136 research outputs found

    The Main Statements of the Consensus “Maastricht-VI” (2022) on the Diagnostics and Treatment of <i>Helicobacter pylori</i> Infection

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    Aim: to present an analysis of the published materials of the consensus “Maastricht-VI” on the management of patients with Helicobacter pylori (H. рylori) infection.Key points. The content of the new consensus “Maastricht-VI” largely corresponds to that of the previous “Maastricht-V” consensus. This refers to the methods of diagnostics of this infection, indications for eradication. The introduction of eradication schemes of the 3rd and 4th lines, as well as a double scheme with increased doses of proton pump inhibitors (PPI) and amoxicillin can be considered new. The important role of measures that increase the effectiveness of eradication (14-day duration of the course, increasing the dose of PPI, the use of probiotics) is emphasized.Conclusion. The publication of materials of the new consensus “Maastricht-VI” will contribute to improving the results of H. рylori eradication therapy

    Review of Russian Abstracts Accepted for United European Gastroenterology Week (2022)

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    Aim: to present an analysis of the Russian abstracts published in the materials of the 30th. United European Gastroenterology Week (UEGW).Key points. In the materials of 30 UEGW, 17 abstracts of Russian authors from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Kazan and other cities were published. The abstracts were devoted to topical issues of pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of intestinal liver and pancreatic diseases.Conclusion. Analysis of the published abstracts testifies to the high scientific level and large practical significance of the conducted research

    Modern Possibilities of Using Lactulose in Clinical Practice

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    Aim of  the publication. To present an overview  of current literature data on the possibilities of application  of lactulose in clinical practice.Key findings. Lactulose is a synthetic disaccharide belonging to the class of osmotic laxatives. Officially  permitted indications for its appointment in Russian Federation are functional constipation (including in children, the elderly and senile, pregnant women and women in postpartum period), an obstipation type of irritable bowel syndrome, the need to soften the consistency of feces in hemorrhoids and anal fissures, after operations on the colon and anorectal area,   as well as hepatic encephalopathy.  Other  indications include preparation for colonoscopy, treatment and prevention of disorders of the intestinal microbiota, prevention  of constipation in oncological  patients receiving narcotic analgesics, as well as patients on artificial lung ventilation.Conclusion. Lactulose is a highly effective  and safe drug, which combines osmotic laxative effect with expressed prebiotic action and is used in a wide clinical practice

    Current Prospects of Herbal STW 5 Agent in Treatment of Functional Gastrointestinal Diseases

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    Aim. A review of current therapeutic perspectives of the herbal STW 5 medicine (Iberogast®) in functional gastrointestinal (GI) diseases.Key points. A limited remediation in most common functional GI diseases, functional dyspepsia (FD) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), is conditioned by their multifactorial pathogenesis. Meanwhile, most specific medicines only target selected pathogenesis components, thus warranting a multitarget agent development. Such is Iberogast® that acts at variant components of FD and IBS pathogenesis. The article reviews the Iberogast® mechanisms of action and evaluates its treatment efficacy in FD and IBS.Conclusion. The current evidence claims that Iberogast® provides an effective and safe treatment for FD and IBS

    Modern approaches to functional dyspepsia treatment

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    The aim of review. To present modern approach to treatment of functional dyspepsia (FD).Key points. Treatment of FD should be comprehensive and include general recommendations, application of drugs and psychotherapeutic methods. At a choice of specific drug clinical variant of disease should be taken into account. At pain-predominant (ulcer-like) variant antisecretory agents (first of all — proton pump inhibitors) are the drugs of choice, at postprandial distress syndrome (dysmotility-like variant) - prokinetics. In resistant cases psychotropic drugs and psychotherapeutic methods are indicated.Conclusion. Investigation of FD pathogenesis should be continued that will provide more differentiated treatment approach and improve the results

    Review of the European <i>Helicobacter</i> Study Group Workshop reports (Ljubljana, 2012)

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    The aim of review. To discuss the reports delivered at the International Workshop of the European Helicobacter Study Group (Ljubljana, Slovenia, 13-15 September 2012).Summary. Possible correlations of H. pylori infection with rate of various diseases development – both positive (colorectal cancer, liver diseases, Alzheimer's disease), and negative (gastroesophageal reflux disease, adenocarcinoma of the esophagus, chronic inflammatory bowel diseases, bronchial asthma) continue to be studied. Increasing resistance H. pylori to various antibiotics require the further improvement of modes of eradication therapy.Conclusion. Pathogenic and clinical aspects of H. pylori infection issue require further investigation

    Discussion of functional dyspepsia issue in American gastroenterological week reports (Orlando, 2013)

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    The aim of review. To discuss the reports on functional dyspepsia (FD), presented at the American gastroenterological week (Orlando, May 18-20, 2013).Key points. Of all etiological factors of FD the major attention is paid to hereditary predisposition, pattern of nutrition, bad habits (smoking), past food toxicoinfection, psychological and social factors. Frequent combination of FD to other gastro-intestinal functional diseases (most notably — irritable bowel syndrome), as well as to gastroesophageal reflux disease is marked. Treatment of FD includes application first of all of proton pump inhibitors, prokinetics, antidepressants and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.Conclusion. Pathophysiological and clinical aspects of FD require further studying
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