5 research outputs found

    Использование современных методов МРТ-визуализации для планирования стереотаксических биопсий опухолевых новообразований головного мозга

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    Aim of the study. To evaluate the influence of modern MRI imaging, CT- and MRI fusion in STB planning on effectiveness of morphological verification and risks of intraoperative complications.Materials and methods. The most common indications for brain tumor biopsy is definitive diagnosis of the intracranial lesion and differentiation of the neoplastic and non-neoplastic pathology. During 2019 170 patients (95 men and 75 femmes) 7–69 years old underwent stereotactic biopsy an Integra LifeSciences Corporation Cosman–Roberts–Wells® (CRW®) system. In 80 cases, we used CT and MRI fusion by NeuroSight program to select the target point, entry point and trajectory of the brain biopsy. In 90 cases we use only CT images for stereotactic brain biopsy planning.Results. Among 80 patients with use of combined CT-MRI fusion only one case was not histologically verified. In 90 patients with use of only CT-imaging for STB 3 cases were histologically not verified. There were no hemorrhagic complications among 80 patients in CT-MRI fusion group. In 3 cases intracranial hematomas were identified that required surgical treatment after STB with use of CT-imaging for STB panning.Conclusion. The use of modern MRI and PET-CT imaging for STB planning increases its informativity and reduces the probability of hemorrhagic complications. Stereotactic biopsies remain a safe and reliable method for obtaining histological material. The use of modern imaging methods in biopsy planning increases their accuracy and reduces possible complications.Цель исследования: оценить влияние совмещения МР- и интраоперационных КТ-последовательностей, выполненных при планировании стереотаксической биопсии, на результативность гистологического диагноза и безопасность стереотаксической биопсии.Материал и методы. В работу включены данные 170 пациентов (95 мужчин и 75 женщин), которым по различным причинам в 2019 г. выполнена стереотаксическая биопсия на аппарате Cosman–Roberts– Wells® (CRW®) фирмы Integra LifeSciences Corporation. Возраст пациентов 7–69 лет. В 80 наблюдениях для совмещения изображений интраоперационной КТ головного мозга с данными предоперационной МРТ в различных режимах, для выбора точки мишени, траектории забора материала и места входного отверстия использовали программу NeuroSight Arc®.Результаты. Из 80 пациентов, у которых мы использовали совмещение КТ и МРТ, только у 1 пациента не удалось получить гистологический диагноз. В группе из 90 пациентов, которым для расчетов проводилась только интраоперационная КТ, в 3 случаях не удалось получить гистологический диагноз. В группе из 80 пациентов не отмечалось геморрагических осложнений. В группе из 90 пациентов, которым выполнялась только интраоперационная КТ, в 3 случаях были выявлены внутричерепные гематомы, потребовавшие хирургического вмешательства.Заключение. Использование современных методов нейровизуализации, таких как МРТ и ПЭТ-КТ, в планировании и проведении стереотаксической биопсии повышает ее информативность и снижает риск развития постоперационных осложнений

    Agricultural Water Monitoring for Water Management Under Pivot Irrigation System Using Spatial Techniques

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    In arid and semi-arid regions, the water-use efficiency (WUE) is highly important for water administration and management. The water losses increased, when water application records low efficiency. The water losses maybe amplified, when the irrigation system ignores soil variability and water applied uniformly. Which means more water application, more energy demand, and more money expenses. The current investigation aims at using remotely sensed data and GIS Techniques for monitoring irrigation water consumption and its correlation with crop yield under the pivot irrigation system. El-Salhia region contains a big agricultural farm located at the South Eastern of Nile delta. The investigated field was irrigated under the pivot central sprinkler irrigation system which cultivated with the wheat crop. The normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and land surface temperature (LST) were calculated based on landsat data. The crop water stress index (CWSI) depends on the variance between the LST of the targets and their air temperature (Tair) to detect the relative moisture condition. The soil texture, organic matter, time-domain reflectometer (TDR), thermal infrared, leaf area index (LAI), and actual yield measurements were taken for 47 systematic samples during the wheat growing season of the year 2012/2013. Accordingly, the available water (AW) displayed relatively lower accuracy than the rest of the other parameters. The canopy temperature (Tc), CWSI, field capacity (Fc), and LAI showed high accuracy to predict the wheat yield as shown from the statistical analysis. The WUE recorded 1.07 (kg/m3) in the southeast boundary and gradient toward the northwest boundary with a rate of 2.2 (kg/m3). The WUE distribution is comparable to soil parameters and measured yield circulation, which indicates high applicability with significant improvement in yield response. © 2020, King Abdulaziz University and Springer Nature Switzerland AG

