163 research outputs found

    On the theory of magnetic field dependence of heat conductivity in dielectric in isotropic model

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    Phonon polarization in a magnetic field is analyzed in isotropic model. It is shown, that at presence of spin-phonon interaction phonon possess circular polari-zation which causes the appearance of heat flux component perpendicular both to temperature gradient and magnetic field.Comment: 5 pages, 0 figure

    On the problem of preserving the health of youth in modern educational institutions of higher education

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    The objective of the study was to develop a set of physical exercises for students of designers whose work is associated with physical inactivity, as adverse psycho-physiological factors of the labor process. The aim of the research was an attempt to optimize the learning process of these students. The experiment involved the students of the Russian State University of Professional Education. Studied boys and girls aged from 17 to 22 years. Total surveyed 120 students. Approbation of the complex showed the effectiveness of its implementationЗадачей исследования явилась разработка комплекса физических упражнений для студентов-дизайнеров, работа которых связана с гиподинамией, как неблагоприятным психофизиологическим фактором трудового процесса. Целью исследований являлась попытка оптимизации процесса обучения указанных студентов. В эксперименте участвовали студенты Российского государственного профессионально-педагогического университета. Исследовались девушки и юноши в возрасте от 17 до 22 лет. Всего обследовано 120 студентов. Апробация комплекса показала эффективность его внедрени

    Involvement of the European Union in Karabakh’s Confliсt Peaceful Settlement

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    Role of the European Union in the peaceful settlement of NagornoKarabakh conflict between Armenia and Azerbaidjan. Mediation of France as a separate actor, which demonstrates the diplomacy of the balance between national interests and pan-European aims. Question on the current interests of the whole European Union in this region that can contribute to realization of concrete measures between conflict parts as well as retard negotiations and cause new escalation wave. Negotiating arenas, established by European countries, and institutions within the EU that control the situation in the region. Analysis of sceneries in Karabakh and possible future steps for problem’s solution by the European Union.Рассматривается роль Европейского союза в мирном урегулировании конфликта за Нагорный Карабах между Арменией и Азербайджаном. Посредничество Франции как отдельного актора, демонстрирующего дипломатию баланса между национальными интересами и вопросами общеевропейского характера. Затрагивается вопрос о существующих интересах всего ЕС в данном регионе, которые могут как способствовать принятию конкретных мер по достижению консенсуса между участниками конфликта, так и замедлять переговорный процесс и вызывать новую волну эскалации. Переговорные площадки, созданные по инициативам стран Европы, и структуры самого ЕС, занимающиеся контролем ситуации в регионе. Анализ сценариев развития событий в Карабахе и возможных будущих шагов по устранению проблемы со стороны Европейского союза

    Reorganisation of chromatin during erythroid differentiation

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    A totipotent zygote has unlimited potential for differentiation into all cell types found in an adult organism. During ontogenesis proliferating and maturing cells gradually lose their differentiation potential, limiting the spectrum of possible developmental transitions to a specific cell type. Following the initiation of the developmental program cells acquire specific morphological and functional properties. Deciphering the mechanisms that coordinate shifts in gene expression revealed a critical role of three-dimensional chromatin structure in the regulation of gene activity during lineage commitment. Several levels of DNA packaging have been recently identified using chromosome conformation capture based techniques such a Hi-C. It is now clear that chromatin regions with high transcriptional activity assemble into Mb-scale compartments in the nuclear space, distinct from transcriptionally silent regions. More locally chromatin is organized into topological domains, serving as functionally insulated units with cell type – specific regulatory loop interactions. However, molecular mechanisms establishing and maintaining such 3D organization are yet to be investigated. Recent focus on studying chromatin reorganization accompanying cell cycle progression and cellular differentiation partially explained some aspects of 3D genome folding. Throughout erythropoiesis cells undergo a dramatic reorganization of the chromatin landscape leading to global nuclear condensation and transcriptional silencing, followed by nuclear extrusion at the final stage of mammalian erythropoiesis. Drastic changes of genome architecture and function accompanying erythroid differentiation seem to be an informative model for studying the ways of how genome organization and dynamic gene activity are connected. Here we summarize current views on the role of global rearrangement of 3D chromatin structure in erythroid differentiation