142 research outputs found

    BAYT AL-HIKMAH: Institusi Awal Pengembangan Tradisi Ilmiah Islam

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    : Bayt al-Hikmah: A Pioneering Institution in the Development of Islamic Scientific Tradition. Historically, Bayt al-Hikmah is recorded as a pioneering institution in the development of Islamic scientific tradition. The role played by Bayt al-Hikmah had motivated the Muslim society to make a thorough study on various disciplines of science both from Islamic and the other origins that brought the Muslims to the fore against the backwardness of civilization of that time. This essay explores the reason of the founding of Bayt al-Hikmah, its profile, the scientist and learned persons engaged therein, as well as the influence in the development of Islamic education. The author concludes that the establishment of Bayt al-Hikmah is an effort by the Bani Abbasid rule to translate foreign works especially from the Greek. Such consciousness threw light in the emergence Muslim scientists of the Middle age which had a significant influence on the development of Western civilization

    Matrilineal Islam: State Islamic Law and everyday practices of marriage and divorce among people of Mukomuko-Bengkulu, Sumatra, Indonesia

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    This dissertation has approached marriage and divorce among Muslims in ‘peripheral’ areas in Indonesia from various angles, employing legal analysis as well as historical and ethnographic research. The study seeks to understand the intricate relationship between the interpretation of Muslim family law as promulgated by the state, and the different forms of empirical laws or norms operating within Indonesia’s multicultural Muslim society. Focussing on Mukomuko in Bengkulu province, on the west coast of Sumatra, this study discusses marriage and divorce practices in three different but connected sites or contexts: i.e. everyday practices at societal level; relevant cases available in the first instance Islamic courts; and landmark decisions and developments within the Islamic Chamber of the Indonesian Supreme Court, at the national level. Mukomuko is a case in point, in which the state’s patriarchally-inclined Islamic law conflicts with matrilineal Muslim community traditions. On the basis of ten months of fieldwork I conducted in this region and during several subsequent shorter visits from 2017 to 2019, this study reveals that even though marriage and divorce practices in Mukomuko are increasingly influenced by the state’s patriarchally inclined Islamic law, matrilineally-inclined Islamic law and its institutional actors have shown remarkable resilience.Asian Studie

    A comparative survey of abundance and biomass of Caspian Sea macrobenthos in coastal waters of Mazandaran Province

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    Caspian Sea macrobenthos was surveyed every two months from December 2007 to October 2008, in the west, east and central parts of Mazandaran province waters. Each area was sampled with 3 replicates at 2 depths of 5 and 10m by Van Veen grab. Five different classes were recognized, including Polychaeta (52.7%), Oligochaeta (27.8%), Bivalvia (12%), Cnistacea (7.5%) and Insects (0.07%). Total mean (LSD) abundance and biomass were 2727± 1303 individual/m2 and 88.9±22.93, respectively. The Polychaeta demonstrated the highest abundance and Bivalvia had the highest biomass. The highest abundance of macrobenthos was found in eastern and the highest biomass in western coasts of Mazandaran. In August 2008, macrobenthos abundance showed higher values. In October, remarkable difference was observed between the abundance of Polychaeta and other macrobenthos organisms. According to Kniskal-Wallis test, abundance and biomass of the entire macrobenthos classes except Insects, showed a significant difference between sampling months (P<0.05). Macrobenthos biomass had no significant difference among the three areas whereas abundance demonstrated a significant difference within these areas (P< 0.05)

    Analisa Anomali Bawah Permukaan Laut Menggunakan Data Side Scan Sonar, Sub Bottom Profiler dan 2D High Resolution Seismic

