5 research outputs found

    Trematode fauna of fish inhabiting reservoirs of the European part of Russia

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    The purpose of the research is an ecological and faunal analysis of trematodes in fish inhabiting reservoirs of the European part of Russia.Materials and methods. Helminthological studies were conducted in 23 reservoirs of the European part of Russia from 2011 to 2021. The fish aged two to seven years were analyzed by methods generally accepted in ichthyoparasitology.Results and discussion. Twelve fish species from families Cyprinidae, Percidae, Esocidae and Odontobutidae were found to be infected with 29 trematode species from 14 genera which were represented by 68.9% of metacercariae. Most trematodes had a wide specificity: Tylodelphys clavata was found in 9 fish species; Diplostomum spathaceum and Paracoenogonimus ovatus in 7 species and Apophallus muehlingi in 6 species. The expanded host range for T. podicipina was observed. A. muehlingi, which is an alien species for the Volga-Caspian fisheries basin was identified in most reservoirs. Trematodes by their prevalence in reservoirs are divided into background (5 species), common (6), rare (8) and very rare (10) trematodes. Trematode fauna of fish in reservoirs included 6 to 16 species. The highest species diversity was detected in the Belgorod (16 species), Yakhroma (13 species), Uglich and Chelnav (12 species), Pestovsk and Pyalovsk (11 species) reservoirs. Fifteen trematode species were found in the perch; 12, in the bream and roach; 9, in the pike perch; 8, in the pike and rudd; 6, in the ruff and white bream; 4, in the Volga pikeperch and crucian carp; 3, in the tench; and 1, in the Amur sleeper. The formed foci of trematode infections were observed, namely, postodiplostomosis and ichthyocotylurosis infection. Three trematode species, Pseudoamphistomum truncatum, A. muehlingi and Rossicotrema donicum, were detected that pose a real and potential danger to human health and warm-blooded animals

    Особенности паразитофауны карповых и окуневых рыб в водохранилищах канала им. Москвы

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    The purpose of the research is determination of the species composition of parasites of cyprinid and percoid fish in the reservoirs of the Moscow Canal.Materials and methods. In 2019–2020, parasitological material was collected in the spring, summer and autumn from percoid (the pike perch and European perch) and cyprinid fish (the bream, silver bream, roach, rudd and sabrefish) aged 2 to 7 years from the reservoirs of the Moscow Canal (Ikshinsky, Pestovsky, Pyalovsky and Klyazminsky Reservoirs) by the methods generally accepted in ichthyo-parasitology. To quantify the fish infection rate, we used the incidence or prevalence of infection, the intensity of infection, and the mean amplitude of the intensity of infection. We used Kabiosh index (K) to assess the species diversity of parasites. Results and discussion. The parasitological analysis results of percoids and cyprinids from the reservoirs of the Moscow Canal are presented. 34 parasite species were found in fish, which belong to nine taxonomic groups: Microsporidia, Myxosporea, Monogenea, Cestoda, Trematoda, Nematoda, Acanthocephala, Hirudinea, Crustacea. The largest number of species belongs to trematodes, the rest, taxa (mixo- and microsporidia, cestodes, nematodes, acanthocephalans, leeches and parasitic crustaceans), are represented singly. We calculated the species diversity ratio (R) of fish parasites in the reservoirs, which ranged from 0.335 to 0.575, which indicates the fauna similarity from 50 to 75%. The greatest similarity in the parasite fauna was found in the roach (R = 0.168–0.447), the least in the European perch (R = 0.447–1.0). We have identified the dominant species that are found in more than 20% of the studied fish and determine the “core” of the parasitic fauna, which included 4 parasite species of epizootic and 1 parasite species of epidemiological significance.Цель исследований: определение видового состава паразитов карповых и окуневых рыб в водохранилищах канала им. Москвы. Материалы и методы. В 2019–2020 гг. в весенний, летний и осенний сезоны проведен сбор паразитологического материала у окуневых (судака и окуня) и карповых рыб (леща, густеры, плотвы, красноперки, чехони) в возрасте от двухлеток до семилеток из водохранилищ канала им. Москвы (Икшинского, Пестовского, Пяловского и Клязьминского) по общепринятым в ихтиопаразитологии методам. Для количественной оценки зараженности рыб использовали встречаемость или экстенсивность инвазии, интенсивность инвазии, среднюю амплитуду интенсивности инвазии. Для оценки видового разнообразия паразитов применяли индекс Кабиоша (К). Результаты и обсуждение. Приведены результаты паразитологического анализа окуневых и карповых рыб из водохранилищ канала им. Москвы. У рыб обнаружено 34 вида паразитов, относящихся к девяти систематическим группам: Microsporidia, Myxosporea, Monogenea, Cestoda, Trematoda, Nematoda, Acanthocephala, Hirudinea, Crustacea. Наибольшее число видов относится к трематодам, остальные – таксоны (миксо- и микроспоридии, цестоды, нематоды, скребни, пиявки и паразитические рачки) представлены единично. Рассчитан коэффициент видового разнообразия (К) паразитов рыб в водохранилищах, который составляет от 0,335 до 0,575, что свидетельствует о сходстве фауны от 50 до 75%. Наибольшее сходство в фауне паразитов было обнаружено у плотвы (К = 0,168–0,447), наименьшее – у окуня (К = 0,447–1,0). Выявлены доминантные виды, встречающиеся более чем у 20% обследованных рыб и определяющие «ядро» паразитофауны, в которое вошли 4 эпизоотически значимых и один эпидемиологически значимый вид паразитов

