4 research outputs found


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    Aim. The aim of the study is to assess the current state of the elements of the naturalecological framework of the steppe regions of European Russia and the peculiarities of its spatial distribution.Discussion. The most important component of the environmental framework of the steppe regions of European Russia is the system of relatively large zonal landscape areas of the nature reserve fund which contribute to the preservation of biodiversity, the functional integrity of landscapes and the development of ecological networks. As of January 1, 2018, the natural reserve fund of the federal level in the territory of the considered mezoregion is represented by 22 specially protected natural territories (10 reserves, 5 national parks and 7 wildlife sanctuaries) with a total area of 16.1 thousand km2. The share of the area of specially protected natural reservation is about 2% of the area of the considered mezoregion. Practically for all the regions under consideration, there is a situation where numerous natural territories with “prospective” status are considered for integration into the nature reserve fund; however, the efforts of the scientific community, environmental services and relevant ministries are not very active in implementing projects to give them corresponding status.Conclusion. For the territory stretching from the northern border of the Saratov region to the central part of the Krasnodar Territory, the problem of the absence of cores and key elements constituting the framework of the nature reserve fund is most acute. In six territorial subjects of the Mesoregion, there are no specially protected natural steppe reservations of the federal level. The analysis of modern territorial planning schemes of the steppe regions indicates that the environmental framework of European Russia has not yet become the basis for the adoption of urban planning decisions. At the same time, its structural elements (preserved zonal landscapes, natural and derived landscape complexes), along with autonomously functioning nature-like territorial complexes, will help create a favorable environment for the population

    Reserves for the Increase of Yield and Quality of Winter Wheat Grain and Their Dependence on the Heterogeneity of Crops in the Conditions of the Steppe Zone of the Orenburg Urals, Russia

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    Aim. Verification of scientific concepts regarding the spatial heterogeneity of field agrocenoses. Identification of the variability of phytometric and structural crop ndicators and determination of the degree of their influence on the yield and quality of winter wheat grain in the steppe zone of the Orenburg Urals.Material and Methods. Establishment of field experiments, related observations and counts in accordance with the methodology of state variety crops testing and B.A.Dospekhov's guidelin. Monitoring of winter wheat crops was carried by measuring the vegetation index (NDVI) with a Green Seeker Handheld Crop Sensor, Model HCS‐100 (Trimble, USA). Determination of grain quality indicators was conducted according to GOST 9353‐2016 Wheat – Technical Conditions. Microsoft Office Excel was employed for the correlation and regression analysis of experimental data. Results. Analysis of the intra‐field heterogeneity of winter wheat agrocenoses in terms of yield and grain quality was conducted. The dependences of yield and grain quality on the principal crop phytometric and structural parameters were defined and expressed in the form of regression equations.Сonclusion. The results of the studies attest to the growth of reserves of grain yield to 3.0 t/ha and grain quality to class I‐II class in zonal climatic conditions of optimization of environmental factors to the level of the best basic plots by levelling out field soil heterogeneity. This is possible by restoring the fertility of anthropogenically‐degraded soil through the introduction of landscape‐adaptive and resource saving farming systems, soil protective and soil restorative crop rotation, differentiated application of organic and mineral fertilizers and selection of the most adaptive varieties. We also advise the introduction of intelligent ‘digital technologies’ aimed at fuller implementation of the genetic potential of cultivated varieties with careful consideration of natural resources and the preservation of biological diversity

    Spatial assessment of the socio‐economic framework of the Russian steppe regions

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    Aim. The goal of the study is a spatial assessment of the socio-economic framework in the steppe regions of Russia. Characteristics of the density of the socio-ecological framework and the degree of development of its core cities were represented to achieve the goal.Material and Methods. A methodology is proposed for assessing the level of development of the socio-economic framework based on the conjugate analysis of 6 indicators of the density index of the socio-economic framework and 9 indicators of the developmental index of the core cities of the socio-economic framework for 18 steppe regions of Russia.Results. A schematic map representing the spatial distribution of the indices studied was produced. A range of urbanisation process features in the regions of the steppe zone of Russia was revealed. In the eastern part, the formation of megalopoli is difficult and the development of agglomeration processes is hampered by the considerable distance from each other of large core cities. Highly urbanised territories might be formed in the western part of the region studied in the course of advanced development. In this connection, disproportions in density indices of the socio-economic framework between the southwest and east regions are noted. Maximum values (4 and more) are recorded in the Belgorod Oblast, Krasnodar Territory, the Republic of Adygea and the Republic of Crimea and minimum (less than 2.5) in border and remote regions (Altai Territory, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Kurgan, Orenburg Oblasts and the Republic of Kalmykia).Conclusion. The development of the socio-economic framework in the mezoregion studied is a mirror reflection of the spatial arrangement of economy and population in the steppe zone of Russia. It is confirmed by a close relation between the development index of core cities in the socio-economic framework and the value of gross regional product. According to the Chaddock scale, the coefficient of correlation between appropriate indicators is 0.94