13 research outputs found

    Comparative characteristics of nasopharynx microbiota and vaginal biotope in women with reproductive disorders

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    Nasopharyngeal flora contributes much to the development of many diseases, including the urinary system diseases. The aim was to compare the vaginal microbiota biotope and nasopharynx microbiota in women with reproductive disorders (RD). The study involved 97 women with RD (infertility, miscarriage). The control group comprised women with chronic endometritis (CE), RD and chronic tonsillitis (CT) (n = 65), mean age was 31.0 ± 5.3. CE was diagnosed using histologic analysis and ultrasound studies. The comparison group consisted of 32 women with RD without CE and HT, representative by age. Endometrial sampling was conducted by endometrial pipelle biopsy taken on 5-11th days of the menstrual cycle. Nasopharyngeal swabs were taken on an empty stomach. Due to reduced indigenous microbiota in the studied habitats the number of opportunistic pathogenic microflora such as Staphylococci, Enterococci, fungi, E. coli and etiologically significant Streptococcus (in nasopharynx) was increased. Streptococci in the nasopharynx indicate that the troubles are in vaginal biotope, which leads to inflammatory diseases and reproductive disorders. Everything mentioned demonstrates common etiopathogenic mechanisms for the development of pathological processes of various localizations. Thus, it is important to pay close attention to all rehabilitation centers specializing on chronic infections, which will improve the treatment of CE

    Genes of pathogenicity of Enterococcus bacteria isolated from the vaginal biotope of women with chronic endometritis and reproductive disorders

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    The microflora of the vagina plays an important role and should be regarded as a kind of ecological system that reacts to any changes in the state of the woman's body. Clinically expressed genital infections are etiologically associated with opportunistic microorganisms. In the pathogenesis of dysbiosis, an important role is played not only by quantitative and qualitative changes in microflora, but also by the "pathogenic potential" of microorganisms. The aim of the work was to reveal genes of pathogenicity in strains of Enterococci of the vaginal biotope of women of the studied groups. The study involved 102 women with reproductive disorders. The main group - women with chronic endometritis (CE), (n = 63), mean age - 31.0 ± 5.3. The diagnosis of chronic endometritis was made on the basis of morphological signs of histological examination of vacuum suction biopsy. The comparison group consisted of 39 women, representative by age; in this group the diagnosis was not confirmed by the results of the histological study of the endometrium. It has been established that enterococcal strains isolated only in women with reproductive disorders and chronic endometritis are a reservoir of genetic determinants of pathogenicity factors (efaA and asa1 (12.5 %) and sprE (37.5 %))

    Assessment of the relationship between the vaginal microecosystem in teenage girls with reproductive disorders

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    Background. Violations of indigenous microflora composition associates with a wide variety of gynecological complications. Thus, the qualitative and quantitative composition of lactobacilli and their associative capacity and functional activity may serve as a criterion of microecological well-being in the body. Aim. To study species diversity of lactobacilli in vaginal biotope teenage girls with gynecological pathologies and to assess the extent of their relationship with the combination of diversity profiles associated opportunistic pathogens. Materials and methods. The study included 107 adolescents with reproductive system disorders. The study was conducted with the use of gynecological and general microbiological methods. Results. It was revealed that in vaginal biocenosis of the studied group of teenage girls dominating lactobacilli were Lactobacillus plantarum and L. crispatus, the incidence of other species did not exceed 21 %. Among the representatives of opportunistic pathogenic microflora dominated coccal microflora and Corynebacterium spp., being the part of normal flora of vaginal mucosa. Analysis of species composition revealed a statistically significant relationship between certain types of lactobacilli and opportunistic microorganisms, i.e. lactobacilli showed no antagonistic activity towards the opportunistic microorganisms, and formed symbiotic relationships with them. Conclusions. Most commonness was found among the minor species of lactobacilli (L. iners, L. gasseri, L. jensenii), coagulase-negative staphylococci and fungi of Candida genus, and that increases the risk of transformation of normal microflora in the pathological one