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    Penelitian identifikasi geohazard telah dilakukan berdasarkan data pengukuran Side Scan Sonar, Sub-bottom Profiler dan 2D High Resolution Seismic. Identifikasi geohazard bertujuan untuk mengetahui objek dasar laut dan distribusi anomali pada area survei untuk menghindari adanya kecelakan prospek minyak dan gas. Luas area survei 2 x 4 km2 berada pada perairan lepas pantai Pulau Madura dengan dua target prospek pembangunan rig minyak GTX-2 dan Alternative GTX-2. Pengambilan data semua metode dilakukan di 50 line membentuk crossline. Data dari Side scan sonar kemudian dianalisa sehingga menghasilkan peta Seabed feature, Data dari Sub-bottom profiler digunakan untuk analisa kontur kedalaman dan anomali dangkal dan data 2D High Resolution Seismic digunakan untuk menganalisa anomali menengah. Adapun hasil yang didapatkan bahwa objek dasar laut yang terdapat di daerah survei berupa pockmark, kabel, pipa dan Scars Trawl. Kontur kedalaman reflektor pertama mempunyai interval 6 – 11m dibawah permukaan laut. Letak dari anomali level 1 – 3 adalah pada kedalaman 15 – 19 mBSB, 130 – 133 mBSL dan 137 – 142 mBSL. Adapun jarak terdekat anomali terhadap target lokasi GTX-2 berturut-turut adalah 300, 200 dan 775 m dan terhadap alternative GTX-2 adalah 620, 860 dan pada lokasi dikedalaman 175ms TWT. Pada penelitian ini anomali yang terkandung sebagian besar adalah gas dengan adanya kemungkinan yang tinggi pada level 1. Menurut peta distribusi anomali lokasi GTX-2 dan alternative GTX-2 masih dalam kondisi aman untuk eksplorasi dan eksploitasi minyak dan gas. ======================================================================================================= Geohazard identification studies have been conducted based on measurements of Side Scan Sonar, Sub-bottom Profiler and 2D High Resolution Seismic. Geohazard identification aims to determine the seabed object and anomaly distribution in the survey area to avoid any accidents of oil and gas prospects. The 2 x 4 km2 survey area located in the off the coast of Madura Island with two prospects for development of GTX-2 and Alternative GTX-2 oil rigs. Data retrieval of all methods is done in 50 lines forming a crossline. The data from Side scan sonar is then analyzed to produce Seabed feature maps, Data from Sub-bottom profiler is used for depth contour analysis and shallow anomalies and 2D High Resolution Seismic data is used to analyze Intermediate anomaly. The results obtained that the seabed objects contained in the survey area in the form of pockmarks, cables, pipeline and Scars Trawl. The first reflektor depth contour has an interval 6 - 11m below sea level. The location of anomaly level 1 - 3 is at a depth of 15 - 19 mBSB, 130 - 133 mBSL and 137 - 142 mBSL. The closest anomaly distance to the GTX-2 location target is 300, 200 and 775 m respectively and the alternative GTX-2 is 620, 860 and at the depth of 175ms TWT. In this study, anomalies are mostly gas with a high probability at level 1. According to the anomaly distribution map the GTX-2 and Alternatives GTX-2 are still in safe condition for oil and gas exploration and exploitatio

    Implementation of Patient Safety Culture Survey in Jombang Islamic Hospital

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    Patient safety is the indicator of healthcare service quality. To improve patient-safety culture in hospital, conducting a survey is important to determine which dimension should be managed. Jombang Islamic Hospital (Rumah Sakit Islam Jombang) has an established Patient Safety Team since 2011, but the patient-safety culture is still low because only three incidents were reported in 2015. This study aims to measure patient-safety culture in hospital to identify the factors that need to be improved in hospital unit. This was a descriptive analytic study. Primary data were collected in 2016 using an Indonesian-translated version of Hospital Survey on Patient SafetyCulture (HSOPSC) questionnaire. The HSOPSC measures 12 patient safety dimensions. The respondents were 117 Jombang Islamic Hospital staff members who work in hospital unit that gives a direct medical service. Questionnaire's final response rate was 91%. The overall average positive response in Jombang Islamic Hospital was 68%, slightly higher than the average positive response for the AHRQ database report in 2016 (65%). Pharmacy had the lowest positive response (54%), while Obstetric and Operation Room had the highest positive response (83%). The dimension that received the highest percentage of positive response was ‘Teamwork within units’ that reached 94% and the lowest was ‘Staffing’ with only 34%. This study concludes that the staff members feel positive toward patient-safety culture. It is important to give an intervention to hospital unit and dimensions that received low percentage of positive response in order to achieve better healthcare service quality. Keywords: HSOPSC, hospital dimension, patient safety culture, surve

