2,300 research outputs found

    Quantum walk on the line: entanglement and non-local initial conditions

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    The conditional shift in the evolution operator of a quantum walk generates entanglement between the coin and position degrees of freedom. This entanglement can be quantified by the von Neumann entropy of the reduced density operator (entropy of entanglement). In the long time limit, it converges to a well defined value which depends on the initial state. Exact expressions for the asymptotic (long-time) entanglement are obtained for (i) localized initial conditions and (ii) initial conditions in the position subspace spanned by the +1 and -1 position eigenstates.Comment: A few mistakes where corrected. One of them leads to a factor of 2 in eq. (49), the other results remain unchanged. In this version, several figures where replaced by color version

    La pobreza indígena en América Latina y el primer objetivo de desarrollo del milenio

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo es, en primer lugar, explorar en qué medida los pueblos indígenas tienen mayor riesgo de caer en la pobreza extrema que los pueblos no indígenas, y si la situación de los pueblos indígenas está mejorando o empeorando en América Latina. En segundo lugar, en el trabajo se analizan determinados problemas vinculados al tratamiento de la pobreza indígena, de una manera constructiva y significativa. Tales cuestiones incluyen la escasez de datos sobre la pobreza indígena, los posibles desafíos relativos a la validez intercultural de los indicadores de pobreza establecidos, y a las definiciones usadas para definir e identificar lo indígena.Antecedentes ; ¿Por qué un enfoque especial sobre las poblaciones indígenas?, Los objetivos de desarrollo del milenio. La ODM y las críticas de los indígenas. Material y métodos. Resultados; ¿son acaso más pobres los grupos de pueblos indígenas que los no indígenas?. ¿Se están cerrando acaso las brechas de la pobreza entre los grupos de población indígena y no indígena?. La pobreza indígena es polifacética. El ejemplo de las líneas de pobreza extrema. El criterio de las necesidades básicas insatisfechas. Criterio de inclusión, ¿quién es indígena?. Desglose de los datos sobre la pobreza. Conclusiones. Bibliografía

    Sub-ballistic behavior in quantum systems with L\'evy noise

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    We investigate the quantum walk and the quantum kicked rotor in resonance subjected to noise with a L\'evy waiting time distribution. We find that both systems have a sub-ballistic wave function spreading as shown by a power-law tail of the standard deviation.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Significant enhancement of irreversibility field in clean-limit bulk MgB2

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    Low resistivity ("clean") MgB2 bulk samples annealed in Mg vapor show an increase in upper critical field Hc2(T) and irreversibility field Hirr(T) by a factor of 2 in both transport and magnetic measurements. The best sample displayed Hirr above 14 T at 4.2 K and 6 T at 20 K. These changes were accompanied by an increase of the 40 K resistivity from 1.0 to 18 microohm-cm and a lowering of the resistivity ratio from 15 to 3, while the critical temperature Tc decreased by only 1-2 K. These results point the way to make prepare MgB2 attractive for magnet applications.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Applied Physics Letter

    Cu_{2}O as nonmagnetic semiconductor for spin transport in crystalline oxide electronics

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    We probe spin transport in Cu_{2}O by measuring spin valve effect in La_{0.7}Sr_{0.3}MnO_{3}/Cu_{2}O/Co and La_{0.7}Sr_{0.3}MnO_{3}/Cu_{2}O/La_{0.7}Sr_{0.3}MnO_{3} epitaxial heterostructures. In La_{0.7}Sr_{0.3}MnO_{3}/Cu_{2}O/Co systems we find that a fraction of out-of-equilibrium spin polarized carrier actually travel across the Cu_{2}O layer up to distances of almost 100 nm at low temperature. The corresponding spin diffusion length dspin is estimated around 40 nm. Furthermore, we find that the insertion of a SrTiO_{3} tunneling barrier does not improve spin injection, likely due to the matching of resistances at the interfaces. Our result on dspin may be likely improved, both in terms of Cu_{2}O crystalline quality and sub-micrometric morphology and in terms of device geometry, indicating that Cu_{2}O is a potential material for efficient spin transport in devices based on crystalline oxides.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figure

    Effects of non-local initial conditions in the Quantum Walk on the line

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    We report an enhancement of the decay rate of the survival probability when non-local initial conditions in position space are considered in the Quantum Walk on the line. It is shown how this interference effect can be understood analytically by using previously derived results. Within a restricted position subspace, the enhanced decay is correlated with a maximum asymptotic entanglement level while the normal decay rate corresponds to initial relative phases associated to a minimum entanglement level.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, Elsevier style, to appear in Physica

    Critical Field of MGB2 : Crossover from Clean to Dirty Regimes

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    We have studied the upper critical field, Bc2, in poly-crystalline MgB2 samples in which disorder was varied in a controlled way to carry selectively p and s bands from clean to dirty limit. We have found that the clean regime survives when p bands are dirty and s bands are midway between clean and dirty. In this framework we can explain the anomalous behaviour of Al doped samples, in which Bc2 decreases as doping increases.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

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