    Characteristics of Nasopharyngeal Microbiocenosis and Evaluation of the Interaction of its Associates in Women with Chronic Endometritis

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    The upper respiratory tract is one of the most important biotopes in the human body. Therefore, in order to understand the cause-effect relationships between the microbial world and the pathological state of a person, it is crucial to clarify the relationship of the microbes-associates.The study involved 74 women with reproductive disorders. The main group – women with chronic endometritis (n = 47). The diagnosis of chronic endometritis was revealed on the basis of morphological signs of histological examination of aspirates from the uterine cavity. The comparison group consisted of 27 women, in whom the chronic endometritis was not confirmed. When applying, women complained more often of infertility and (or) miscarriage. Of the accompanying extragenital diseases, chronic tonsillitis in women of the studied groups was most often diagnosed. Therefore, it was important to give a microbiological description of the nasopharyngeal biotope of these women, as one of the factors that influences the reserves of confrontation of the reproductive function of the body to infections. Nasopharyngeal microbiocenosis of women with chronic endometritis was characterized by deficiency of the indigenous microbiota and a permanent presence in the microbiocenosis of the absolute pathogen (S. aureus) and transient species (enterococci, CNS). Between the representatives of normoflora antagonistic relations were established. The obtained results indicate violations in the nasopharyngeal biotope of these women, which can cause immunodeficiency and, as a consequence, the development and flow of chronic endometritis

    Design of organyl phosphate-based pro-drugs: comparative analysis of the antibiotic action of alkyl protecting groups with different degree of fluorination

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    Background. Molecular structures combining a phosphorus-containing counterpart and non-polar radicals are employed in design of pro-drugs as structural and functional groups necessary for transportation of drugs through cellular barriers. It is assumed that the carrier itself does not exhibit biological activity. However, the “organic phosphate – alkyl radical” complex may possess its own metabolic and pharmacological properties even in the absence of a drug moiety.The aim. To study the effect of fluorinated alkyl phosphates on the growth of bacterial test cultures in an agar medium and to identify conjugated metabolic markers using UV/visible spectroscopy.Materials and methods. The effect of six organyl phosphates on the growth of five types of bacteria under aerobic conditions was evaluated by the method of wells in an agar medium. For solutions containing cell metabolites of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, the absorption spectra were recorded at 250–280 nm. The principal component analysis (PCA) was used for multivariate comparative analysis of the spectra. Results. The studied organyl phosphates bearing the ethyl and propyl radicals are potential temporary carriers of the drug moiety, since they are capable of penetrating through cellular barriers. However, the fluorinated compounds exhibit bactericidal properties, the degree of which depends on the arrangement of fluorine atoms in the radical. The most active compounds are those exhaustively halogenated at the terminal carbon atom of the ethyl radical (-СН2-СF3), while non-fluorinated organyl phosphate is the least active. UV/visible spectra of P. aeruginosa cultivation products, according to PCA data, contain patterns reflecting the metabolic effects mediated by these structural features of the radicals.Conclusion. In terms of practical application of the studied compounds, the activity of a proantibiotic based on organyl phosphate with a non-fluorinated ethyl(propyl) radical will be determined only by the specificity of the drug moiety. Exactly the same molecule, but exhaustively fluorinated at the terminal carbon atom of the alkyl radical, is likely to be characterized by lower specificity and higher activity under the additive (or synergistic) action of metabolically active groups