    Modeling of enzymatic waste water treatment

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    Processing and recycling of waste water is an important environmental problem. One possible and promising way to use the generated sludge is production biofertilizers for agriculture. However, in view of the risks of chemical and bacteriological contamination, it is necessary to develop technologies that ensure a high level of conditioning and stabilization of sludge. Maximum enzyme activity is observed in a microbubble medium under the conditions of a mesophilic process. To accelerate the biochemical transformation of pollutants, an enzyme-cavitation method has been developed, based on the stimulation of growth processes of microorganisms in bioreactors by low and high intensity cavitation created by turbojets. It has been established that the quality and duration of sludge treatment depends on the pressure of the substrate at the entrance to the oxidizing jets. It has been proven that at a pressure p = 0.30-0.35 MPa, the processing time of the sludge before stabilization of the chemical oxygen consumption at 16% is 8 hours. Microscopic studies found that the processed substrate is an accumulation of microorganisms with a total surface of up to 100 m2 per 1 gram of dry matter that provides high sorption properties with respect to moisture. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Primary cerebral lymphoma. Mental disorders after biopsy (case report)

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    The article reviews the literature on the diagnosis and treatment of primary lymphomas of the central nervous system and describes a case of mental disorder before and after surgery in a patient with lymphoma of the third ventricle. Using an interdisciplinary approach, psychopathological dynamics is analyzed taking into account the structural and functional state of the brain, which allowed to clarify the possible causes of mental disorders and methods of treatment. Acute onset of confusion and headache was associated with disorders of the liquor outflow, due to the localization of the tumor. The reason for the disintegration of consciousness after surgery was brain hypoxia and the instability of connections between cerebral structures associated with it. The peculiarity of the consciousness recovery could be determined by premorbid personal traits

    Integrated method for rice cultivation monitoring using Sentinel-2 data and Leaf Area Index

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    it is necessary to apply a remote sensing-based system for rice cultivation assessment parallel with the field measurements of the crop biophysical parameters. This study aims to map the rice cultivated areas and give an estimate for the expected yield (ton/ha) using Sentinel-2 satellite data. The study was carried out in an experimental site in the Kafr El-Sheikh governorate with a total area of 3240 ha. The multi-temporal Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) extracted from nine Sentinel-2 imagery cover the whole summer season. The supervised nearest neighborhood object-based classification method was employed, resulting in a classification map with an overall accuracy of 95% and a kappa coefficient of 0.93. Yield prediction was carried out by using an empirical yield prediction model using the NDVI and the Leaf Area Index (LAI). The LAI was calculated using the Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land (SEBAL) model and then validated against the measured LAI. the Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MPAE) was calculated to estimate the error between the measured and predicted LAI and yield. The MPAE was found to be ±6.76% (i.e. ±0.28 m2/m2) with a high correlation between the measured and the calculated LAI with a coefficient of determination (R2 = 0.94). While for the yield, the MPAE was found to be ±6.53% (i.e. ±0.66 ton/ha) and R2 of 0.95. This method is applicable to estimate area and yield of rice in the northern Nile delta in adequate time before harvest. © 2020 National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Science