9 research outputs found

    The politic and legal analysis of some integration associations and nations restrictive measures against Russian Federation, russian citizens and entities

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    The political and legal analysis of a complex of the restrictive measures (sanctions) imposed on the Russian Federation and its citizens and legal entities concerning acceptance to the structure of Russia the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol as new subjects of the Russian Federation - the Republic of Crimea and the city of federal significance Sevastopol, on the basis of results of will of inhabitants of the peninsula of Crimea, by some integration associations and the foreign states such as the European Union, the United States of America, the Swiss Confederation, the Australian union, is provided in the article. The restrictive measures entered by Russia concerning a number of the foreign states and being «reciprocal» and directed on prevention of further development of deterioration of the interstate relations are also considered in the article. The author notes that the restrictive measures imposed by the states, as a rule, have a negative impact in the first place, it is for the states that impose such sanctions measures, thus, aiming to change the political vector of a State. The article concludes that despite some positive trends in the development of Russia's political, economic and social spheres in the framework of the «sanctions regime», the majority of politicians of the Russian Federation expects to resolve the situation through diplomatic dialogue on the basis of the positions of rationality in the approach to building bilateral relations, as well as with only in the framework of respect for international law principles and norms

    The question of superiority of rules contained in an international agreement under the national law in case of their conflict

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    The main international legal and constitutional provisions providing a status of international agreement of certain state in it’s national legal system and the tools of implementation of norms of international agreement by national courts are analised in the thesis

    Legality and Legitimacy of Public Political Power: Theoretical Aspects (on the Basis of Syria)

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    The Article is devoted to theoretical concepts of legality and legitimacy of public political power; it includes analysis of these concepts (including historical aspects of the constitutional evolution) on issues of legality and legitimacy of public political power of the government of the Syrian Arab Republic. The Article includes casual demonstration of vitals of legality and legitimacy of public political power of exercise public political power on Syria territory. The purpose of this analysis is systematic description of doctrinal approaches to such legal phenomena, as legality and legitimacy of public political power, their correlation, as well as content analysis of such legal phenomena on the example of social condition, existing on the territory of particular state at the certain historical period of its evolution. As a result of scrutiny of different approaches to the concepts of legality and legitimacy of public political power, the author comes to the conclusion about the necessity take into consideration particular political and legal contexts during making assertion about legality and legitimacy of public political power exercising at the certain period of its evolution. Specifically, if legal nature of legality of public political power doesn’t afford to use any other criteria excepting compliance such authority with positive regulation within particular legal system, then legitimacy of public political power provides latitude in the choice the criteria of the order of legitimacy. Herewith the author formulates particular criteria the presence of which provides an opportunity to determine the character of public political power as legitimacy, such as recognition of legitimacy object by public or authoritative body, compliance the public order considered as legitimacy with positive regulation and with more developed public order. The Article contains foundation of criteria of legality and legitimacy of public political power exercising on the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic by consideration of the most obvious constitutional peculiarities of the Syrian Arab Republic including the consideration in aspect of the history of constitutional evolution of the state


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    In this article discussed the various sources of international law concerning the protection of the atmosphere. As a result, it is concluded the need for the adoption of Framework Convention for the Protection of the atmosphere

    Protection of human rights and freedoms in accordance with the international legal standards in context of a new realities of the globalized world

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    Main conceptual political and legal obstacles, facing on the way of coloration of national legal system and judicial practice of states in accordance with Modern International Law under the example of the Denmark are analyzed in this article

    Double standard as the method of intellectual discourse (is Russia the «occidental» civilizations antipode?). Part 2

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    The complex analysis of modern world political reality in the context of consideration of an actual The article deals with the comparative legal analysis of trends more and more evident in works of foreign (mainly European and North American) scientists, whose non-critical estimations only exacerbate the systemic crisis in many spheres of public relations which significantly increases fundamental contradiction between the West and the East. Using the methods of historicism and comparativism, permanent deepening stagnation of «Western» model of democracy (both socio-economic and political point of view), which for several centuries was the «locomotive» of Christian civilization, and than was replaced by ideological, ethical and religious surrogates of multiculturalism and tolerance, is stated. According to the authors, the paradox is that the crisis in the most important spheres of public and private law relations is determined by a number of factors arising from the process of liberalization of those areas of human activity, the taboo nature of which several decades ago did not cause any objections. Globalisation - as a system process - encouraged actualization of such a phenomenon as «legal imperialism» (as component of which «legal colonialism» should be considered), the answer to which has become a large-scale radicalization of terrorist organizations, religious fanaticism and nationalist extremism. Unfortunately, neither the Anglo-Saxon nor the continental law system (without mentioning international law), despite some positive trends, failed to adequately respond to the demands of the day, thus only strengthen the negative component of the «Western» civilizational paradigm. Apart from North Africa, it is most clearly manifested in the Ukraine, where the scientists, ignoring the theory and practice of the historical process, actively rewrite and edit historiography of «independent state», thereby seeking to justify the «relevance» of the February coup. That is supported by foreign researchers, who increasingly actualize mechanisms of this kind to justify Russophobian concepts and doctrines of anti-Russian. Not wanting to give up the practice of double standards, representatives of Western scientific thought continue to provide a powerful ideological pressure on those who have traditionally been associated with the so called electorate, in a majority superficially knowing the history of even their countries. Propaganda substitutes science, giving priority to a wide range of myths, presumptions and unfounded ascertainings which no one calls into question. Aim of the article is using the methodology of comparative legal analysis to show the falsity of the scientific and ideological stereotypes existing in foreign and domestic political science

    Double standard as the method of intellectual discourse (is Russia the «occidental» civilizations antipode?). Part 1

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    The complex analysis of modern world political reality in the context of consideration of an actual condition of Russian Federation and the western powers relationship in the article is carried out