    Seasonal and regional distribution of phytoplankton in the southern Caspian Sea

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    Seasonal distribution of species composition, cell abundance and biomass of phytoplankton of the Caspian Sea were investigated in 2005. This survey were fulfilled in 6 transects and 26 stations A total of 260 samples were collected during winter to autumn in the southern part of Caspian Sea. Totally, 163 species of phytoplankton were identified (71 species Bacillariophyta, 31 species Chlorophyta, 27 species Cyanophyta, 21 species Pyrrophyta, and 13 species Euglenophyta). Cell abundance and biomass of Bacillariophyta were high in centre, while biomass and cell abundance of Pyrrophyta were dominant in the middle as well as parts of the Sea, respectively. The overall total average of cell abundance and biomass of phytoplankton were 56.30± 30.97 ×106cells/m3 and 221.70±75.87 mg/m3, respectively. Bacillariophyta accounted for 47% in cell abundance, and Pyrrophyta consisted of 53% of the phytoplankton biomass. Maximum phytoplankton population was recorded in winter due to Bacillariophyta and the maximum biomass in spring due to Pyrrophyta. The maximum density of Bacillariophyta was in winter and autumn while maximum biomass was observed in spring due to bigger size of Bacillariophyta such as Rhizosolenia calcar avis and Nitzschia sigmoidea followed by Pyrrophyta with high cell abundance throughout the year

    Follicular proliferation TIR3B. The role of total thyroidectomy vs lobectomy

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    Background: TIR3B thyroid nodules are considered to be at risk of malignancy (15-30%) but guidelines recommend conservative surgery with lobectomy with primary diagnostic porpoise. Risk stratification mainly based on ultrasound, elastography and genetic mutations usually may influences the surgical approach. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed 52 cases of TIR3B underwent between 2015 and 2017 total thyroidectomy (TT) and lobectomy (L), focusing mainly on the observed rate of malignancy. Chi-squared test and Fisher's exact probability test were used for analysis, considering a P values less than 0.05 as significant. Results: Out of 52 patients 49 underwent TT and 3 L. In TT group a multinodular goiter was associated in 67.3% of patients. Malignancy rate was 81.6 and 33.3% respectively after TT and L (P 0.003). Multicentric and contralateral tumors were detected respectively in 36.7% and in 32.6% of patients underwent TT. No main post-operative complications were registered. Conclusions: Ultrasound and elastography are useful to define within the TIR3B group those lesions at higher risk and therefore requiring a more radical approach. TT seems an appropriate approach to TIR3B lesions, especially in multinodular goiter, considering the incidence of malignancy with probably higher rate than previously reported

    Internalisasi Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan Islam Melalui Program Shubuh Berjamaah

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat apa saja program Subuh berjemaah dan bagaimana strategi penerapan program Subuh berjemaah Dewan Pengurus BKPRMI Kecamatan Babalan yang berkaitan dengan penanaman nilai-nilai pendidikan Islam pada remaja. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah metode empiris, dengan jenis penelitian kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data terdiri dari observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumen. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa program Subuh berjemaah Dewan Pengurus BKPRMI Kecamatan Babalan yang berkaitan dengan penanaman nilai-nilai pendidikan Islam pada remaja se-Kecamatan Babalan dilakukan dengm pembacaan Al-Qur’an, tausiah, tanya jawab, tahsin, sarapan, ishlah, dan gotong royong. Strategi penerapan program Subuh berjemaah Dewan Pengurus BKPRMI Kecamatan Babalan dalam menanamkan nilai-nilai pendidikan Islam pada remaja se-Kecamatan Babalan, komunikasi dengan baik, ustaz dan qari terbaik, mengikutsertakan remaja. Dapat dilihat dari hasil yang dicapai pada program tersebut bahwa remaja semakin aktif ke masjid, disiplin, sopan ucap dan sikap. Faktor-faktor pendukung dan penghambat dalam penerapan program ini ialah, adanya dukungan masyarakat, sarana layak, donatur. Sementara itu, penghambatnya ialah tidak hadirnya Ustaz secara mendadak, masalah teknis seperti mati lampu, hingga adanya libur panjang nasiona
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