    Фауна трематод рыб в водохранилищах Европейской части России

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    The purpose of the research is an ecological and faunal analysis of trematodes in fish inhabiting reservoirs of the European part of Russia.Materials and methods. Helminthological studies were conducted in 23 reservoirs of the European part of Russia from 2011 to 2021. The fish aged two to seven years were analyzed by methods generally accepted in ichthyoparasitology.Results and discussion. Twelve fish species from families Cyprinidae, Percidae, Esocidae and Odontobutidae were found to be infected with 29 trematode species from 14 genera which were represented by 68.9% of metacercariae. Most trematodes had a wide specificity: Tylodelphys clavata was found in 9 fish species; Diplostomum spathaceum and Paracoenogonimus ovatus in 7 species and Apophallus muehlingi in 6 species. The expanded host range for T. podicipina was observed. A. muehlingi, which is an alien species for the Volga-Caspian fisheries basin was identified in most reservoirs. Trematodes by their prevalence in reservoirs are divided into background (5 species), common (6), rare (8) and very rare (10) trematodes. Trematode fauna of fish in reservoirs included 6 to 16 species. The highest species diversity was detected in the Belgorod (16 species), Yakhroma (13 species), Uglich and Chelnav (12 species), Pestovsk and Pyalovsk (11 species) reservoirs. Fifteen trematode species were found in the perch; 12, in the bream and roach; 9, in the pike perch; 8, in the pike and rudd; 6, in the ruff and white bream; 4, in the Volga pikeperch and crucian carp; 3, in the tench; and 1, in the Amur sleeper. The formed foci of trematode infections were observed, namely, postodiplostomosis and ichthyocotylurosis infection. Three trematode species, Pseudoamphistomum truncatum, A. muehlingi and Rossicotrema donicum, were detected that pose a real and potential danger to human health and warm-blooded animals.Цель исследований: провести эколого-фаунистический анализ трематод у рыб в водохранилищах Европейской части России.Материалы и методы. Гельминтологические исследования осуществлены в 23-х водохранилищах Европейской части России в период с 2011 по 2021 гг. Анализ проведен у рыб в возрасте от двухлеток до семилеток по общепринятым в ихтиопаразитологии методам.Результаты и обсуждение. У 12 видов рыб, относящихся к семействам Cyprinidae, Percidae, Esocidae и Odontobutidae, выявлено 29 видов трематод из 14 родов, которые на 68,9% представлены метацеркариями. Большинство трематод обладают широкой специфичностью: Tylodelphys сlavata выявлен у 9 видов рыб, Diplostomum spathaceum и Paracoenogonimus оvatus – у 7, Apophallus muehlingi – у 6 видов. Отмечено расширение круга хозяев для T. podicipina. В большинстве водохранилищ выявлен A. muehlingi, относящийся к чужеродным видам для Волго-Каспийского бассейна. По частоте встречаемости в водохранилищах трематоды разделяются на фоновые (5 видов), обычные (6), редкие (8) и очень редкие (10). Трематодофауна рыб в водохранилищах включала от 6 до 16 видов. Наибольшее видовое разнообразие установлено в Белгородском (16 видов), Яхромском (13 видов), Угличском и Челнавском (12 видов), Пестовском и Пяловском (11 видов) водохранилищах. У окуня обнаружено 15 видов трематод, у леща и плотвы – 12, у судака – 9, у щуки и красноперки – 8, у ерша и густеры – 6, у берша и карася – 4, у линя – 3 и у ротана – 1 вид. Отмечено формирование очагов трематодозов: постодиплостомоза и ихтиокотилюроза. Обнаружены три вида трематод, представляющих реальную и потенциальную опасность для здоровья человека и теплокровных животных – Pseudoamphistomum truncatum, A. muehlingi и Rossicotrema donicum

    Fauna of parasite of cyprinids and percoids in the reservoirs of the Moscow Canal

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    The purpose of the research is determination of the species composition of parasites of cyprinid and percoid fish in the reservoirs of the Moscow Canal.Materials and methods. In 2019–2020, parasitological material was collected in the spring, summer and autumn from percoid (the pike perch and European perch) and cyprinid fish (the bream, silver bream, roach, rudd and sabrefish) aged 2 to 7 years from the reservoirs of the Moscow Canal (Ikshinsky, Pestovsky, Pyalovsky and Klyazminsky Reservoirs) by the methods generally accepted in ichthyo-parasitology. To quantify the fish infection rate, we used the incidence or prevalence of infection, the intensity of infection, and the mean amplitude of the intensity of infection. We used Kabiosh index (K) to assess the species diversity of parasites. Results and discussion. The parasitological analysis results of percoids and cyprinids from the reservoirs of the Moscow Canal are presented. 34 parasite species were found in fish, which belong to nine taxonomic groups: Microsporidia, Myxosporea, Monogenea, Cestoda, Trematoda, Nematoda, Acanthocephala, Hirudinea, Crustacea. The largest number of species belongs to trematodes, the rest, taxa (mixo- and microsporidia, cestodes, nematodes, acanthocephalans, leeches and parasitic crustaceans), are represented singly. We calculated the species diversity ratio (R) of fish parasites in the reservoirs, which ranged from 0.335 to 0.575, which indicates the fauna similarity from 50 to 75%. The greatest similarity in the parasite fauna was found in the roach (R = 0.168–0.447), the least in the European perch (R = 0.447–1.0). We have identified the dominant species that are found in more than 20% of the studied fish and determine the “core” of the parasitic fauna, which included 4 parasite species of epizootic and 1 parasite species of epidemiological significance