46 research outputs found

    Spin-Hall effect on edge magnetization and electric conductance of a 2D semiconductor strip

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    The intrinsic spin-Hall effect on spin accumulation and electric conductance in a diffusive regime of a 2D electron gas has been studied for a 2D strip of a finite width. It is shown that the spin polarization near the flanks of the strip, as well as the electric current in the longitudinal direction exhibit damped oscillations as a function of the width and strength of the Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction. Cubic terms of this interaction are crucial for spin accumulation near the edges. As expected, no effect on the spin accumulation and electric conductance have been found in case of Rashba spin-orbit interaction.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, some changes in the tex

    Waveguide diffusion modes and slowdown of D'yakonov-Perel' spin relaxation in narrow 2-D semiconductor channels

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    We have shown that in narrow 2D semiconductor channels the D'yakonov-Perel' spin relaxation rate is strongly reduced. This relaxation slowdown appears in special waveguide diffusion modes which determine the propagation of spin density in long channels. Experiments are suggested to detect the theoretically predicted effects. A possible application is a field effect transistor operated with injected spin current.Comment: 4 page

    DC Spin Current Generation in a Rashba-type Quantum Channel

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    We propose and demonstrate theoretically that resonant inelastic scattering (RIS) can play an important role in dc spin current generation. The RIS makes it possible to generate dc spin current via a simple gate configuration: a single finger-gate that locates atop and orients transversely to a quantum channel in the presence of Rashba spin-orbit interaction. The ac biased finger-gate gives rise to a time-variation in the Rashba coupling parameter, which causes spin-resolved RIS, and subsequently contributes to the dc spin current. The spin current depends on both the static and the dynamic parts in the Rashba coupling parameter, α0\alpha_0 and α1\alpha_1, respectively, and is proportional to α0α12\alpha_0 \alpha_1^2. The proposed gate configuration has the added advantage that no dc charge current is generated. Our study also shows that the spin current generation can be enhanced significantly in a double finger-gate configuration.Comment: 4 pages,4 figure

    Spin-Hall conductivity of a disordered 2D electron gas with Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction

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    The spin-Hall conductivity of a disordered 2D electron gas has been calculated for an arbitrary spin-orbit interaction. We have found that in the diffusive regime of electron transport, in accordance with previous calculations, the dc spin-Hall conductivity of a homogeneous system turns to zero due to impurity scattering when the spin-orbit coupling is represented only by the Rashba interaction. However, when the Dresselhaus interaction is taken into account, the spin-Hall current is not zero. We also considered the spin-Hall currents induced by an inhomogeneous electric field. It is shown that a time dependent electric charge induces a vortex of spin-Hall currents.Comment: 5 pages, figure adde

    The effect of the spin-orbit geometric phase on the spectrum of Aharonov-Bohm oscillations in a semiconductor mesoscopic ring

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    Taking into account the spin precession caused by the spin-orbit splitting of the conduction band in semiconductor quantum wells, we have calculated the Fourier spectra of conductance and state-density correlators in a 2D ring, in order to investigate the structure of the main peak corresponding to Aharonov-Bohm oscillations. In narrow rings the peak structure is determined by the competition between the spin-orbit and the Zeeman couplings. The latter leads to a peak broadening, and produces the peak splitting in the state-density Fourier spectrum. We have found an oscillation of the peak intensity as a function of the spin-orbit coupling constant, and this effect of the quantum interference caused by the spin geometric phase is destroyed with increasing Zeeman coupling.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, uses epsfig.st

    Sum rules for spin-Hall conductivity cancelation

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    It has been shown recently that the universal dc spin conductivity of two-dimensional electrons with a Rashba spin-orbit interaction is canceled by vertex corrections in a weak scattering regime. We prove that the zero bulk spin conductivity is an intrinsic property of the free-electron Hamiltonian and scattering is merely a tool to reveal this property in terms of the diagrammatic technique. When Zeeman energy is neglected, the zero dc conductivity persists in a magnetic field. Spin conductivity increases resonantly at the cyclotron frequency and then decays towards the universal value.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    AC Josephson Effect Induced by Spin Injection

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    Pure spin currents can be injected and detected in conductors via ferromagnetic contacts. We consider the case when the conductors become superconducting. A DC pure spin current flowing in one superconducting wire towards another superconductor via a ferromagnet contact induces AC voltage oscillations caused by Josephson tunneling of condensate electrons. Quasiparticles simultaneously counterflow resulting in zero total electric current through the contact. The Josephson oscillations can be accompanied by Carlson-Goldman collective modes leading to a resonance in the voltage oscillation amplitude.Comment: 5 page

    Superconductivity in charge Kondo systems

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    We present a theory of superconductivity in charge Kondo systems, materials with resonant quantum valence fluctuations, in the regime where the transition temperature is comparable to the charge Kondo resonance. We find superconductivity induced by charge Kondo impurities, study how pairing of a superconducting host is enhanced due to charge Kondo centers and investigate the interplay between Kondo-scattering and inter-impurity Josephson coupling. We discuss the implications of our theory for Tl-doped PbTe, which has recently been identified as a candidate charge Kondo system.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; revised version; detailed discussion on the physics of Tl-doped PbTe adde

    Optoelectric spin injection in semiconductor heterostructures without ferromagnet

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    We have shown that electron spin density can be generated by a dc current flowing across a pnpn junction with an embedded asymmetric quantum well. Spin polarization is created in the quantum well by radiative electron-hole recombination when the conduction electron momentum distribution is shifted with respect to the momentum distribution of holes in the spin split valence subbands. Spin current appears when the spin polarization is injected from the quantum well into the nn-doped region of the pnpn junction. The accompanied emission of circularly polarized light from the quantum well can serve as a spin polarization detector.Comment: 2 figure

    Aharonov-Casher oscillations of spin current through a multichannel mesoscopic ring

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    The Aharonov-Casher (AC) oscillations of spin current through a 2D ballistic ring in the presence of Rashba spin-orbit interaction and external magnetic field has been calculated using the semiclassical path integral method. For classically chaotic trajectories the Fokker-Planck equation determining dynamics of the particle spin polarization has been derived. On the basis of this equation an analytic expression for the spin conductance has been obtained taking into account a finite width of the ring arms carrying large number of conducting channels. It was shown that the finite width results in a broadening and damping of spin current AC oscillations. We found that an external magnetic field leads to appearance of new nondiagonal components of the spin conductance, allowing thus by applying a rather weak magnetic field to change a direction of the transmitted spin current polarization.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure