26 research outputs found

    Bird checklist of the Sisačka Posavina area, 1881–1998

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    A unified bird checklist has been created for the area of Sisačka Posavina. The list summarises the occurrence of a total of 246 species between 1881 and 1998. The list mostly refers to species recorded in Lonjsko Polje Nature Park and the wider geographical area of Lonjsko Polje. Data from recorded published and unpublished papers during the period were used for compiling the bird checklist. The list is a basis that needs supplementing with new records of bird species made in the area and constitutes in addition a contribution to the establishment of the avifauna diversity of Lonjsko Polje Nature Park.Izrađen je objedinjen popis ptica za područje Sisačke posavine kojim je ustanovljeno dolaženje ukupno 246 vrsta u razdoblju 1881. do 1998. Popis se najvećim dijelom odnosi na ptice u području Parka prirode Lonjsko Polje te zemljopisnom području Lonjskog polja. Za izradu popisa rabljeni su dosad zabilježeni podaci iz objavljenih i neobjavljenih radova u spomenutom razdoblju. Popis predstavlja osnovu za dalje dopunjavanje novo zabilježenim vrstama ptica Sisačke posavine kao i prilog valorizaciji avifaunističke različitosti Parka prirode Lonjsko Polje

    Water-repelling Agents for Dry Building Mixes

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    Conceptual basis of transformation of ecological and economic relations in the forest sector of Ukraine in the context of European integration

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    The article defines the priorities, principles and main provisions of national forest policy of Ukraine towards European integration. The main objectives and structure of the mechanism of transformation of ecological and economic relations in the forest sector of Ukraine is grounded. The main tasks of transformation of ecological and economic relations in the forest sector should be decentralization of the management system, budget savings and sustainability, sustainable development and ecological security, development of public and private partnership, and welfare of local communities. It justifies priority directions of transformation, which include the system of distribution of powers between central, regional and local levels, the financing system and fiscal regulation in the forest sector, powers and subordination of the organs of ecological control, the organizational forms of companies and associations, the institutionalization of communal and private ownership of forests. Necessary organizational and economic framework for their implementation should ensure the economic mechanisms of transformation of the system of state management of economic processes, financial-credit and fiscal regulation, economic incentives of the deep environmentally friendly forest products, integration of businesses and innovative and investment development of the forest sector, the Institute of ownership of forest land, the property rights of forest users and local communities