916 research outputs found
Semi-Inclusive Distributions in Statistical Models
The semi-inclusive properties of the system of neutral and charged particles
with net charge equal to zero are considered in the grand canonical, canonical
and micro-canonical ensembles as well as in micro-canonical ensemble with
scaling volume fluctuations. Distributions of neutral particle multiplicity and
charged particle momentum are calculated as a function of the number of charged
particles. Different statistical ensembles lead to qualitatively different
dependencies. They are being compared with the corresponding experimental data
on multi-hadron production in interactions at high energies.Comment: Two subsections are added: "Average multiplicities, fluctuations and
correlations" and "Quantum statistics
Resonances in a sudden chemical freeze-out model
The prediction for spectra of various resonances produced in Pb+Pb
collisions at 2.76 TeV at the LHC in equilibrium and non-equilibrium models is
made. It includes the , (770), (1385), (1520), and
(1530). The apparent differences may allow to distinguish between the
models.Comment: Minor changes on the request of a refere
Efficacy of high-risk human papillomavirus genotype testing as cervical cancer screening method in a tertiary hospital of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Background: The fourth most frequent gynecological malignancy worldwide is cervical cancer. Due to the high incidence of risk factors, cervical cancer is a pressing concern in Bangladesh. One of the most prevalent sexually transmitted viruses that can be chronic and can result in cervical cancer is the human papillomavirus (HPV). Investigating the epidemiology and clinical traits of this specific kind of HPV requires the identification of the high-risk (HR) HPV type. The aim of the study is to find out High risk HPV genotype (16, 18, and others) distribution among asymptomatic women and compare the diagnostic performance between the test of HR-HPV and visual inspection of cervix with acetic acid.
Methods: This cross sectional study was carried out in the Department of Gynecological Oncology, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Dhaka. A total of 300 asymptomatic women, aged 30 to 60 years, fulfilling inclusion criteria were included in this study. Study data was collected by a structured questionnaire designed for interview, clinical examination, HR-HPV genotyping, visual inspection of the cervix with acetic acid (VIA), and colposcopy of the women. HR-HPV genotyping was performed by a reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction.
Results: Among all of the HPV genotypes, HPV 16 (4.7%) was the most prevalent type, followed by HR-HPV (3.7%), HPV 18 (0.7%), and a combination of HPV 16 and other HR-HPV (0.3%).
Conclusions: HPV genotype can be used as an effective method for cervical cancer screening, including the identification of women at risk of cervical cancer.
Particle Number Fluctuations in Statistical Model with Exact Charge Conservation Laws
Even though the first momenta i.e. the ensemble average quantities in
canonical ensemble (CE) give the grand canonical (GC) results in large
multiplicity limit, the fluctuations involving second moments do not respect
this asymptotic behaviour. Instead, the asymptotics are strikingly different,
giving a new handle in study of statistical particle number fluctuations in
relativistic nuclear reactions. Here we study the analytical large volume
asymptotics to general case of multispecies hadron gas carrying fixed baryon
number, strangeness and electric charge. By means of Monte Carlo simulations we
have also studied the general multiplicity probability distributions taking
into account the decay chains of resonance states.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. The report of the talk given in Strangeness in
Quark Matter 2004, Cape Town. Submitted to J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phy
Particle Number Fluctuations in Relativistic Bose and Fermi Gases
Particle number fluctuations are studied in relativistic Bose and Fermi
gases. The calculations are done within both the grand canonical and canonical
ensemble. The fluctuations in the canonical ensemble are found to be different
from those in the grand canonical one. Effects of quantum statistics increase
in the grand canonical ensemble for large chemical potential. This is, however,
not the case in the canonical ensemble. In the limit of large charge density a
strongest difference between the grand canonical and canonical ensemble results
is observed.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure
Multiplicity Distributions in Canonical and Microcanonical Statistical Ensembles
The aim of this paper is to introduce a new technique for calculation of
observables, in particular multiplicity distributions, in various statistical
ensembles at finite volume. The method is based on Fourier analysis of the
grand canonical partition function. Taylor expansion of the generating function
is used to separate contributions to the partition function in their power in
volume. We employ Laplace's asymptotic expansion to show that any equilibrium
distribution of multiplicity, charge, energy, etc. tends to a multivariate
normal distribution in the thermodynamic limit. Gram-Charlier expansion allows
additionally for calculation of finite volume corrections. Analytical formulas
are presented for inclusion of resonance decay and finite acceptance effects
directly into the system partition function. This paper consolidates and
extends previously published results of current investigation into properties
of statistical ensembles.Comment: 53 pages, 7 figure
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