3,048 research outputs found

    N=8 Supergravity on the Light Cone

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    We construct the generating functional for the light-cone superfield amplitudes in a chiral momentum superspace. It generates the n-point particle amplitudes which on shell are equivalent to the covariant ones. Based on the action depending on unconstrained light-cone chiral scalar superfield, this functional provides a regular d=4 QFT path integral derivation of the Nair-type amplitude constructions. By performing a Fourier transform into the light-cone chiral coordinate superspace we find that the quantum corrections to the superfield amplitudes with n legs are non-local in transverse directions for the diagrams with the number of loops smaller than n(n-1)/2 +1. This suggests the reason why UV infinities, which are proportional to local vertices, cannot appear at least before 7 loops in the light-cone supergraph computations. By combining the E7 symmetry with the supersymmetric recursion relations we argue that the light-cone supergraphs predict all loop finiteness of d=4 N=8 supergravity.Comment: 38

    Optimal Tradeoff Between Exposed and Hidden Nodes in Large Wireless Networks

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    Wireless networks equipped with the CSMA protocol are subject to collisions due to interference. For a given interference range we investigate the tradeoff between collisions (hidden nodes) and unused capacity (exposed nodes). We show that the sensing range that maximizes throughput critically depends on the activation rate of nodes. For infinite line networks, we prove the existence of a threshold: When the activation rate is below this threshold the optimal sensing range is small (to maximize spatial reuse). When the activation rate is above the threshold the optimal sensing range is just large enough to preclude all collisions. Simulations suggest that this threshold policy extends to more complex linear and non-linear topologies

    Schwarzschild models of the Sculptor dSph galaxy

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    We have developed a spherically symmetric dynamical model of a dwarf spheroidal galaxy using the Schwarzschild method. This type of modelling yields constraints both on the total mass distribution (e.g. enclosed mass and scale radius) as well as on the orbital structure of the system modelled (e.g. velocity anisotropy). Therefore not only can we derive the dark matter content of these systems, but also explore possible formation scenarios. Here we present preliminary results for the Sculptor dSph. We find that the mass of Sculptor within 1kpc is 8.5\times10^(7\pm0.05) M\odot, its anisotropy profile is tangentially biased and slightly more isotropic near the center. For an NFW profile, the preferred concentration (~15) is compatible with cosmological models. Very cuspy density profiles (steeper than NFW) are strongly disfavoured for Sculptor.Comment: 2 pages, 4 figures, to appear in the proceedings of "Assembling the Puzzle of the Milky Way", Le Grand Bornand (Apr. 17-22, 2011

    The Dirichlet Obstruction in AdS/CFT

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    The obstruction for a perturbative reconstruction of the five-dimensional bulk metric starting from the four-dimensional metric at the boundary,that is, the Dirichlet problem, is computed in dimensions 6d106\leq d\leq 10 and some comments are made on its general structure and, in particular, on its relationship with the conformal anomaly, which we compute in dimension d=8d=8.Comment: 13 pages, references added (this paper supersedes hep-th/0206140, "A Note on the Bach Tensor in AdS/CFT", which has been withdrawn

    Asymptotically free scalar curvature-ghost coupling in Quantum Einstein Gravity

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    We consider the asymptotic-safety scenario for quantum gravity which constructs a non-perturbatively renormalisable quantum gravity theory with the help of the functional renormalisation group. We verify the existence of a non-Gaussian fixed point and include a running curvature-ghost coupling as a first step towards the flow of the ghost sector of the theory. We find that the scalar curvature-ghost coupling is asymptotically free and RG relevant in the ultraviolet. Most importantly, the property of asymptotic safety discovered so far within the Einstein-Hilbert truncation and beyond remains stable under the inclusion of the ghost flow.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, RevTe

    Slipping friction of an optically and magnetically manipulated microsphere rolling at a glass-water interface

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    The motion of submerged magnetic microspheres rolling at a glass-water interface has been studied using magnetic rotation and optical tweezers combined with bright-field microscopy particle tracking techniques. Individual microspheres of varying surface roughness were magnetically rotated both in and out of an optical trap to induce rolling, along either plain glass cover slides or glass cover slides functionalized with polyethylene glycol. It has been observed that the manipulated microspheres exhibited nonlinear dynamic rolling-while-slipping motion characterized by two motional regimes: At low rotational frequencies, the speed of microspheres free-rolling along the surface increased proportionately with magnetic rotation rate; however, a further increase in the rotation frequency beyond a certain threshold revealed a sharp transition to a motion in which the microspheres slipped with respect to the external magnetic field resulting in decreased rolling speeds. The effects of surface-microsphere interactions on the position of this threshold frequency are posed and investigated. Similar experiments with microspheres rolling while slipping in an optical trap showed congruent results.Comment: submitted to Journal of Applied Physics, 11 figure

    The Fornax Deep Survey with VST. VIII. Connecting the accretion history with the cluster density

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    This work is based on deep multi-band (g, r, i) data from the Fornax Deep Survey with VST. We analyse the surface brightness profiles of the 19 bright ETGs inside the virial radius of the Fornax cluster. The main aim of this work is to identify signatures of accretion onto galaxies by studying the presence of outer stellar halos, and understand their nature and occurrence. Our analysis also provides a new and accurate estimate of the intra-cluster light inside the virial radius of Fornax. We performed multi-component fits to the azimuthally averaged surface brightness profiles available for all sample galaxies. This allows to quantify the relative weight of all components in the galaxy structure that contribute to the total light. In addition, we derived the average g-i colours in each component identified by the fit, as well as the azimuthally averaged g-i colour profiles, to correlate them with the stellar mass of each galaxy and the location inside the cluster. We find that in the most massive and reddest ETGs the fraction of light in, probably accreted, halos is much larger than in the other galaxies. Less-massive galaxies have an accreted mass fraction lower than 30%, bluer colours and reside in the low-density regions of the cluster. Inside the virial radius of the cluster, the total luminosity of the intra-cluster light, compared with the total luminosity of all cluster members, is about 34%. Inside the Fornax cluster there is a clear correlation between the amount of accreted material in the stellar halos of galaxies and the density of the environment in which those galaxies reside. By comparing this quantity with theoretical predictions and previous observational estimates, there is a clear indication that the driving factor for the accretion process is the total stellar mass of the galaxy, in agreement with the hierarchical accretion scenario.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    Heat Kernel Asymptotics on Homogeneous Bundles

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    We consider Laplacians acting on sections of homogeneous vector bundles over symmetric spaces. By using an integral representation of the heat semi-group we find a formal solution for the heat kernel diagonal that gives a generating function for the whole sequence of heat invariants. We argue that the obtained formal solution correctly reproduces the exact heat kernel diagonal after a suitable regularization and analytical continuation.Comment: 29 pages, Proceedings of the 2007 Midwest Geometry Conference in Honor of Thomas P. Branso