653 research outputs found

    Limit on the LMC mass from a census of its satellites

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    We study the orbits of ultra-faint dwarf galaxies in the combined presence of the Milky Way and LMC and we find 6 dwarfs which were likely accreted with the LMC (Car 2, Car 3, Hor 1, Hyi 1, Phe 2, Ret 2), in addition to the SMC, representing strong evidence of dwarf galaxy group infall. This procedure depends on the gravitational pull of the LMC, thus allowing us to place a lower bound on the Cloud's mass of MLMC>1.24×1011MM_{\rm LMC} > 1.24\times10^{11} M_\odot. This mass estimate is validated by applying the technique to a cosmological zoom-in simulation of a Milky Way-like galaxy with an LMC analogue where we find that while this lower bound may be overestimated, it will improve in the future with smaller observational errors. We apply this technique to dwarf galaxies lacking radial velocities and find that Eri 3 has a broad range of radial velocities for which it has a significant chance (>0.4> 0.4) of having being bound to the Cloud. We study the non-Magellanic classical satellites and find that Fornax has an appreciable probability of being an LMC satellite if the LMC is sufficiently massive. In addition, we explore how the orbits of the Milky Way satellites change in the presence of the LMC and find a significant change for several objects. Finally, we find that the LMC satellites are slightly smaller than the Milky Way satellites at a fixed luminosity, possibly due to the different tidal environments they have experienced.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures. Submitted to MNRAS. Comments welcom

    The Tilt of the Local Velocity Ellipsoid as Seen by Gaia

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    The Gaia Radial Velocity Spectrometer (RVS) provides a sample of 7,224,631 stars with full six-dimensional phase space information. Bayesian distances of these stars are available from the catalogue of Sch\"onrich et al. (2019). We exploit this to map out the behaviour of the velocity ellipsoid within 5 kpc of the Sun. We find that the tilt of the disc-dominated RVS sample is accurately described by the relation α=(0.952±0.007)arctan(z/R)\alpha = (0.952 \pm 0.007)\arctan (|z|/R), where (R,zR,z) are cylindrical polar coordinates. This corresponds to velocity ellipsoids close to spherical alignment (for which the normalising constant would be unity) and pointing towards the Galactic centre. Flattening of the tilt of the velocity ellipsoids is enhanced close to the plane and Galactic centre, whilst at high elevations far from the Galactic center the population is consistent with exact spherical alignment. Using the LAMOST catalogue cross-matched with Gaia DR2, we construct thin disc and halo samples of reasonable purity based on metallicity. We find that the tilt of thin disc stars straddles α=(0.9091.038)arctan(z/R)\alpha = (0.909-1.038)\arctan (|z|/R), and of halo stars straddles α=(0.9271.063)arctan(z/R)\alpha = (0.927-1.063)\arctan (|z|/R). We caution against the use of reciprocal parallax for distances in studies of the tilt, as this can lead to serious artefacts.Comment: MNRAS, revised version contains additional checks on the integrity of the distance

    A Dark Matter Hurricane: Measuring the S1 Stream with Dark Matter Detectors

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    The recently discovered S1 stream passes through the Solar neighbourhood on a low inclination, counter-rotating orbit. The progenitor of S1 is a dwarf galaxy with a total mass comparable to the present-day Fornax dwarf spheroidal, so the stream is expected to have a significant DM component. We compute the effects of the S1 stream on WIMP and axion detectors as a function of the density of its unmeasured dark component. In WIMP detectors the S1 stream supplies more high energy nuclear recoils so will marginally improve DM detection prospects. We find that even if S1 comprises less than 10% of the local density, multi-ton xenon WIMP detectors can distinguish the S1 stream from the bulk halo in the relatively narrow mass range between 5 and 25 GeV. In directional WIMP detectors such as CYGNUS, S1 increases DM detection prospects more substantially since it enhances the anisotropy of the WIMP signal. Finally, we show that axion haloscopes possess by far the greatest potential sensitivity to the S1 stream. Once the axion mass has been discovered, the distinctive velocity distribution of S1 can easily be extracted from the axion power spectrum.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figure

