127 research outputs found


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    viiiABSTRAKFIRA JUNIDA. A MEKANISME PEREKRUTAN CALON LEGISLATIF2016 PEREMPUAN OLEH PARTAI ACEH(Suatu Kajian di Kabupaten Aceh Barat Daya) Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Syiah Kuala (ix, 69), pp., bibl., app(Dr. Effendi Hasan, MA, Cut Maya Aprita Sari, S.Sos, M.Soc., Sc)Mekanisme perekrutan caleg perempuan partai Aceh dilakukan olehDewan Pimpinan SagoeKecamatan, Tuha Peut dan Tuha Lapan yang mempunyai hak penuh dalam perekrutan caleg perempuan. Namun, dalam perekrutan caleg perempuan tersebut tidak melihat pendidikan dan tingkat pengetahuan sehingga berdampak tidak ada caleg perempuan yang lolos.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan mekanisme perekrutan caleg perempuan yang dilakukan oleh Partai Aceh dan kendala Partai Aceh dalam melakukan perekrutan caleg perempuan di Kabupaten Aceh Barat Daya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Data diperoleh melalui sumber data primer dan sekunder, data primer melalui penelitian lapangan yaitu dengan wawancara informan.Sedangkan data sekunder melalui penelitian kepustakaan yaitu dengan dokumen -dokumen, buku-buku dan bacaan-bacaan terkait. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mekanisme perekrutan caleg perempuan partai Aceh dilakukan oleh Dewan Pimpinan SagoeKecamatan, Tuha Peut dan Tuha Lapan, merekamembentuk tim sembilan untuk merekrut kader partai dari daerah masing-masing per-dapil terdapat 3-4 Dewan Pimpinan Sagoe dan mereka mempunyai hak penuh dalam perekrutan caleg perempuan.Selanjutnya bakal caleg perempuan tersebut dibawa ke Dewan Pimpinan Wilayahpartai Aceh untuk ditentukan kembali. Adapun kendala partai Aceh dalam perekrutan caleg perempuan adalah dari tingkat pendidikan dan pemahaman politik. Dalam AD dan ART partai Aceh tentang persyaratan perekrutan caleg juga tidak dituliskan mengenai latar belakang pendidikanseorang caleg sehingga berdampak tidak ada caleg perempuan yang terpilih . Kepada partai Aceh diharapkan dapat mengubah mekanisme perekrutancaleg perempuan. Serta memberikan pelatihan-pelatihan politik bagi caleg perempuan untuk menambah wawasan caleg perempuan dibidang politik.Kata Kunci: Caleg Perempuan, Mekanisme Perekrutan Partai Aceh

    Numerical Study of Predator-Prey Model with Beddington-DeAngelis Functional Response and Prey Harvesting

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    A modified Leslie-Gower predator-prey model with Beddington-DeAngelis functional response and Michaelis-Menten type prey harvesting is studied. The equilibrium points of the system are investigated. To see the stability of each equilibrium point, we perform some numerical simulations. Our numerical simulations show that the extinction of prey or survival of both prey and predator are conditionally stable

    Income Over Feed Cost Pemeliharaan Ayam Broiler Betina Dengan Ransum Mengandung Tepung S. Molesta (Income Over Feed Cost of Female Broilers Rearing Fed with S. Molesta)

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of flour S. molesta in each treatment against income over feed cost (IOFC), body weight gain (UN), consumption, and feed convertion ratio (FCR). Meteri used are broiler chickens aged 2 weeks (DOC) female strain Lohmann much as 100 individuals. The method used in this study is completely randomized design (CRD). The experiments were performed using a mixture of flour S. molesta multilevel feed with different percentage is T0 = without giving Salvinia, Salvinia T1 = diet with 6%, T2 = 12% ration with Salvinia, and T3 = diet with 18% Salvinia. Each treatment was repeated five times so that there are 20 experimental units. Data obtained from this study were processed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 5 replications. If there is a difference between the effect of treatment then followed by Duncan's Multiple Range Test. The results of the study superscript (P <0.05) showed that administration of S. molesta significant effect on IOFC, the UN, the final weight and FCR, but not significant effect on the average consumer. IOFC sale of live and carcass highest of the administration of 0%, while the provision of 12% and 18% decrease, but not significantly different from 6% to 0% so that the S. molesta can be given to animals up to 6%

    Pengembangan Produk Kursi Sudut Pada UKM Pengrajin Bambu Dengan Metode Quality Function Deployment (Qfd) (Study Kasus :Ud.tiga Putri Di Gunung Sari, Nusa Tenggara Barat)

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    The more demands of the consumers for quality product have made the industry develop product which can satisfy the customers. This study aimed at finding out the design process and the product development which observed the customer's needs and wants, and developed the initial design to obtain the design which met customer's wants and needs.This study employed QFD method to identify the Voice of Customers (VoC). VoC was obtained through questionnaire, distibuted to 90 customers from 3 UKMs, i.e. UD Tiga Puteri, and two competitor UKMs, UKM Debu and UKM Mia Bamboo Collection. The questionnare distribution was undertaken to find the lavel of the customer's interest, so that the UKM needed to develop a new product which met the customers' satisfaction.From the three studied design, the old design (A) and the two new designs (B and C), the new desigm of chair (C) was the most appealing to the customers, with the average grade of 4.26, and the least appealing was the chair with the design (A) with the average score of 3.54. As for the bamboo chair product development according to the priority for improvement were, respectively, finishing process with priority contribution of 5.7, the strength value with the priority contribution of 2.5, durability with priority contribution of 1.9, and the aspect with the lowest priority value was colour with the score of 0.9

    Model Sistem Pengolahan Data Pengaduan Karyawan untuk Mengukur Kepuasan Pelayanan dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Perusahaan

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    Companies that are engaged in industry, currently continue to experience growth, along with increasing demand, this is certainly followed by an increase in the number of employees to reach tens of thousands, so that the company can reach the specified production targets every day. Management of a company with this number of employees is not easy, this can be seen from the high number of employee complaints that have an impact on company performance. To maintain employee performance, companies are demanded to be able to deal with every employee complaint quickly and accurately. The above problems certainly require a system that is able to measure the satisfaction of company services to employees, so that the company\u27s performance is maintained well, besides that the system that has been running in the form of complaints is considered ineffective and inefficient, because it results in high costs for paper form preparation, not to mention the difficulties in recapitulation of complaints, this is the cause of the slow realization of actions against employee complaints and frequent errors of action due to inaccurate reports. This problem can be overcome with a computerized system, so it is expected to be able to create a recapitulation quickly, so that actions can be taken appropriately. By using various data collection and analysis methods, the design method includes usecase, activity, sequences and class diagrams, to produce an integrated system so that it can measure employee satisfaction and improve company performance
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