310 research outputs found

    Using pairwise comparisons to determine consumer preferences in hotel selection

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    We consider the problem of evaluating preferences for criteria used by university students when selecting a hotel for accommodation during a professional development program in a foreign country. Input data for analysis come from a survey of 202 respondents, who indicated their age, sex and whether they have previously visited the country. The criteria under evaluation are location, accommodation cost, typical guests, free breakfast, room amenities and courtesy of staff. The respondents assess the criteria both directly by providing estimates of absolute ratings and ranks, and indirectly by relative estimates using ratios of pairwise comparisons. To improve the accuracy of ratings derived from pairwise comparisons, we concurrently apply the principal eigenvector method, the geometric mean method and the method of log-Chebyshev approximation. Then, the results from the direct and indirect evaluation of ratings and ranks are examined together to analyze how the results from pairwise comparisons may differ from each other and from the results of direct assessment by respondents. We apply statistical techniques, such as estimation of means, standard deviations and correlations, to the vectors of ratings and ranks provided directly or indirectly by respondents, and then use the estimates to make accurate assessment of the criteria under study.Comment: 27 pages, 16 table

    The use of modern highly precise ultrasonic gas flowmeters and etalon stands to enlarge industrial resource efficiency

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    In this article we have described our new development that is the ultrasonic flowmeter with high dynamic range of 1 to 2000 for industrial applications. Its high accuracy of measurement can help gas consuming enterprises to save resources. Its software and the software of corresponding computing device is able to avoid gas leakage, to minimize energy consumption and to save human resources while maintaining metrological dat

    Manifestation of the effects of dynamic diffraction in the coherent X-ray radiation of relativistic electrons in a periodic layered medium

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    The possibility of manifestation of the effects of dynamic diffraction in the coherent X-ray radiation of relativistic electrons in a periodic layered medium is studied theoretically in this pape

    Coherent X-rays excited by a relativistic electron crossing a periodic stratified structure in Bragg scattering geometry

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    The dynamic theory of coherent X-rays excited by a relativistic electron crossing an artificial periodic stratified structure in Bragg scattering geometryhas been developed for the general case of asymmetric reflection. Expressions describing the spectral-angularcharacteristics of radiation have been derived and investigatedyesБелгородский госуниверсите

    Polycapillary based μXRF station for 3D colour tomography

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    The “Rainbow X-Ray” (RXR) experimental station at XLab Frascati of the Frascati’s National Laboratories (LNF) INFN is a dedicated station for X-ray fluorescence studies based on the use of polycapillary lenses in a confocal geometry. The flexible RXR layout allows investigating specimens of the dimensions ranging from several millimeters up to half meter and weighting up to several tens of kilograms. Compared to similar existing XRF stations, apart of the possibility for investigating large samples, the main advantage of this equipment is the detection system with two spectrometers optimized to work separately at high and at low X-ray energie

    Improving educational process quality in the lessons of natural and mathematical cycle by means of stem-training

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    Today, the educational process is focused on the development of personal characteristics that meet the requirements of a modern educated person. In this regard, the task of educational institutions is to adopt the educational process to today’s realities. To achieve this goal, STEM education is implemente

    The development of solar-powered gas metering units equipped with radio or 3g based telemetry systems

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    In this article we have described the development of solar-powered gas metering units including modern ultrasonic and vortex flowmeters for volume and mass measurement of natural gas, associated petroleum gases, inert gases, oxygen, hydrogen, air, nitrogen, carbon dioxide and any other single and multicomponent gases that are not aggressive to the flowmeter material