    The Orbit of the Orphan Stream

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    We use recent SEGUE spectroscopy and SDSS and SEGUE imaging data to measure the sky position, distance, and radial velocities of stars in the tidal debris stream that is commonly referred to as the "Orphan Stream." We fit orbital parameters to the data, and find a prograde orbit with an apogalacticon, perigalacticon, and eccentricity of 90 kpc, 16.4 kpc and 0.7, respectively. Neither the dwarf galaxy UMa II nor the Complex A gas cloud have velocities consistent with a kinematic association with the Orphan Stream. It is possible that Segue-1 is associated with the Orphan Stream, but no other known Galactic clusters or dwarf galaxies in the Milky Way lie along its orbit. The detected portion of the stream ranges from 19 to 47 kpc from the Sun and is an indicator of the mass interior to these distances. There is a marked increase in the density of Orphan Stream stars near (l,b)=(253,49) deg., which could indicate the presence of the progenitor at the edge of the SDSS data. If this is the progenitor, then the detected portion of the Orphan Stream is a leading tidal tail. We find blue horizontal branch (BHB) stars and F turnoff stars associated with the Orphan Stream. The turnoff color is (g-r)_0=0.22. The BHB stars have a low metallicity of [Fe/H]=-2.1. The orbit is best fit to a halo potential with a halo plus disk mass of about 2.6x10^11 Solar masses, integrated to 60 kpc from the Galactic center. Our best fit is found with a logarithmic halo speed of v_halo=73+/-24 km/s, a disk+bulge mass of M(R< 60 kpc) = 1.3x10^11 Solar masses, and a halo mass of M(R< 60 kpc) = 1.4x10^11 Solar masses. The Orphan Stream is projected to extend to 90 kpc from the Galactic center, and measurements of these distant parts of the stream would be a powerful probe of the mass of the Milky Way (truncated).Comment: 17 Figures, ApJ accepte

    The tilt of the local velocity ellipsoid as seen by Gaia

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    The Gaia Radial Velocity Spectrometer (RVS) provides a sample of 7224 631 stars with full six-dimensional phase space information. Bayesian distances of these stars are available from the catalogue of Schönrich, McMillan &amp; Eyer. We exploit this to map out the behaviour of the velocity ellipsoid within 5 kpc of the Sun. We find that the tilt of the disc-dominated RVS sample is accurately described by the relation α=(0.952±0.007)arctan(z/R)\alpha = (0.952 \pm 0.007)\arctan (|z|/R), where (R, z) are cylindrical polar coordinates. This corresponds to velocity ellipsoids close to spherical alignment (for which the normalizing constant would be unity) and pointing towards the Galactic Centre. Flattening of the tilt of the velocity ellipsoids is enhanced close to the plane and Galactic Centre, whilst at high elevations far from the Galactic Centre the population is consistent with exact spherical alignment. Using the LAMOST catalogue cross-matched with Gaia DR2, we construct thin disc and halo samples of reasonable purity based on metallicity. We find that the tilt of thin disc stars straddles α=(0.909 ⁣ ⁣1.038)arctan(z/R)\alpha = (0.909{\!-\!}1.038)\arctan (|z|/R), and of halo stars straddles α=(0.927 ⁣ ⁣1.063)arctan(z/R)\alpha = (0.927{\!-\!}1.063)\arctan (|z|/R). We caution against the use of reciprocal parallax for distances in studies of the tilt, as this can lead to serious artefacts

    A lower limit on the dark particle mass from dSphs

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    We use dwarf spheroidal galaxies as a tool to attempt to put precise lower limits on the mass of the dark matter particle, assuming it is a sterile neutrino. We begin by making cored dark halo fits to the line of sight velocity dispersions as a function of projected radius (taken from Walker et al. 2007) for six of the Milky Way's dwarf spheroidal galaxies. We test Osipkov-Merritt velocity anisotropy profiles, but find that no benefit is gained over constant velocity anisotropy. In contrast to previous attempts, we do not assume any relation between the stellar velocity dispersions and the dark matter ones, but instead we solve directly for the sterile neutrino velocity dispersion at all radii by using the equation of state for a partially degenerate neutrino gas (which ensures hydrostatic equilibrium of the sterile neutrino halo). This yields a 1:1 relation between the sterile neutrino density and velocity dispersion, and therefore gives us an accurate estimate of the Tremaine-Gunn limit at all radii. By varying the sterile neutrino particle mass, we locate the minimum mass for all six dwarf spheroidals such that the Tremaine-Gunn limit is not exceeded at any radius (in particular at the centre). We find sizeable differences between the ranges of feasible sterile neutrino particle mass for each dwarf, but interestingly there exists a small range 270-280eV which is consistent with all dSphs at the 1-σ\sigma level.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, 1 tabl