) and nine hexaploids (T. compactum, T. aestivum, i:ANK-23 (near-isogenic line of T. aestivum cv. Novosibirskaya 67), T. antiquorum, T. spelta (including cv. Rother Sommer Kolben), T. petropavlovskyi, T. yunnanense, T. macha, T. sphaerococcum, and T. vavilovii), was performed. Wheat spike morphology was described on the basis of nine quantitative traits including shape, size and awns area of the spike. The traits were obtained as a result of image analysis using the WERecognizer program. A cluster analysis of plants according to the characteristics of the spike shape and comparison of their distributions in tetraploid and hexaploid species showed a higher variability of traits in hexaploid species compared to tetraploid ones. At the same time, the species themselves form two clusters in the visual characteristics of the spike. One type is predominantly hexaploid species (with the exception of one tetraploid, T. dicoccoides). The other group includes tetraploid ones (with the exception of three hexaploid ones, T. compactum, T. antiquorum, T. sphaerococcum, and i:ANK-23). Thus, it has been shown that the morphological characteristics of spikes for hexaploid and tetraploid wheat species, obtained on the basis of computer analysis of images, include differences, which are further used to develop methods for plant classifications by ploidy level and their species in an automatic mode
The first scientific forum «Genetic resources of Russia» - on legal regulation in the field of bioresources and biological collections
The first scientific forum «Genetic Resources of Russia» took place in Saint Petersburg on 21-24 June 2022. The Forum brought together more than 500 specialists from more than 100 research institutions and universities of the Russian Federation. A round table «Regulations and standards of work with bio-resource collections» was organized within the framework of the Forum in connection with the relevance to create the legislation base for the work with biological collections and regulation of the activities of bioresource centres in the Russian Federation. This publication presents the outcomes of the Forum and its resolution relating to the legal regulation of biological collections
On the results of the First Scientific Forum «Genetic Resources of Russia»: prospects for development, research and practical potential of bio-collections
Nine separate scientific conferences and school-conferences dedicated to the conservation, development, study and practical use of biological collections of various types were held under the auspices of the First Scientific Forum “Genetic Resources of Russia”, which took place in Saint Petersburg on 21-24 June 2022. A total of more than 300 oral presentations were made at these events. The Forum plenary sessions, which included 25 lectures, attracted more than 1,500 participants. The development prospects, research and scientific-practical potential of biological collections were thoroughly discussed at the events of the Forum. The results of these discussions are presented in this publication in the form of a Forum resolution. The strategic role of biological collections for the conservation of genetic diversity, for the scientific and technological development of society and for the provision of educational processes is emphasized. This strategic framework, which should be developed and maintained, also makes it possible to implement practical tasks related to meeting the challenges in the field of food and environmental security, health care and technological independence in the rapidly developing spheres of the economy
On the results of the Second Scientific Forum “Genetic Resources of Russia”
The Second Scientific Forum “Genetic Resources of Russia” was held in St. Petersburg, June 26-28, 2023. Thе Forum comprised nine associated scientific conferences and conference schools dedicated to the establishment, formation, conservation, development, studying and utilization of biological (bioresource) collections as well as to the activities of bioresource centers, and a round table entitled “Statutory Legal Regulation and Standards for the Work with Bioresource Collections”. More than 700 researchers representing over a hundred scientific institutions and universities from Russia and other countries participated in the Forum. In total, more than 200 oral presentations were made during those events (including 16 talks at the Forum’s Plenary Session). The participants of the Forum events thoroughly discussed the results of the Federal Scientific and Technical Program for the Development of Genetic Technologies for 2019-2030 associated with the establishment and development of bioresource collections for research in the field of genetic technologies, the prospects for the promotion of this sector, and the regulatory legal framework in the sphere of ensuring conservation and development of biological (bioresource) collections, establishment and functioning of bioresource centers, and their sustainable and rational utilization in scientific research and development activities. The outcome of those discussions is presented in this publication in the form of the Forum’s Resolution. Upon reviewing the results of the Federal Scientific and Technical Program for the Development of Genetic Technologies for 2019-2030 pertaining to the establishment and development of bioresource collections for research in the field of genetic technologies, the Forum recognized them as successful. The Forum approved the draft of the legal act “On Bioresource Centers and Biological (Bioresource) Collections”, which is currently under consideration in the State Duma of the Russian Federation and emphasized the need for its soonest adoption
Performance characteristic of the NIH atlas small animal PET scanner
[Abstract] AMI International Conference 2003, September 21 - 27, Madrid, Spain: "High Resolution Molecular Imaging: from Basic Science to Clinical Applications"The Advanced Technology Laboratory Animal Scanner (ATLAS) is a small animal positron emission tomography (PET) scanner with depth-of-interaction (DOI) capability designed to image animals the size of mice and rats. We report performance measurements and show animal studies that suggest that ATLAS offers advantages over systems without DOI capabilityPublicad
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