    Влияние препаратов нейромедиаторного действия на течение глаукомного процесса

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    PURPOSE: To study the influence of Neuromidin on the glaucomatous process. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 88 patients (176 eyes) with primary glaucoma were surveyed. The patients’ distribution according to the stages was as follows: 70 eyes with moderate stage, 103 eyes with advanced and 3 eyes with the terminal stage of primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) with compensated intraocular pressure (IOP). Eyes with the terminal stage were not included in the statistical analysis. 30 patients (60 eyes) of the control group received complex therapy (Emoxipine intramuscularly, Piracetam and Mildronate intravenously, Retinalaminum parabulbarly. The main group consisted of 58 patients (113 eyes) whose complex therapy also included Neuromidin 1 ml (15 mg) according to the following scheme: 10 intramuscular injections, then 1 tablet (20 mg) 2 times a day for 25 days as monotherapy against the background hypotensive drops (Timolol, Azopt, Azarga, Fotil, Cosopt, Alphagan-P). A standard set of tests was used in the study (viso- metry, tonometry, tonography, biomicroscopy, pachymetry, direct and inverse ophthalmoscopy, gonioscopy, static and kinetic perimetry) as well as the evaluation of the optic disc stereometric parameters with the use of Heidelberg Retinal Tomograph (HRT III). RESULTS: Expansion of the field of view and reduction of absolute and relative scotomas occurred in both groups, but when treated with Neuromidin, the field of view limits expanded up to 25 degrees further than in the control group. The research revealed an influence of Neuromidin on the state of intraocular fluid, rim volume and the cross-section of the retinal nerve fiber layer in patients with advanced stages of glaucoma. CONCLUSION: The effect can be explained by the fact that the drug stimulates the impulse conduction in nerve fibers and synapses. Cholinesterase inhibition induces the stimulation of the ciliary muscle and activation of the outflow of the intraocular fluid. Considering the decrease of the effect in 6 months, the treatment should be repeated twice a year.ЦЕЛЬ. Изучить влияние препарата нейромидин на течение глаукомного процесса. МЕТОДЫ. Обследованы 88 больных (176 глаз) с первичной открытоугольной глаукомой (ПОУГ). По стадиям больные распределялись следующим образом: с развитой стадией 70 глаз, далекозашедшей - 103 глаза и 3 глаза с терминальной стадией ПОУГ с компенсированным внутриглазным давлением (ВГД). Глаза в терминальной стадии в статистический анализ не включались. В контрольной группе 30 больных (60 глаз) получали комплексную терапию (эмоксипин внутримышечно, пирацетам и милдронат внутривенно, ретиналамин парабульбарно). Основную группу составили 58 больных (113 глаз), которые наряду с этим лечением получали нейро- мидин 1 мл (15 мг) внутримышечно № 10, затем в течение 25 дней (20 мг) по 1 таблетке 2 раза в день, в качестве монотерапии на фоне гипотензивных капель (тимолол, азопт, азарга, фотил, косопт, альфаган Р). В работе использован стандартный комплекс исследований (визометрия, тонометрия, тонография, биомикроскопия, пахиметрия, прямая и обратная офтальмоскопия, гониоскопия, статическая и кинетическая периметрия) и оценка стереометрических параметров диска зрительного нерва (ДЗН) с помощью гейдельбергского ретинального томографа (HRT version III). РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ. Расширение поля зрения, снижение количества абсолютных и относительных скотом имели место в обеих группах, но при лечении с нейромидином границы периферического поля зрения расширились на 25° больше, чем в контрольной группе. Отмечено влияние нейромидина на состояние оттока внутриглазной жидкости, объема нейроретинального ободка и поперечного сечения слоя нервных волокон сетчатки в развитой стадии глаукомы. ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ. Полученный эффект можно объяснить тем, что препарат стимулирует проведение импульса по нервным волокнам и синапсам. Блокируя холинэстеразу, способствует возбуждению цилиарной мышцы и активации оттока водянистой влаги. Учитывая снижение эффекта через 6 месяцев, курс лечения необходимо повторять 2 раза в год


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    Background. CRISPR/Cas systems loci are one of the functionally important patterns in bacterial genome which perform the role of “adaptive immune defense” from foreign nucleic acids. The study of CRISPR/Cas systems structure in genomes of plasmids and phages provide new information about the evolution of this systems in bacterial hosts.Aims. A search of CRISPR/Cas systems structures in pCT281 plasmid from Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. chinensis strain CT-43 using bioinformatic methods.Materials and methods. Search studies using bioinformatics methods were performed with the genome of pCT281 plasmid of B. thuringiensis subsp. chinensis strain CT-43 from the RefSeq database. To search for the CRISPR/Cas system structure MacSyFinder (ver. 1.0.5) and three combined algorithms were used: CRISPRFinder; PILER-CR; CRISPR Recognition Tool (CRT). The consensus repeat sequence was generated in WebLogo 3.Results and discussion. In pCT281 plasmid we detected one locus of CRISPR/Cas system of the type I-C which contains 2 CRISPR-cassettes and 4 cas-genes located between them. The CRISPR-cassette 1 includes 10 spacers from 32 to 35 bp and 11 repeats 32bp in length. 5 spacers (33–35 bp) separated by 6 repeats 32 bp in length were detected in the CRISPR-cassette 2.Conclusions. The bioinformatic methods used in this study enable to conduct a search of CRISPR/Cas systems structures in plasmid genomes. The presence of the CRISPR-Cas locus in pCT281 plasmid confirms a possible transfer of this system from the nucleoid to this plasmid. The detected spacers provide information about phages this bacteria was encountered

    Experimental Evidence Questions the Relationship between Stress and Fluctuating Asymmetry in Plants

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    The eco-evolutionary theory of developmental instability predicts that small, non-directional deviations from perfect symmetry in morphological traits (termed fluctuating asymmetry, FA) emerge when an individual is unable to buffer environmental or genetic stress during its development. Consequently, FA is widely used as an index of stress. The goal of the present study was to experimentally test a seemingly trivial prediction derived from the theory of developmental instability—and from previous observational studies—that significant growth retardation (which indicates stress) in plants is accompanied by an increase in FA of their leaves. We induced stress, evidenced by a significant decrease in biomass relative to control, in cucumber (Cucumis sativus), sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum), and common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) by applying water solutions of copper and nickel to the soil in which plants were grown. Repeated blind measurements of plant leaves revealed that leaf FA did not differ between stressed and control plants. This finding, once again, demonstrated that FA cannot be seen as a universal indicator of environmental stress. We recommend that the use of FA as a stress index is discontinued until the scope of the developmental instability theory is clarified and its applicability limits are identified


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    Aim was to study the effectiveness of neuromedin in the treatment of patients with primary glaucoma with compensated intraocular pressure (IOP). patients and methods. There were 40 patients (80 eyes): 10 eyes with early stage, 36 — advanced, 33 — advanced and 1 eye with end-stage glaucoma. IOP was offset by drops in the history of the 26 eyes underwent surgical treatment. Neuromedin was administered at 20 mg 2 times a day, 25 days. Efficacy was evaluated by visual status, fluid dynamics and morphometric parameters of the disk. results. Under the influence of neuromedin reduced the number of cattle and increased the number of zones with normal retinal sensitivity in the initial stage of 14.9%. In the advanced stage, the acuity improved to 66.6 per cent, in 33.3% of cases has not changed. In advanced stage, the visual acuity increased to 51.5% and 48.5% had not changed. In advanced stage, the effect is less pronounced: the number of livestock type 1 and 2 declined by 3.0±0.6 to 2.9±0.8% respectively, while the absolute number of livestock has not changed, the number of zones with normal sensitivity increased by 7.4±2,0%. Field of view is increased at all seeing eyes. Decreased true IOP, activation of the outflow chamber moisture. In initial and advanced stages significantly decreased the area of excavation, increased the area of the neuroretinal belt and the thickness of the retinal nerve fibers. In advanced stages it only changes the thickness of the retinal nerve fibers. More pronounced than in traditional therapy, the visual acuity improvement, the expansion of the field of view, the effect on retinal sensitivity and indicators HRT, probably due to a central action of neuromedin and activation of ganglion cells in a state of parabiosis. In recent years, in the literature there have been reports about the possible generality of the pathogenetic mechanisms of primary glaucoma and neurodegenerative diseases due to mitochondrial dysfunction, therefore, the positive dynamics of visual functions on the background of treatment with neuromedin can be explained by the ability of the drug to affect the energy potential of cells, to have a positive impact on cognitive function. Conclusion. Neuromedin has a positive impact on the state of visual functions, hydrodynamics and morphometric parameters of the disk